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A sea of people. Found here |
Everything. I need to find time to put the finishing touches on the Paris trip. And the British Columbia trip. I should look into another trip next Winter break to…how about Maui?
And the move to WordPress may happen this weekend. And a client got fired yesterday and I need to step it up. And I can’t feel my legs after yet another glorious indoor soccer game last night. I have another set of questions to work on in my other blog, the serious one. I need to call the guy who comes and gets the sprinkler going again after the long winter. I love cherries. I am going to buy a watermelon soon. Eyebrow hair loss has stopped…see some growth coming back. Thank you for all your prayers, I love you all. Even the haters!
I go through so many blog posts and sometimes I look what makes it here and shake my head…Come on bloggers, you can do better!
Well, learn something new every day, I love it. I had never heard of “hashers”. When I read the term, I immediately thought of Ann Arbor’s Hash Bash where on the first Saturday of each April we get loads of characters smoking it up:-) Actually, this has absolutely nothing to do with drugs. Fly Gracefully wrote “How I spend my weekends and personal travel“. And here it’s the Wikipedia entry on hashing.
The Most Spectacular Museums In The World.
Base Jumping off Mount Everest. Craaazy!!
Mommy Points wrote “Helpful Tip When Using British Airways Avios for Flights“. Bottom line: It makes sense to book two one-ways instead of a round trip. Something so simple…can be so helpful actually. No reason for me to keep booking BA round-trips!
I liked the thought process in this post by The Wandering Aramean in “Where to credit a one-off oneworld flight??”. The answer, surprisingly, is to British Airways! I just have a feeling the 4,500 points one way awards won’t last too long…Hope I am wrong:-)
A bunch of still working Priority Club promo codes at The Points Traveler.
As of 8.30 pm, only six comments in the latest Million Mile Secrets post about the Lufthansa Awards. It looks like active censoring going on or did people just leave? Or not that much interest to get in so deep into Lufthansa awards? Sad to see this development. I enjoyed and learned from the lively comments. Now they resemble the comments at Delta Points….so sanitized! Zzzzzzzz
WorldWanderlusting should probably be renamed AllBarclaysBankcardslusting as almost every other post is about them!
Unbelievable post by Points, Miles & Martinis! Title: “100,000 Business Platinum AMEX (Targeted) Offer – Another One”. So I am ready to read about yet another targeted offer…but noooooo. Midway to it, here we go! Can you guess how many Chase Ink Bold and Ink Plus Card affiliate links we have the privilege of being assaulted with? Remember the title! So we get 12 TWELVE Chase Ink/Bold affiliate links (SIX of each). ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? This is what drive TBB’s therapist bills up damnit!!!!!! And I used to link to this crap! I am still shaking my head….I need to find my medicine right now, excuse me. In my humble opinion (always) this is sooooo misleading!
Urban ruins: 35 hauntingly beautiful photos of abandoned and forgotten hotels. From Francesco Mugnai.
Stunning Self-Portraits by a 14-year-old Photographer. From Bored Panda. This kid will become a legend! WOW!!!!
North Korean pop girl band singing “Let’s Study“. Other hits include: “Do prosper, the age of the workers party” and “If the mother party wishes”. Actually, the second verse of this song translates to: “The US Mainland is similar to a boiled pumpkin”. A youtube commenter said “I would like to liberate the hell out of these women”. Me too:-)
hashers #wordoftheday
When we left A2 to move to Princeton, we were introduced to hashing by another prof in my husband’s department. He learned it in Indonesia. But what did not come across in the Fly Gracefully post was this: someone sets a trail and hides beer at the end. They also set out fake trails that branch off the real trail. The faster runners will run down the fake trails, which dead end (no beer) so they retrace their steps back to the main trail. They tell the slower runners/runners who want to cover fewer miles not to bother going down the fake trails. That way, faster runners who want more exercise get it, and other folks can run less or run more slowly. Everyone makes it to the end, some having gotten more exercise than others. It was great! But no one did it in a dress, because we ran through forests and mud and whatever was there. Now this was how they did it at Princeton in 1980 – maybe hashing is different now. Hopefully it remains just as much fun.
Other people do the hard work for you and there is beer at the end? May have to get into this “jogging” thing after all! 😉
Thanks for the comments! Still learning something new every day. This hashing thing appears a bit quirky, I like it:-)
Yes, quirky, indeed. I nominate “quirky” for tomorrow’s word. Then again, I live in PDX where quirky is normal.
Wikipedia puts it better than me:
“At a hash, one or more members (“hares”) lay a trail, which is then followed by the remainder of the group (the “pack” or “hounds”). The trail periodically ends at a “check” and the pack must find where it begins again; often the trail includes false trails, short cuts, dead ends, back checks and splits. These features are designed to keep the pack together despite differences in fitness level or running speed, as front-runners are forced to slow down to find the “true” trail, allowing stragglers to catch up.”
It really is a fun event – no competition and everyone can exercise at the pace and distance they want. Hmm, maybe this community needs a WillHashForMiles, if we can borrow Kathy’s moniker!
Words of the day: Quirky, Ribs, McRibs…starting to lose count…I hear PDX is very nice, only transited at the airport.
Very proud to be able to help improve the quality of blogs and the bogosphere (good to see I am having a positive impact)! Now if only more blogs would use links when then mentioning another blog (embarrassing and shameful not to do so).
You must be new to this blog.
Worthy Blog = Link
Unworthy Post/Blog = No Link.
Quite the pr*ck are you not? Ideally I would have clicked from your comment, but man your head seems stuck in some smelly part of the body. You need get the head out and cleanse that first.
Still a shitty practice not to link to the things you criticize. Linking just makes it easier for readers to judge for themselves whether the criticism is reasonable or accurate. Transparency.
Most are linked or have been linked to before. There is a very helpful tool called google if you have a problem finding a blogger. Alternatively, just ask in the comment section. Folks in this community have a tendency to be extremely helpful. A common feature that most addicts share.
Unless you’re trying to “steal” my precious VR cards. My precious
“Now if only more blogs would use links when then mentioning another blog”
I know that DP doesn’t get a ton of readers, but begging for eyeballs on TBB’s site seems a little desperate, no?
Of course desperate. All the more reason not to bother clicking. Who gives a sh!t about Delta anyways, let alone a blog about the terrible carrier.
Good luck to the 2 people and the dog who will click anything to do with that blog.
Short response to Delta Points:
Worthy Blog = Link
Unworthy Post/Blog = No Link
Thanks to my reader:-)
I will have a longer response later today when I get around to it…
It’s not about finding the BLOG. It’s about finding the post that’s being criticized. What is George afraid of? If there’s a link, good chance people will click it and judge for themselves. Is George being fair or not? No link, they are more likely to take snark at face value. If you want to criticize LIKE A MAN, then link.
Quick reply before going out to lunch…
George is afraid of his own shadow sometimes and losing all eyebrow hair:-)
My readers can find blogs and blog posts, I trust them.
You do not think I am fair? Ok, I respect that. I will let my readers decide if I am fair or not. I don’t lose any sleep over this at all.
Snark is a feature of this blog. I suggest you laugh it off. Or make fun of me, I like it. Or, maybe, try to get into the worthy “Miles/Points” section of the blog. Hint: Looks like beloved Delta already started rev based awards?
I laughed at you MANly argument, good one. I want you to know I invest like a woman (it’s a good thing…really).
I dedicate the greek salad I am about to eat now to you. Extra feta on top
1…2…3…4… So many negative comments “attacking” the DeltaPoints blog and Rene can’t hit the ‘delete’ button on any of them! A truly terrible Thursday…
Carp, did not know it is a female run blog.
I am the anon @ 5:37 AM. Apologies for my language as I did not intend to be abusive and disrespectful to any females.
Having said that, I stand by other section of the comment.
@Anonymous, 2:28 PM
@Delta Points: I find it totally ridiculous that you find the TBB practice of not featuring the links of posts that are (fairly in my opinion) as “embarrassing and shameful”. Let me tell you something…I PROUDLY do it;-)
When I first started blogging I was doing this…I did not know any better, I was so…green (still am). Then as I started learning more about this blogging thing I realized that these backlinks are…PRECIOUS! And then I started getting emails practically begging me to do guest posts with only compensation…a backlink to their site!!! Wow! I had a TBB team high level meeting called and, after a short debate (with myself), the policy was changed to ONLY provide backlinks to posts with worthy content and just mention the non-worthy ones. My blog, my rules. I would LOVE to provide backlinks to your site when you publish something that I find worthy. In six months I believe this happened only once. I like you Renee but I just do not like your blog. I hope we can stay friends. Nothing personal…TBB is all about the Buzz in the blogs:-)
Response to #@Delta Points posting as anon @6.47 am: Thank you adding a swear word in my blog comments, very classy indeed. I know why you did it. Bloggers should know their readers. I know my readers know what I am talking about. If not, they can easily find what I am talking about. And YOU talk about transparency????? Puuuhhhlease!
Anon at 7.53 & 7.56 am: I agree. And I am also very touchy about my VRs lol.
Anon at 9.42: I have been blogging for less than 6 months and sometimes I am shocked about the number of comments I get!
Anon at 9.49 am: Thank you for editing just one letter on that sh*t word. I appreciate that. I should have gone and edited the poster who did not but I will let others judge.
S & S: Isn’t that quite ironic indeed!
Anon at 2.28 pm: Apologies accepted. Love readers expressing themselves, it’s a free country:-) Loved this, bears repeating every time:
Worthy Blog = Link
Unworthy Post/Blog = No Link
harvson3: Thanks for digging that up. That Friday interview at MMS has a long run!
@ Deltapoints – you have a very twisted way of looking at things. You are not improving anything. Your way of censoring points that don’t make you look like a genius is really an egomaniac’s way of doing things. It is rare that you post something useful so you pump out credit card links instead – while censoring comments so that you prevent your newbie readers from knowing better. Don’t worry, you are in good company with your “positive impact” – North Korea and other dictatorships (the NK references is for you George!).
Thank you Benjamin for taking the time to comment here. Don’t be so angry.
Did you see that video with the girl pop band from North Korea, wow:-)
Justify all you want George, as you say it is your blog you do what you want. But you can not be a “champion” of your so called standards of comments & disclosures and then follow the reprehensible way of non-linking. You can not have it both ways as it tanks any tiny shred of credibility you may have. BTW, my friends know how to spell my name!
I am not going to repeat myself here.
Thank you for commenting and disagreeing with me.
I will let my readers decide about credibility issues.
If I misspelled your name, I am sorry. Let’s see you spelling my last name:-)
Ah the irony
“@KelloggMBA – I actually got an “A” in that class”
Stealing other people’s work and getting caught is nothing new for MMS. Only this time he has managed to offend himself. The childish retorts to readers’ objections of copying/pasting info from FT or other bloggers are gone. Simple, start censoring.
Just to clarify, the McRib post above ain’t me. I don’t bash MMS, just the bad interviews on there from time to time. Watz the word of the day, Hashpipe, your a cool cat Buzz…………PICKLEGATE, that’s my concern. Still no secrets revealed again, just a dancing bird video (thanks P for wasting 1:17 of my life there)…………………. Did someone send Pickles a dead fish wrapped in a newspaper or did he find a dead horse head under the sheets this morning. Hopefully he is ok and just on the run. Maybe he’s part of the witness protection program by now. Dam, I was looking forward to those secrets and the fallout afterwards.
Well Authorgate trumps all other gates including Picklegate. Especially will be rubbed against the ones who are dumb sycophants and men in bow ties.
“…just a dancing bird video (thanks P for wasting 1:17 of my life there)” – I had the same reaction and I didn’t even bother to watch the thing. But I did follow a tweet to get there. Complete waste of time.
@TWA44, did I read you live in PDX? Land of the over rated Voodoo doughnut and Hipster Central. Same here, SW Burbs. People out never heard of TWA. I’m the same person who wrote you earlier …..(former F/a with TWA for 27 years, until AMR told us all not to let the door hit us in the ass in 03. DThanks AA for the useless passes for life, I used them once in the last ten years.). Did your Dad get passes from the SkyN*zi’s….I feel sorry for the USAIR employees, they feel that since they are the airline doing the buying, they are safe. But the AA union members will outnumber them 2 to 1 and push thru whatever rules they want. Plus Parker already hates them, so he won’t help.
Yup, I am a New Yorker who is working really hard at being laid back in Stumptown. And have been since we moved here in 1987. My dad totally enjoyed his benefits before he died in 1994. I think he’d really be sad to see what his beloved airline industry has become, not to mention planes flying into buildings and such. I live in SW too. Grew up in Queens, NY flying lots and lots as a non-rev. First flight I remember was in a Connie going from Idlewild to SFO. It took 10 hours. I still have some Royal Ambassador wine glasses somewhere – they have a beautiful ring to them. I’ll tell you a secret – I’ve eaten Voodoo donuts but have never actually been to the store, or waited on line to buy them. Don’t tell.
@McRibs: Please don’t take other poster’s identities, you get the real McRibs upset. And we can’t have that. Gracias. Stealing is a strong word. It can not be proved. I suggest to move on, go have some ribs or something:-)
@ Charles: I also wasted 1.17 mins of my life watching that video:-) And I was looking forward to more secrets. Not sure what’s up. Looking at his twitter feed, he is traveling.
McRibs: I think Charles may want to have a word with you…over ribs?:-)
@TWA44: Yep, regarding the video. I also thought watching it…the darn bird has some moves:-)
Charles and TWA44: Bringing readers together, this is what is all about:-) In college I always thought flying non-rev would be so cool. Then I discovered frequent flier miles and it was all downhill from there, lol.
So one day after MMS “reviews the comment policy” on his blog, the number of comments plummet, and what a coincidence…. all of them are positive!
It’s just a matter of time before the CC disclosure policies get reviewed as well…
I miss Bob Hanson and other bots !!! haha
Yes, quite a drop in the comments indeed. Bob Hanson is free to post here. Heck, everyone is free to post here!
I see that oliver2002 just deleted one of your posts on Flyertalk, George, because it was “repetitive.”
I don’t see anything in the FT TOS about repetitiveness. Another FT moderator run amok.
And we wonder why readers flock to blogs. 🙁
I must have missed the post that got deleted. Do you remember some parts of it? Do you mind posting it here?
George posted a second time that drawing meaningful distinctions between FTU and Chicago Seminars is a ridiculous exercise. And FTG posted again in response that the people have spoken because his event sells out.
I have to score this one for George, since FTU sells out as well and was larger in April than Chicago has ever been.
So Rick’s claim that this somehow draws a distinction, that his event sells out, seems bizarre.
Lots of folks with axes to grind, it seems, and George is right — they look ridiculous.
I see. Thanks for the post.
I know oliver2002. If he deleted he must have been right. Yeah sometimes moderators can get a little…dictatorial. It is probably best for FT. But I do hate it being deleted:-)
FTU sells out TWICE so having that a an differentiator, in my opinion, was very weak. Now I hate it if other participants thought I backed down or lost or something:-)
Moderating EM&PR is no fun my friends… especially when semi Germans have to delete naturalised Greek posts. No hidden censorship though, deletes get clearly mentioned. My black helicopter is grounded like a 787. :p
Well EM&PR is largely the creation of FT mods who wanted a place to go bash blogs. You get to bash blogs AND censor comments over there. Fortunately here in the blog world you can’t do that. So welcome to the level playing field
Getting deleted by Oliver2002 still feels better than getting deleted by mia
Ha they both feel kind of North Korea. And expect the death penalty if you dare speak ill of a mod on FT.
Actually it really is rather ironic that FT is probably the largest censor of comments in our community
Lol, I think you can count the number of deleted posts in EM&PR on one hand.
Places like FT and blogs are just very different animals. I think FT is better off with moderators. I just wish there was more consistency in the standards applied across all moderators. I developed an intense tick the first time a comment of mine was deleted by mia:-)
@Oliver2002: LOL yeah because most of them are from Kokonutz 🙂
I will say EM&PR has worked out better than I thought, but if it was a true democracy, you people in glass houses (the mods) would let us throw stones at you. I find it very annoying that several mods rip up bloggers but are not willing to subject themselves to the same standard
@TBB – I don’t agree. I would rather see at most very light moderation to remove spam or cussing. I’ve had many posts removed for basically stupid reasons.
You too? I have gotten used to it by now. I do agree with what you state but it is likely not going to happen. I am surprised things haven’t gotten more restrictive on FT since IB bought it. It still works quite well. Every time I get deleted I say…”That’s it, I am going to Milepoint”…but never do:-)
George, are you censoring comments now? I posted a comment earlier this morning and it isn’t in this thread.
Probably a technical glitch. He doesn’t censor, probably the thickest skin of all bloggers.
That’s one thing we can say for sure about George. He rocks. Open forum, even when the criticism is of him. As far as I can tell that’s also true of Lucky, Gary, and also First2Board (does anyone actually read first2board, though? the place is a ghost town most posts have VERY few comments).
It used to be true with MMS 🙁
It was never true with TPG or FTG.
Let’s see, there are lots of other bloggers, but do any of the others even MATTER? I don’t know why folks obsess about blogs nobody reads, sure they pimp credit card links and it’s pathetic but they can’t be making any money since they don’t get any eyeballs.
MileValue also used to not censor, although that might’ve just been a product of there being little to criticize about his blog back when it was all about the content.
MMS is becoming the new MV, only while MV tosses in some great original content surrounding the CC pushes and comment censoring, MMS does no such thing – he’ll just copy and paste stuff that has already been rehashed many times over, and write snoozeworthy trip reports/Friday interviews
Really, the only thing MMS had going for him was that he was awfully transparent about disclosing everything, didn’t censor comments, and actively responded to all reader questions
Take that away, and he’s barely a step above DeltaPoints
I immediately responded to this and my answer is below this comment! I hit Reply in the wrong space!
Yes, technical glitch, I apologize. Blame Google Blogger!
I rock? Well, thank you, I am blushing. I believe in open forums. I believe in constructive criticism. We need different voices to challenge each other, we learn and grow this way. Censoring, well, disgusts me actually!
I think the blogs you mention here DO get a lot of eyeballs. Newbie types who don’t know much better. After a while they get it…and, in the process, MORE newbies have joined in…Sad really.
I agree with most of what Anon at 1.36pm said. And I am a bit sad about it.
Weekly Flyer: I never saw it. I do NOT censor. Criticize me, challenge me so I can improve.
Please try again…Other readers said the hiccups happen more with Firefox than any other browser.
Gotta run, Google Reader unread count is about 460 and counting…Will catch up at some point here.
Your tagline is, “An eclectic journey of the Travel Miles/Points blogosphere”
Shouldn’t it be a journey THROUGH the .. blogosphere?
And what’s up with “Travel Miles/Points”…?
Why not ‘Travel/Miles/Points” or “Miles/Points and Travel”..?
Such a weird construct.
Yes, thank you! Makes perfect sense.
I try to differentiate between pure “Travel” blog entries and pure “Miles/Points” entries. They are a bit distinct.
I am weirdly constructed;-)
Dan is beyond a doubt the coolest person ever….
(would’ve been even cooler though if he didn’t have to stick in all those links at the end)
I am no baseball fan…but if I was I would love to do something like this!
Hey original content…ok to stick some links in the end:-)
Thanks for contributing to the comments here, Dan!
Mortgage payment due soon 😀
LOL now that’s a cool answer 🙂 Amazingly none of your brethren will ever post that, even is jest. We know the difference and why.
Good job.
I wish some bloggers would come out and say stuff like that instead of the weak “if you click on my links I make a small commission and I appreciate it”…Come out and say it:
I have a mortgage/student loan/car/credit card payment soon
My furnace/air conditioner/freezer/toilet broke and my insurance does not cover the damage, I need to fix it asap!
Just got foreclosure notice, please help me out I do not want to be homeless!
Keeping it real:-)
And if you’re a sports fan don’t hesitate to burn some miles as I did. Wouldn’t trade my experience last night for a flight in a million years.
Yeah, looked very cool. I didn’t know you actually get to take the second base with you.
Sorry your sports town is not at its greatest phase.
I hate LeBron, loyaltymybut. Hope Pacers can do it!
I wish Dan would cut back on the bombarding with links, and he has a TON of filler posts, but he’s still one of my favorite bloggers
Like MileValue, if you can sort through the fluff posts, he clearly puts in a ton of effort into his content. But unlike MV, he doesn’t censor comments, and is really proactive about responding to comments both good and bad (including on TBB).
Plus his forums are great resources.
Some reading I have done taught me:
It is all about the content (or it should be)
And you should strive to respond to your readers.
Dan does it well. I am trying (remember this is a non-profit “venture” for me so far!).
You may see it as filler, but I’m not a traditional travel blogger. Didn’t even get a BAcon invite though I don’t think that would qualify as being kosher 😉
I started off as a deal blogger in 2004 while volunteering for the year at a school in Sao Paulo and my deals have simply evolved as I became more and more addicted to the mileage game.
As an Orthodox Jew I try to target my posts to my community’s needs. I’ve run 3 sold out seminars in NY metro and got to meet with nearly 1,000 of my readers at those events face-to-face. Next week I’ll take my show to a sold-out event in Chicago and my guess is that even there I’ll find a heavily orthodox jewish crowd. That means that many of my posts won’t interest the typical travel blog reader, but I don’t think that makes it filler. It just means that you’re probably not squarely in my target audience but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some posts here and there.
As far as the link bombarding, this is my full time job and I’ve got a family to support, and I think people need to come to terms that this is the nature of the beast. If I didn’t “pimp” I’d be cut off, so that’s the catch-22, like it or not. Fact is there’s just 1 blogger who managed to figure out how not to pimp and not be cut off (yet?)…it’s just not something that everyone can pull off. There’s lots of great info being put out there and bloggers are going to try to monetize their work however they can. Running a blog that is regularly updated is much harder than it looks, when I’m not on the road I spend roughly 15 hours a day working on it.
I do try to keep the links relevant though, I don’t stick in Ink links when AMEX is running a limited-time offer.
And I don’t make 35 part trip-reports because they bore me to pieces. If I can’t cover a destination in 1 post then I’m not taking the time to condense the information into a good enough format. “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.”
And I love responding to comments, I try to deal with every one as that’s what really makes a blog shine IMO. Nothing worse than not getting any comments or ignoring comments.
And yes, the DansDeals Forums are really awesome though again, you’ll notice heavy with Orthodox Jews and our “lingo.” Still far less snark than most forums and tons of great info.
And that’s my .02 for the day.
Thank you for not using the “I want to help people travel for free” line and or other B.S like disclosures. Part of the anger was generated by lots of credit card pimps using those lines on us like they sold their shame or something. It is ok to run a business and call it for what it is. You won the internets today.
Would love to reply to your post in more detail, Dan, but I am off to a reception where they will be serving Matzabrau, another quirky Portland product:
Better than BAcon and kosher too!
Oh my, what will they think up next?
I eat more than my share of Matzah during Passover, but let me know how it tastes in beer form.
Maybe you should look more outside your own community. My guess is that most of your readers are gentiles. Time to travel to areas dominated by the unchosen people. It’s 2013, the world is getting more and more mixed, for good reasons.
Dan, thanks for taking the time to comment. And thanks for helping out on the Fairmont Lifetime Platinum deal. Every time I am at a Fairmont I think kosher sandwich:-)
I did not realize you started the site back in 2004.
You have developed a great bond with your audience. And you know them well. And, somehow, you have managed to not always get thrown in with the other traditional bloggers in the miles/points game. Perhaps that is a good thing:-)
What I like about your site was that you only post when you have something useful to share. Adding value should be it. I try to add value here by having readers take five or ten minutes a day and go on a journey to “educate, inspire and entertain”. I aim high so I am fine with doing one of the those three things right:-)
Yeah, pimping is part of it. But, somehow, the way you do it feels a little better than the rest (okay, sometimes you over do it).
Forums are great: But nobody answered my question: Can I get another 80k for the PC card (been several years since I had it)? I am running out of Chase cards man!!
@ Anon at 5.44 pm: “Thank you for not using the “I want to help people travel for free” line and or other B.S like disclosures. Part of the anger was generated by lots of credit card pimps using those lines on us like they sold their shame or something. It is ok to run a business and call it for what it is. You won the internets today.” —–>MVP Comment of the Day, thank you!
@ TWA44: I still like bacon, the real thing:-) Never heard of Matzah, I will look for it next time. Cheers.
Dan, I was the original anonymous who sort-of called you out for the filler posts.
I know you’re target audience is heavily orthodox jews – i wasn’t referring to the posts geared towards them (i.e. the Israel travel hacking on jewish holidays)
i was talking about things like posting weekly about 25% of shoes.com, restaurant.com certificates, Ashford.com watch specials etc.
Deals that aren’t really all that noteworthy and come around regularly, but get posted every week anyways
But like I said, you’re an awesome blogger, so I still make it a point to read your blogs, and if I have to do a little scrolling to get to what I want, so be it
Also, credit to you on your transparency about CC pimping. It sounds a lot less pathetic when you just come out and honestly talk about it rather than pretend you’re doing us all a favor by posting the CSP links 8 times a day
I wonder if Dan started his blog to teach his friends and family how to travel for free like so many others
Ok, smile. No…LOL
I agree Dan’s Deals has some odd posts but also some good stuff and a lot of feedback on the forums. Shilling like crazy, but not pretending to be doing anything else. I’ve been a little suspicious of some of Dan’s success getting multiple credit cards, as I am suspect of some other bloggers who make it sound easier than it has been in my experience, but I have learned things on Dan’s Deals that have helped me and made me bolder in calling again to try and get what I want. So overall a thumbs up to Dan’s Deals. I’ve told others about the site, so I recommend checking it out.
@AnonymousMay 31, 2013 at 12:21 AM,
Pretty obvious, amazon will give him a piece of the pie.
I should learn how this amazon stuff works one of these days;-)
@ Dan, Matzabrau is terrific beer! Tastes nothing like matza!
@ TTB – Club Carlson cards came. After all the fuss, they went and gave me an $11,000 credit limit. What a confused bank. If you don’t have to eat matza, consider yourself lucky and forget it. But if you stumble upon Matzabrau, give it a try!
They only gave me $10k credit line, that is not fair! US Bank = unpredictability rules! Enjoy.