Please see the “TBB Miles and Points update, Hong Kong hotels question and other minor stuff like that” blog post I did on Sunday! All miles/points stuff! And then come back here to go on a wild ride reading about well hung travelers, the threesome getting really hot in Seattle, watch some of the best HD action clips ever assembled, get an inside look at a ghost city in China, look at some awesome photos from Ukraine, Mexico, China, New York City and please contribute to the mayhem entertainment in the comments! Thank you for reading TBB!
You can support TBB by clicking/forwarding any of our Referral Links and starting your online shopping at our Amazon affiliate link . Or click on the Amazon Banner on the right, thank you!
The Kama Sutra of Sleeping in Coach. By Online Travel Review. Funny stuff (not as strong as some previous material). Refreshing break from the daily onslaught of credit card links… Ok, here is the description ofΒ Position 3: The Well-Hung Traveler
This will work in a 2- or 3-seat configuration, but the 2 seater will work better. Lie down with your head toward the window and extend your legs over 2nd seat so that they are hung in the aisle. Feel the sensation of lying down in a cozy bed. Then enjoy having no sensation at all when your leg falls asleep. Alternatively, feel the sensation of a catering cart nearly cutting your legs off at the knees.
Delta, Korean and Alaska are a 3-way love triangle, and Seattle wins all. By Rohan on aero’space at Upgrd. What is unfolding is quite fascinating and bizarre all wrapped up in one. I would love to be sitting in executive meetings discussing their strategy. It’s like watching airline porn! Lucky Seattle residents.
240 of the sickest HD video clips to get you through work today. Found at Matador Network. This is DA Bomb. All condensed here in ten minutes of pure bliss!
Welcome to Ordos, China’s Largest “Ghost City”. By The Bohemian Blog. This is spooky in a Chinese kind of way…

Apparently, there is another Frequent Traveler University event being planned. Smaller and more intimate. Intimate, really? As the bloggers will be individually consulting with newbies and signing them up on the spot for credit cards? Now that will be very intimate indeed. One thing I am going to venture to guess is that the intimacy will cost more right? I am holding my comments until the intimate details are revealed!
Don’t try to time the market. Great personal finance article by Chuck Jaffe over at Marketwatch.
That Ukranian President used to live large. He even had a boat and, get this, peacocks in his private zoo. Peacocks WTF!!!!

18 Amazing Images That Won The World Press Photo Awards Of 2014. By Bored Daddy. Ok, this is a disturbing one. First time I saw it I thought it was a set for a movie. If the profit motive was taken out of drugs maybe the world would not be so violent? You are shocked? Good! Can we admit the war on drugs has been a colossal failure then and perhaps start doing things differently?

Breathtaking photography of Asia by Weerapong Chaipuck. At Bored Daddy.

I love this picture! Found at Twisted Sifter. “Soaring With Eagles”

An overanxious travel blogger testing the shower facilities in a lounge somewhere…

I leave you with this…

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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Is that a first?
Indeed, a first first
A late second…
16 minutes late? Just goes to show you not much happening on Sundays. Only a click whore like me will do TWO blog posts on a Sunday lol.
I agree that the War on Drugs, as it has been waged, has been a colossal waste of resources and effort and a failure. However, it’s unclear that drug legalization is a panacea for reducing crime and homicides in Mexico. It’s a longer discussion for another time. As a side note, the story that the Caballeros Templarios are now running extortion rackets in the avocado groves of Michoacan is very distressing. I am in favor of marijuana legalization, but I’m convinced more steps are needed.
Also, events are not good in Venezuela but are not receiving the same amount of attention as are the not-good events in Ukraine. More here.
Have a blessed night!
I am not sure what the right answer is but throwing all the money after it sure has not worked! The Mexicans need to get a handle on the situation. Very tough problem to solve indeed. I am not that smart to know the answer. I also support the move to legalized marijuana, let’s see what happens. I always thought that Maduro dude will make Chavez look normal, he won’t go quietly. So rich country, so miserably well run, it’s just a shame!
I don’t know what the right answer is for the drug war, but I am of the opinion that you shouldn’t do the same thing over and over and expect different results. That said, I imagine that as other states see the increased tax revenue flowing into CO’s coffers, they may warm up to the idea of legalization.
Well our purple Governor just cautioned all other states, at the Gov Meetup, to wait n see.
So wait n see.
Isn’t it sad that any US solution to anything, as long as it requires guns n stuff, is immediately granted most if not all of the taxes it requires?
Not sure what the “purple Governor” said. I am hopeful with the new proposals to cut Dept of Defense to a very large part of the budget instead of the ridiculously humongous part it had for decades. I am okay shifting in to education or fixing the darn potholes in the Michigan roads π
Always π
Buzz, I am slow, Please help……I t took me a while to realize that HT means HAT TIP or I am posting someone else”s hard work>>>> WHAT DOES PINGBACK MEAN?
Pingback is because of an internal link embedded in a post it shows up in a blog. For example, you will see many pingbacks shown in the comments in MMS blog posts because he just links the crap of his own posts (great for SEO purposes!). I just don’;t have the time to link my own posts to death. I do sometimes of course link to my Blog Review lists and a few other posts…and then they may show up in the comments as “pingback” or not…I think this has to do with the settings which i never figured out where it is to set it to stop publishing these annoying pingbacks.
Hope it makes sense. Obviously I am not the proper person to explain these techie things!
7 tries for World cup tickets—and went 0 for 7 today. Very disappointed. Anyone else with reports?
i have given up as my brother is not willing to lift his finger to find tickets. I am not going to waste my time from here to get tickets and then run into trouble to not find airfare tickets. All Greece games are so far from Sao Paolo where he lives. So, I am not planning to go it looks like unless a big surprise comes, as in finding tickets and airfare in short notice (hahaha). I like to watch the games from my big screen TV in my house, much more straightforward π
Okay, too bad about that.
I now need to find a good substitute trip for my teenage son and me. Open to ideas…
Let him decide
Awesome pictures! That was not fair. I tried many times on last Friday, and Saturday nights to be the “first,” but figured that George did not feel too well to post π Thanks.
I ‘ve been known to mix things up π
Lucky gave a rundown of the Hyatt Diamond Challenge
He even gave a rundown of some of the cards that you can accumulate Hyatt points with
He seemed to have forgotten one card….
Hey Steve, if you sign up for Big Crumbs and then spam all your family and friends you can make a lot of money if you make them sign up too! Hurry π
Thanks for reading my old blog. I see things haven’t changed much around here. Still whining about commercial blogs and financial success. Do you guys whine about tv commercials, and all other forms of advertising OR is it just blogs where you missed or were too lazy to catch the wave yourselves?
George, I thought FTG was a blog you ignore? Avoid? Hate? Glad you are still reading and btw don’t forget to keep pimping your links and shopping portal referrals π you are one of us now buddy
“I see things havenβt changed much around here”
Why mess with an already solid product?
In the case of a few years ago, the answer is apparently because Chase said so
What I find absolutely hilarious I am now being compared to one of them. If it is one of the Blog in my Love and Like list I would be honored. If it was one of the blogs in my Ignore list I would be so ashamed π I guess it is a substantial step up from being called a “gutless coward” for letting some John say something bad on the internet. smh
You have not stepped up George and my characterization still stands. When you allow commenters to question sexual orientation, accuse others of drug use and call them MILF’s, your blog fell to the level I named it over a year ago: You are now truly the Tabloid Blogger Buzz, and THAT is something to be ashamed of.
And for sure keep trying to sell the world on your number of comments as a gauge of your success and popularity. And keep up the chatter about the day you get affiliate links. You’ve been runnin’ that story for over a year now and still no time for it? I’m guessing you’ve tried and been denied based on content and readership or haven’t had the cajones to try for the links at all. Your scamnin’ is classic.
And Steve, thank you again for the comments on the FTG of old. I gotta tell you, I am again so glad I sold when I did for many many reasons if you get my drift. The marketplace is nothing like when I was active.
I’ll check back in a while and see if you are all still whining and crying and George is still proud of his list it took only minutes to write but took 18 months to publish and his pride in the comments.
“Comments. Comments. Get Your Comments Here” π
don’t you have a charity blog to maintain?
oh, wait… that didn’t make you any money, so you gave it up after about a week. good effort though…
SeΓ±or Ricardo,
Is it ok to criticize an infomercial if they are selling crap products? If the products they are selling not worth the money because they are overpriced for what they deliver? If there is better alternative that does the same thing but is cheaper or more durable?
I read all blogs (most in Feedly) and I absolutely do my best to ignore/avoid/hate commercials!
For the record.
Soccer time, last game of the season!
When I saw Rick was back posting and signing his name, I thought he was going to fill us in on that AA award booking he wrote about a week or so ago. That was the one where he said he was going to go back and add the first flight later (maybe he’s an elite, otherwise he’ll pay a fee. Either way, no mention for his newbie readers). He also bought a ticket on LOT for a few hundred bucks to get from MAD to Paris, when he could have just added an IB flight on his TATL award for hardly any extra cost-in C. Even if that last flight was unavailable, he could have dummy booked another flight and changed later for free. Would have also been good tips for newbies. Instead he comes over here and offers more of his caustic criticism. Watch out George, if that criticism ever changes tone, you’ll know you’re losing your touch.
Meanwhile, I am surprised there’s been no mention of the guy banned from a Hilton for life for indicating on his online reservation form that he was bringing with him a “big snake in my trousers”. And no, Steve, he was not referring to any other bloggers. FT, of course, shut down the thread, even though it was a civilized discussion of interesting social considerations. Ever notice how the average post count of FT threads has fallen through the floor? Used to be many contributors had several thousand posts, not many are a few hundred, if that. As Don and Phil said, so sad to watch good love go bad.
“If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything”
What I find hilarious is my little blog with no staff creams the big corporate blog in the number of comments. And that to me is priceless! I could care less about the money at this stage, the entertainment factor my blog provides me and my readers is immense! We ‘ll see what happens down the road…As long as we are all having fun around here π
My soccer team kicked some butt tonight, 4-1 win!
Editors Note: I do have a Big Crumbs link in the “Support TBB” page. Click it and then spam everyone you know to sign up so i can get credit for them too. I am so so pimpy tonight lol.
Trolling, trolling, trolling
For the record, I have not applied for affiliate links. I guess it is hard for some people who think of themselves first to understand that.
Hilarious to be accused of scamming when a guy who blogs just once a week finds absolutely nothing else to blog about but push own Big Crumbs referral link, flash how much money he has made and then encourage everyone to spam everyone they know so they can make money too. Priorities, priorities.
Some people define success differently. TBB has been a spectacular failure judged by financial metrics. On the contrary, it has been a spectacular success in providing entertainment (mostly my own lol) and comments. And I am totally cool with that in the present time. It is a journey. As long as we all have fun riding.
Thank you all for taking the time out of your lives to read my blog and especially taking the time to comment. I enjoy the feedback, ALL feedback.
Editors Note: Breaking News! A comment was spotted in the FTG site today February 25 lol.
But you have an Amazon link, which makes you a sellout since Chase is pretty much calling the shots on your blog now. Or, like, whatever.
Keep trashing others George. You are really good at it. It has become your signature. But honestly, it is getting really really old.
Please George don’t think of your blog as a failure. It has certainly accomplished a very valuable service to our hobby. This site has become the outlet for the “angries”. It keeps them out of the regular threads on FT and out of the successful blogs that actually disperse useful tips and information.
All we have to do is pop in every so often to see the SOS of degrading other people and taking shots at others to realize what a valuable service you are providing. That’s what 99.9% of the hobbyist do. Avoid you like the plaque.
Stay here George, whining and crying about others. and let your commenters whine away with you. Its easier to keep track of you if you are all in one little cage π
“Its easier to keep track of you”
Said, no non-creepy guy, ever
Breaking News: THREE comments today at FTG. One totally ignored, the other one answered by Howie with a link to another FTG post.
We here speak about our feelings openly, some people just keep whining and keep pumping…weeeeeeeee
What’s a UM-grad, former-Ann Arbor resident with a blog that makes you laugh (once every 6 weeks) gotta do to get on your Blogs I Like list? Or is there a Blogs I Actively Don’t Despise More Than 80% Of The Time List that I can start on?
Next time I’m back in A2, we’re going to Pizza Bob’s for a banana shake and a Sister Hazel…
Hehe, good one. If you buy a banner ad I will move you to the top of the line.
Ok for Pizza Bob’s π
This write up on Ordos is unbelievable! That’s what travel writing should be.
Check out the one on Kangashi, coming up shortly. That dude has worked into a really good niche in travel blogging!
MileValue’s strategy today on how to avoid paying the exhorbitant rates for partner FC with United miles….
Don’t fly partner FC
Brilliant analysis!