Lets take a trip to visit all the Marriott Hotels, check out this new Target REDcard, watch in horror how Delta Skymiles stabs its Skymiles members in the back again and Delta fan boys inexplicably continue to find ever decreasing reasons to keep flying the airline, watch a super amazingly cool video about the Dubai airport, be in awe again of watching Alex Honnold climb Yosemite, look at some absolutely beautiful mystical bridges, pumping you up to use my Amazon link to make ridiculous Amazon purchases, we look at some GDP and stuff like that, and I come out showing you how much my blog has brought in to date in…Zimbabwean Dollars! #pleasebekind
BB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
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Complete Map of Marriott Hotels – Travel is Free Never liked Marriott hotels, for the record. With so many other hotels around I don’t bother. Last time I stayed in one was years ago and it was a Priceline stay. I never understood how they win all these awards! Happy that it works for you! This is like the equivalent of Delta in hotels lol!
REDcard changes everything – Frequent Miler Well, definitely a click bait type headline. FM has been on a long search to repeat his 5x former glory post. Here is my take. I am older now, I value simplicity in my life a lot more (especially after starting this blog!). I see nightmare stories about switching from Bluebird to Serve. I see more reports of Serve beginning to treat transactions as cash advances. Bluebird cards still work like clockwork so I let you all be adventurous switching! And with blog posts like that do you think they will still allow loading with credit cards too much longer? If we could get an additional card well things change. And I am not comfortable enough with myself buying a temporary card then “switching”. I wish many do it so the lines at Wal Mart get better lol. Simplicity in life is way under rated!
Delta Air Lines SkyMiles Changes Coming In 2015: MQD Requirement Up, E-fare Changes & RTW Awards Gone – Loyalty Lobby [A good summary of the latest “enhancements” of the major US airlines’ (whoever is left) worst loyalty program!
A local bank sent me a letter with a promo code telling me to open a business checking account and they will give me $750 for doing so. So…I did! A week later they deposited $750 in my account, fastest $750 I ever made. If I had credit card affiliate links I would probably make more and not be able to tell ya all about it 🙂
A 360-Degree Panoramic Time-Lapse of the Dubai International Airport – Dashburst You probably have never seen anything like this. Especially for all you airplane/airport geeks. I fully expect this to find its way to a Boarding Area blog and then more BA blogs will HT that BA blog 🙂
Video: Alex Honnold Solos Heaven in Yosemite – The Adventure Blog There is not enough to say about this kid. He is back in Yosemite. Breath taking skills, wow!
20+ Mystical Bridges That Will Take You to Another World – Bored Panda [Looking at these totally awesome pictures (after being mesmerized by the Dubai airport and Alex Honnold videos above) will bring you a sense of serenity and such great appreciation for what TBB does that you will immediately drop everything, get out your credit card (reminder: Chase Freedom earns 5% in Amazon this quarter, don’t forget to register for the 4th Quarter promo!) and use the TBB Amazon link to do all your Christmas shopping! #YOUrock!

12 Ridiculously Expensive Things You Can Buy on Amazon Yes You Can! Kidding, please don’t over spend. Don’t even forward this to your mother in law because you don’t want to take care of her when she is old and frail, do you? If a blogger buys any of these with our Amazon link please provide proof and we will link to your site for a whole year, guaranteed! Hey, bringing in 63 cents all day on Saturday sure does not pay the bills around here, thank you! $368 for a single macaroni & cheese box makes you go…WTF!
23 Charts That Show Why This Is The Best Moment In History To Be Born Just shut up complaining about how late the pre departure drink is, how the hotel shuttle is late or how your upgrade did not clear. Be grateful, don’t be a jackasss!

The 7 Highest Debt-To-GDP Ratios:

Okay, you love this stuff so here is one more. Love this chart!

And I leave you with these…

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Why are people always fighting to be first?
Would you rather be last?
First, it is about being Gold (as in Medalist, you know, like the Olympics!)
Second, and this is the real NonMiilionth secret folks, we like to spread our wealth around here. So, I will reveal the secret formula of how TBB will share its IPO riches. Depending on how many millions we get after selling our own shares, we will gift away 50% of the proceeds to our readers who made it happen for us! How? A (secret) percentage has already been allocated to Firsts AND how many times a comments has made it to Gems (yeah basically harvson3 and Steve can retire after the IPO!.
So…click away…you can be RICH. It is for FREE anyways. FREE RICH? Lol…Ok it is past my bedtime now, good night!
It’s more of a race than a fight.
TBB funding my retirement plan, I like that!
A lower rate of course applies to how many Seconds and Thirds have been placed already. Since you are Spencer FAvis with so many 2nds….you are all set for sure!
I need help for the roadshow…let’s start in Chicago and sell “Don’t Be A Tool” Tshirts and wave them in front of the major pumpers on stage….woohoo!
Seriously…I am leaving…now…darn 4 pm coffee…knew I would regret it!
George, can you send me the targeted thing you got for the huntington bank promo? Thanks!
Email me first 🙂 Has my info on it w/ promo code so…not sure how good this is for everyone!
What promo did you get?
Local Huntington Bank promo to open business checking account. Unique promo code for me in targeted letter by snail mail. Open it with $2k for $750 bonus. $5k avoids all fees. Shocked they gave it to me so quick. Charter One bank promos for $500 opened two months ago…still waiting. Both appear to be requiring at least 6 month wait (before closing accounts).
In the time you wrote about how difficult it is to transition to Serve, you could have to transitioned to Serve. Cancel your Bluebird card online, then sign up for Serve. FT Wiki has the details, or do you need a Certified Bow-Tie Tutorial® featuring Red Circles and Arrows™?
Even if Serve online loads go 100% Cash-Advance, then you’re left with a card that does everything Bluebird does (except PITA hand-written checks).
And no way the Target credit loads last long enough to warrant switching….Last time CVS tried that it lasted about a month…..You know MMS and TPG staff have posts ready to go for Monday morning (blogging’s prime-time).
Yes in theory everything works great. Got my routine down, cashiers know how Bluebird works now…why change? Will let dust settle, maybe early 2015 will take another look 🙂
I am sure the REDcard will be written, err copied, soon at those two sites!
Allowing CC loads could be a glitch but it also may not be. I think prepaids and payment systems like Apple Pay, plus PayPal spinning off means this is an area with a lot of competition. I think it’s only am atter of time where there is a product that will let you load/link a CC without hinderence.
Yeah, so many developments in this area…it’s mind bending! I always give these things time before the dust clears!
Interesting Delta Points comment this week about 50 per cent of his traffic being mobile (mine is 25 per cent, US figures for this are always higher for some reason).
This is a real killer for the credit card links. Have you ever applied for a credit card on your mobile phone? Probably not. If you read a blog on your mobile and make a mental note to apply for a card when behind your desk, you need to hope that the person does not type Chase Bold into Google but instead goes back to the blog and clicks the link.
Ad dollars are also very poor for mobile – only a fraction of the boxes and they only pay a fraction of a desktop box. The one mobile box on HFP generates half the revenue per 1000 views of a desktop ad, and I only have one mobile box versus four desktop ones.
Interesting info, thanks Raffles. Travel Update left Boarding Area by the way today. Joining corporate job with American Airlines. Interesting.
From the WSJ:
“At J.P. Morgan, credit-card customers spent $118 billion on their cards in the second quarter, up 13% from a year earlier, according to the bank.” …..”issuers loosen underwriting standards and are again starting to offer credit cards to riskier borrowers.”
We’ve seen this story a time or two. Because the only way to feel richer when wage growth is falling, is to continue to spend like a drunken sailor and …. charge it!
Read more here: http://online.wsj.com/articles/credit-card-issuers-are-charging-higher-1413156229
Yep. Everyone is pushing them, even that Mr. Money Moustache dude who has been advocating the minimalist lifestyle LOL
Gotta get my act together, time to get over that mental barrier, calling Susy Q again!
Kumar…..Is Kim Jong-um with you on your trip? We haven’t seen him for awhile too.
Lol, love the Onion!
Ha! I love The Onion! Seriously, folks, I’m fine. The media always blows things out of proportion, which is why I maintain firm control over it in my country.
I ordered a plane full of Doritos with the TBB Amazon link for you Dear Son of the Great Leader!
Ooh, Alex Honnold has a website now, and a Twitter account.
TBB is nothing but the truth…
snark 🙂
You pick on Marriott and you got a Spirit card?!?!?!?!?!
To infinity!
I knew this may do damage to my reputation lol