We bring you the new Amex Hilton card offers, visit the world national parks, do some drives for the Michigan Fall colors, expose the Trump tariffs insanity, expose greedy bloggers again as no one else does it because they give up and look to kiss up to them, more global warming, more hotel promotions, an amazing museum about conserving sounds, travel to Ukraine and to a former USSR nuclear site and more freeeeee!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
Support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS
You can now get the higher offers of Amex Hilton cards with my links if you want to support the site and keep this baby going for another month. The no annual fee Amex Hilton Honors card for 75k points, the Hilton Honors Ascend card and the Hilton Honors Business card for 125k points. For some reason the 150k Hilton Honors Aspire card is still not available with an affiliate link but you can get it directly HERE. Actually, these offers have been out for a week but not the affiliate links so all the salesmen bloggers stayed mum until they could get paid. Be careful out there okay? I welcome questions about credit card offers and my household remains the biggest customer of my own links and I am not making minimum wage per hour okay #winning #losing.
Update: It appears there may be even higher offers for the Hilton cards via incognito mode and/or different non affiliate links. For the details I highly encourage you to check these links:
American Express Hilton Ascend Bonus Increased To 150,000 Points (Best Ever)
I absolutely despise when banks do this…and I absolutely hate myself for pumping plastic here. And then sabotaging myself, sad! So when your favorite pumping blogger only blogs about the lower offers because they get PAID as they all do, maybe, they don’t have YOUR best interest in mind? #THINK AND SAY SOMETHING!
As always, at least I know you guys will ALWAYS PAY THE BALANCE OFF. If you happen to read my blog and have credit card debt, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE AND DO NOT RETURN UNTIL YOU PAY IT OFF, THIS HOBBY IS NOT FOR YOU, CAPICHE?
Other great card offers right now are the Chase World Of Hyatt Visa for 60k points, the Citi Premier for 60k points, the Citi Business American AAdvantage Platinum for 70k miles, the Amex Gold Delta cards for 60k Skymiles and the Amex Platinum Delta cards for 70k Skymiles, the Ink Business Preferred for 80k points, the Business Southwest card for 60k points, etc. There are others of course.
SORRY for the long plastic intro. With zero paid cc conversions this month as of September 10, getting to ten appears to be so far away. Why ten to remind new readers? It is the number I promised my wife I will let this baby go if I don’t reach it and turn it into a once a week rant so we can all move on, sad!
I have some awesome stuff for you today…lets do it!
Register to earn Double Points on Amtrak travel between September 17 to November 17.
What, no parks in Greece? Map Of All The World’s National Parks.
No, I do not work for the Michigan Tourism Department! 12 of Michigan’s most dazzling fall color drives.
You can fly there for free you know 🙂 The best American museum exhibits this fall.
This is awesome. Conserve The Sound. Preserving the sounds of machines that no longer exist!
Another stunner, wow! Temperature Anomalies by Country from 1880-2017. PhuckingGlobalWarmingWakeTheHellUp!
Sometimes we forget. Especially with all the nonsense radical right racist scum being elected lately around the world! I survived the Warsaw ghetto. Here are the lessons I’d like to pass on.
I liked this article about parenting. Happier parents do these 10 things.
Lol! Every Owen Wilson Wow In Chronological Order (1996 – 2017).
Your personal finance read of the day: A Primer on the Insanity of Tariffs.
These are amazing! Photographing the Biggest, Oldest, and Rarest Trees on Earth. The photographer is Beth Moon.
Nice travel post again: 2 Weeks in Ukraine Itinerary: A Detailed Guide For First-Time Visitors.
Visiting the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in the former USSR. Where nuclear tests were done. It is kind of surreal…wow!
Good roundup of Rewards programs offering rebates on point redemptions.
This Milenomics posts just pounds the pros and cons of the two major bank points programs: The Great Debate: Amex is Crushing Chase. Well, it sure feels like they are crushing us churners instead, sad!
So, Citi announced that Thank You points transfers to JetBlue will now be 1:1 if you hold the Citi Thank You Premier or Prestige cards. Yawn.
Well, the Chase Sapphire referral links that used to have the 24 month language are now showing 48 months like the actual application links. Well, thanks a lot bloggers…again! SAD!
I canceled my own Discover card after draining it for a few Starbucks cards. Why? I need to simplify my life, one less bill to deal with…and free it up for a card with some signup bonus. I have a few other 5% cards still…
Last three days before yesterday number of posts per day at The Points Guy: 15, 12, 25. I mean, how do you compete with them 40+ staffers hey?
I gave up on the NFL last Saturday. Today I would be bitching about the Detroit Lions lol. Feels liberating. Long Live Soccer, the real football!
And I leave you with this…
Follow TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2 and now on Instagram.
You can subscribe to TBB below, winners only!
Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
I need to spend more time here you guys. First 11 days in this blog has revenues of $6.66. No joke! Looks like even Amazon clicks have stopped or hijacked.
I need to ice my right butt cheek, sore as hell still from my Monday night soccer game.
Mega whining today, sorry. I think I need to separate myself from this baby and evolve it..
Or find readers like Colin LOL:
Hope all readers in Florence’s path manage it well.
You all enjoy your Wednesday!
One more thing, I saw Spike Lee’s movie last night “BlacKkKlansman” and I highly recommend it! Two TBBThumbs Up!
Good morning from my 100 sq m suite at St Regis New York (points stay), using status gained from a Marriott Platinum Challenge. And you say this game is dead 🙂
>>>>>>Marriott Platinum Challenge
So it is free right? 🙂 Don’t forget to check out that Mormon book in your drawer #mustread #notreally
Good morning!
Lots of movement in points and miles world. The Chase v Amex smack down catches some of it. I wonder if the rolling improvents to the Hilton cards is a way to use the bloggers to sell inferior versions. Got to pay that commission somehow.
I could be doing posts pushing my links to buy Hilton points too…but I don’t.
It is amazing how banks are still using bloggers to push product.
As long as there are Colins out there…they probably will continue, sad!
That tweet by Colin was amazing. He should buy some variable annuities-only 8% goes to the sales agent, who will also send your kids cool birthday cards from Hawaii. #trailingcommissionland
Hey, them agents need to eat too 🙂
Amazing indeed
A few observations:
Frequent Miler is also turning into a credit card sales blog lately.
You missed God Save The Points kissing Gary’s behind by referencing his points valuation guide. How low can you go?
I do not understand how Points, Miles & Martinis has cc links. The ethics in that blog is just pure vile. They can not go a single (cut and paste) post without milking their readers. They even sold the old crappy Amex Hilton cards when they knew higher bonuses were coming. No wonder they never show their faces.
GL tried to excuse himself this way and Colin the moron fell for it…You should listen to Ingy. About being responsible 🙂
I can not believe you have not given up yet. Less than $10 for 11 days is…schizophrenic dude! Thanks for hanging in there and being a voice in the wilderness. As long as you post even once a week we will be reading.
Check out that Havana supersonic attack article…and the latest news on it. FuckingRussians again, lets see how Trump handles it 😉
I need to work on a major revision of the Review Blog pages. Going to stick with independent blogs only and blogs that do not do harm to the hobby…or whatever of it is still left.
The writing is on the wall for my blog. Enjoy it the rest of this month. Evolution is coming.
I will not blame the Russians when I go down though lol.
Why some bloggers just can not do what Colin thinks and so many (Titans) just do it without any guilty feelings at all and then have kiss ass bloggers kissing up to them and link back to them every opportunity they get…is a glorious unfair fact but hey, life is unfair. I am proud of my run here…actually I should go run and burn some calories next!
Colin, VFTW reader from link above:
“Gary should do what he needs to do to bring in sufficient revenue to continue producing a free blog. It doesn’t matter at all to me if promotes his referral credit links, even if they are not the absolute best offers known to man. Caveat emptor.”
PM&M is so bad it’s hard to believe sometimes. I mean there are others on BA that suck too but PM&M has outright plagiarized before and doesn’t even put forth any effort. There is some good on BA and a lot that’s just “meh” but the fact that Randy keeps the truly dreadful blogs like PM&M on there speaks volumes to his priorities and ethics, IMHO. The defense of “hey it’s just a hosting platform” rings hollow to me – giving a platform and voice to con artists and plagiarizers isn’t good, no matter what your business structure is.
From Mommy Points at TPG latest post:
“My friend (and TPG Contributor) Ed Pizzarello”
TPG got him too…No wonder he referred to TPG’s hideous points valuation guide lately…TPG will own us all.
Good luck to all…
Did anyone guess Ed would be next? My bet had been Points W/ a Crew.
I thought Ed had a proper job as a Venture Capitalist? Although I was wondering, given that he has enough time to knock out that BA podcast, with Ed also doing the slightly embarrassing ads in the middle 🙂
(PS. For clarity, I like Ed)
I don’t recall if I ever read his blog but now you have me curious about the podcast!
Don’t bother…
Breaking: Points With a Crew spotted at Disney…
Wait for it…
Hey Buzz,
Combine your newfound passion for running with your old love of things travel: Run a k at the Midway airfield:
Hey Buzz,
Combine your newfound passion for running with your old love of things travel: Run a 5k at the Midway airfield:
I have no affiliation with anything to do with the event.
That looks cool but way too late.
Ran 4 miles today. On top of the 2 Monday. And 6 on Sunday. Slowly ramping up again…
When a blog dies, another one will take its place. Its cyclical like the markets.
People get burnt and quit. Here it became a constant beating of the same drum.
This blog did a great job however now it is the time to retire. It will be missed for a week or two like all the great blogs of the past including Travel is Free.
But so is the nature of life. One day it is big news,the next day just history and life goes on. Looking forward to the Good Bye.
To blog or not to blog…
Markets have not been cyclical since March 2009…Just saying…
Travel Is Free is back…kind of…maybe…who knows. If he had stuck with it…TIF, not TBB
Personal Finance Digest did not do a good bye. The URL lives on. I AM looking forward to the Mile Nerd goodbye though
If TBB quits, who will put these greedy “experts” to where they belong…the shitter?
Hilton Stepping Up Bonuses: Up to 475,000 Points Possible – Point Me to the Plane/Affiliate Links
3 Reasons To Consider The Chase Sapphire Preferred Over Reserve – Points, Miles and Martinis/ShittyAffiliateLinks
Will You Sign Up for the New SPG Luxury Card? – Frugal Travel Guy Converting Irresponsible Newbies Like Colin
Long Live TBB!
TBB, where the best philosophers hang out! #winning
Actually, just checked my links. DEAFENING Silence #losing
Sad. Even Trump will troll me now…
Dimestore wisdom, if that.
Get an 8 ball at the mall:
First 12 days in the blog: $8.70 cents
This gets to an amazingly hideous cents per hour compensation for the hobby…
Changes ahead starting in October. Time to move on…
Thanks for everyone who has supported me.
Enjoy my blog before it evolves, sad!
Unfortunately my personal policy is to never click a bloggers links. Even though you my fav, I still cant click the mouse
Well, you realize with such attitude, most bloggers don’t last…and Titans are taking over, right?
It is sad. And incredibly deflating.
It is insane I lasted so long! I started already taking measures to align my time spent TBBing. You’ll see tomorrow.
you will be missed
Nothing personal TBB. I just have a few personal guidelines I stick to thru life and theyve helped me bigly. Dont click on bloggers links, Never get less than 8 hrs sleep, Dont take financial advice from broke people and never have sex with a chick who has a dagger tattoo
Part2 “Well, you realize with such attitude, most bloggers don’t last…and Titans are taking over, right?” I cant believe how tone deaf this is. Dude, the titans won a loooooong time ago. How you didnt/cant/wont realize this is kinda shocking.
Nice advice guidelines. But sometimes you gotta make an exception here and there. It’s not all black and white 😉
I am shockingly stubborn. Fighting for something bigger. For the people. My fellow hobbyists. For JUSTICE man! Well, you ll find somewhere else to go comment then. Maybe…
you lost the battle years ago to the titans. kudos or stupidity for being stubborn. its either a curse or a blessing depending on what side you look at it from
“ never have sex with a chick who has a dagger tattoo”.
What’s up with that? Do I need to get tested?
If every reader was like you I would have quit years ago, sad!
Hopefully Ingy or Rene come out to gloat soon 🙂
There is a very cute barista at my local Starbucks. Last week she comes in and shows me her huge tatoo on her leg. I am like “wow, that is…nice” trying to match her enthusiasm when inside I was screaming:
WTF did you do that for? Such lovely legs are now covered by this phucking ugly whatever tthe phuck it is…Actually, I still have no idea what the hell she put on her leg. I am not into tatoos, you can say that.
Had a new post an hour ago. With SHOCKING video! Lol
And I think we are done for the day:
Passenger Takes Down His Pants for Delayed JetBlue Flight – View From The Wing
Colin loved it, LOL
‘Titan’s taking over’
Really? BA has lost loads of 2nd rate blogs. The only person to make a big impact in the last 5 years is Greg and he’s not exactly pandering to thickos. I have the UK in good hands with coverage for people with brain cells. Things are better than you think.
Drew etc went wrong by being too niche. The simple rule in this game is that you can never make a penny (cent) off anyone who reads FT, and if that is your target then you will fail and deservedly so (because you were warned).
Never did a market study 🙂
Heck, I never learned more about SEO!
Look at how many bloggers quit and how many have joined TPG…
Here in the US, things are a little different. Anyway, I am very proud of what I have accomplished here. Monetizing has never been a focus. To make more than fun money would require compromising my high standards. If I could maintain the little fun money I would go on at the present pace. But it is not looking good…Time to focus elaewhere, what a wild ride it has been!
Hey TBBtheDude I signed up for the AMEX SPG Biz card with your links. It went to pending, but I did get it, so hopefully payday comes your way for that