Thank you to the one reader who opened a Capital One Bank online savings account in yesterday’s blog post. Enjoy your free $25 and thanks for clicking on my link ($$$$$), I sure appreciate it! Full disclosure: I earned $20. So, in five months this blog has earned a grand total of $25! Which investment bank should I pick to help with the IPO guys? LOL
Actually, it appears Bank Direct is cutting down on AA miles for checking accounts with more than $50,000 balance. Is this bank having too much money or what? Is it really getting that more expensive buying the AA miles? I see absolutely no reason keeping more than $50k in a BD account any more, boo! View from the Wing has the details here. I referred a colleague a long time ago and in order for BD to give me the 1k AA miles I had to spend a ridiculous amount of time back and forth with them, just fyi.
Next I will try to answer every comment in my blog, thanks for taking the time to comment!
And we move on…
I usually like to update the blog before I get to sleep every night. But around 2 am last night I just could not keep my eyes open…so here it comes to you in the morning! I am now caught up with blogs as of 7.38 am Wednesday!
Question: I will be in Las Vegas most of last week for a conference. Mrs. TBB is joining me for the weekend to celebrate 20th wedding anniversary. There are so many shows. We have seen one Cirque de Soleil show and it was fantastic! I see there are several of them going on in Vegas. Which one is recommended? How can I get deals on tickets? Can I purchase online? Any Vegas specialists here?
Sign up for the latest Marriott Rewards promotion: “Unexpected Bonus“.
Delta joined the others and raised the change fee to $200. Was there any doubt? Come on!
Saverocity has an interesting article. “Travel Hacking Reality Check – Are you wealthy enough to be Traveling for Free, or do you just feel entitled to do so?”
50 Stunning Ice Formations Around the World. From Matador Network. Stunning is an understatement! MUST click imho!
Mustang, the “Lost Kingdom of Tibet”. From the Talking Sloth Asia. Some incredible pictures here. One day I would love to go to Tibet!
Everything you wanted to know about which European trains need reservations. From Price of Travel. Great resource. Saved to my Evernote.
Why I Traveled To Yemen For My Vacation. From Wandering Earl. Brave Earl. I like exotic but this is definitely not my definition of exotic. Them drones flying way up in the Yemen sky can make deadly mistakes you know:-)
The Painted Landscapes of China Danxia. From Twisted Sifter. WOW!
Hotel Chatter has this fantastic infographic about the status of hotel wifi!
This is the highly disturbing video of the Boeing 747-400 crash in Bagram. Six of the dead were from Michigan:-( You have been warned.
See Love, without doubt the best Cirque show we have ever experienced. Your best bet for tickets is to stop off on the Strip at the discount tickets booths and you will get a bargain, we got 50% off.
The show was out of this world. Same trip we also had front row seats to O; which was great too, but Love knocked it out of the park.
Thanks for the shout out again!
Thanks for the suggestion! I am not seeing “See Love”. Does it go by a different name? Or is its run over?
I am looking at shop.lasvegas.com
I really didn’t expect it to be so spectacular, I am not a huge fan of the beetles, but this show was way better than O for us.
here is my wifes take on Vegas and the show http://saverocity.com/travel/vegas/
Oh, it is the Beatles show. I am definitely NOT a Beatles fan. After overloading on British stuff in the Olympic ceremonies I am not so sure I am ready for more of them:-)
Deltapoints has made a lot of ridiculous pushing posts in the past but yesterday had to be the worst – “I am with a number of companies that provide bloggers with card links. One of them abruptly sent me and email stating that the Barclaycard Reward MasterCard is no longer available effective immediately! What may be next is the Barclaycard Arrival™ World MasterCard® as once one card goes most of the time the others follow suit” Seriously?! First, they just re-released the Arrival card and second, I have never known any bank to start pulling cards all at the same time.
That was my thought exactly when I first saw it. I thought about ripping it here but then I decided I may establish a precedent and will have to do the same for similar posts and…I ain’t got time for dat:-)
See Zumanity…cause it’s got boobies.
Are they good ones? lol. Seriously, thanks for the suggestion but that wont’ do it!
For Cirque in Vegas, I won’t see Love because I loathe and despise the Beatles and their music, but O is fantastic…just buy your tickets through the casino (Bellagio for O) where there they are playing. I went to Tibet for 2 weeks back in 2008 and it was unreal…a week in Lhasa, Everest Base Camp and then overland back to Kathmandu…stunningly beautiful.
I am no Beatles fan either…I preferred the Stones “I can’t get no satisfaction” instead lol.
A blogger post about getting to Thibet on miles/points would be helpful. Anyone?
Chinese are changing the place so fast there…
On the latest trip-report-without-end, MMS had the following line:
“I appreciated that the Hawaiian decor emphasized the fact that we were in Hawaii.”
I was floored. I can’t tell whether he’s being ironic or not. That’s a celebration of the banal that not even Samuel Beckett could top. Either Daraius is the ultimate naif or he’s the ultimate ironist, and I can’t figure out which it is. I’ll never read “…so I was looking forward to our Friday chat!” the same way again.
Woah. Heavy. I’m going to go take a walk to calm myself down.
And on previous poster’s comment Zumanity, see this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1688906/
Why, yes, I do have the mind of a twelve-year-old boy.
You crack me up!
I have a trip planned for Vegas this month and I’m going to take my Broad to see Andrew Dice Clay! Because I’m a classy guy like that, and I’ll even throw some food down her throat at the buffet.
You should take her to Amsterdam then. Scratch the food though, them Dutch are all so skinny!
Can you gentlemen please remember that this is not a men’s club and that not everyone reading these comments is a twelve year old boy? Thanks.
PS – Loved the painted landscapes.
Sorry MOM
He started it:-)
Ok, point understood.
Click the link click the link!!!!!! $$$$$ HAHAHA
Just Do It!
George, lots of options for Cirque shows (and everything else you might want in Vegas).
I still think Ka is my favorite show. Its an epic show, and the stage moves in all directions. Hard to explain, but it was very impressive. I think Love was best music since it was recognizable, but in terms of acrobatic, etc it was the least impressive. Zumanity is the sex (rated R, not X, of course) show, and very funny. Others are a combination of funny and acrobatic. Most all of a kind of weak story, with new-agey music, but just overwhelm with acrobatics.
Definitely try the “Tix4Tonight” booths on the strip for discounts on show tickets. Watch out for the hard upsell on dinner plans.
Have fun
Great, thanks for the feedback. When is best time to buy tickets? I am afraid if I wait until the morning of the show to buy from the “Tix4Tonight” booth my preferred show will be either sold out or has only crappy seats left.
I’m not sure how to track availability, but in my small sample size, there seemed to be seats for most Cirque shows most days. Earlier is probably the best chance for tickets. I also advice not going to a late show on your first night there, especially coming from eastern time. You don’t sleep much, so probably not an issue for you. 😉
Great info, thanks a lot!
Since I am the one that opened a 360 account, I challenge others who are regular readers of this blog to do the same. It requires an insignificant initial transfer, has no maintenance fees, can be closed or ‘zeroed’ out after 60 days and helps George, if just a little.
My 2c worth
I think I should make your post the “MVP Post of the Day”.
There are so many blog posts how to save $5 or $10 here and there and here it is a great offer to make $25 for 60 days and so many are giving me crap about it.
I started marking all the blog posts today that had affiliate credit card links and was going to reproduce it tonight but I just got tired…my fingers got cramps…Sooo many, I had to stop:-)
Sorry MOM
It’s okay, we still love you.