We bring you the new IHG & Hyatt card decisions, consider going on a North Korea cycling tour if you dare, 5G horizons are ahead, learn about the most and least touristy countries and world population growth, get the latest card churning action updates, get caught up with the TPM debacle and more for you freeeeee!
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What to do if you have the old IHG Rewards and World of Hyatt credit cards and you want to go for the newer versions. Have you noticed how minimum spends and annual fees are only going in one direction lately, UP?
The Grand Hyatt in Athens is now open!
In case you wanted to go see North Korea riding a bicycle, Uri Tours offers a cycling tour.
I have always wanted to run a marathon. I always thought it was something I could never do. But lately I have been thinking about it more as I am running more. This article does not help me to think less about it: 5 Reasons to Run Your First Marathon.
I had never heard of this before, what a wild story! It will probably become a movie…A Deadly Hunt for Hidden Treasure Spawns an Online Mystery.
Eight years ago, art dealer Forrest Fenn claims, he hid a treasure chest filled with artifacts, gold, and jewels somewhere in the Rocky Mountains
We like to bitch how everything is horrible online with so much Fake News and Infowars type crap etc. But, is it really that worse than ever before? Really? Maybe not. Yuval Noah Harari extract: ‘Humans are a post-truth species’. Takes some shots against religion as well. And offers some ways out of it. If interested in the subject, I definitely recommend this article.
I despise all these denialists polluting our planet so much lately. And in Russia they have their own denying all about AIDS. Really you say? Yes I respond. It is really sad reading this article. And I applaud the hero volunteers trying to change minds…It should not be so hard but somehow it is…In 2018. Shaking my head! Deadly Spiral.
Meanwhile, back in the US, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), actually had to remind people not to wash and reuse condoms (HT: S). Okay, that’s it, I give up!
Your personal finance fix of the day: Sales or Advice. Beware the advice you take from salespeople. Like credit card sales people too! I know, preaching to the choir here but still! Yes, each “writer” for miles and points blogs businesses is probably ranked by production (of credit card sales!). Back to the brokers…Why people do business with them is beyond me. Then again, why people take advice from Titan bloggers is also beyond me so…there! #lifeisnotfair
World Population Growth Visualized (1950-2100). Montserrat was abandoned. And look at Dubai at UAE wow!
Is Travel Is Free coming back? Can it come back after a long hiatus? I guess we will find out…Interesting data here: The Most & Least Touristy Countries.
You heard about 5G. Here is is a great infographic all about it.
If there is one blogger whose views I agree with the most is Lazy Traveler. And his latest is a must read again imho: Credit Card Bonuses: Latest News, Blues, and a Tightened Noose.
What an ugly situation with The Plastic Merchant and all this gift card reselling: Some TPM Sellers Who Liquidated GCs Received Gift Card Mart Demand Letter. Wow…and these comments, smh.
Rumor: TBB is going down. No, wait. The rumor is debunked! For now. Until the next wave of rumors begin. Like that Citi Prestige card lol.
For reader F: Only three cards sold this month. Need seven more to go to keep this baby going or it goes into Rene mode #isthisathreatTBB? lol.
Son gave us a tour of Facebook Headquarters. Yes, we ate a lot for free lol. I see now why they like to work there!
And I leave you with this…Hope this is not your personal trainer, lol!TBB
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
First, and threw you an app 2 days ago for TY Premier. Hope I did it right!
You must be one of the three then, thank you Gold medalist GB!
Good morning! Lots to read today. Thank you.
You are very welcome. From a Country Inn hotel eating my free breakfast. I can’t wait for the breakfast at Fairmont in a few days lol.
Keep dropping the name!
You get silver as Anonymous are disqualified from the medals—–>It was a Supreme Court decision. 5 to 4. Or something like that, I need to refill my coffee. For free of course lol.
2 links from George in the same post. I must be doing something right. Have fun in the Bay Area 🙂
When I first saw that I was like “WTF is he talking about?” as I had forgotten about that TPM post was yours…
So I dedicate this “Gourmet” cup of coffee to you.
Went for Thai last night in downtown Sunnyvale which is very small but so newish!
Going out…driving son to work today…Nothing planned rest of the day…maybe I catch up on my giant queue of blog posts #blogaddiction
Is Facebook mining/selling all the data collected on Whatsapp?
Jan Koum (founder/CEO) was very concerned about FB’s KGB approaches and left.
Some school teachers use that app to communicate. Now FB knows how about Bobby’s behavioral issues.
I was surprised FB did not monetize WA yet…well, it looks like with Jan now gone too this is about to change. Hijo working on something but he can not tell me what it is!
Regarding the gift card debacle, TPM and GCM, etc.:
In law school, tests don’t have a lot questions. Often then just list several pages of facts-eg. John bought a house in Missouri and his father-in-law, who lives in England, guaranteed the loan. On and on, for pages. At the end, there are no questions, just the instruction-“Discuss the legal ramifications to all the parties involved”. You have four hours.
That how gift cardorama 2018 lays out. Reading Grant’s post, I felt like I did back in high school when Mary Ellen’s tests came back-Thank God I was at work that night.
You said it best…”eating our own”
“Mother Arrested in Dubai for ‘Drinking Glass of Wine on Emirates Flights’. True? – View From The Wing
What a douche bag this guy is!
Hey TBB, your fan Rene is now imitating you by doing best link posts like you. Save the moronic commentary and sneaky affiliate links for his minions!
Enjoy California, get away from them blogs dude!
Of course…
Swedish Mom Jailed In Dubai For Drinking A Glass Of Wine On Emirates Flight! – Loyalty Lobby
countdown when this appears at TPG? Live and Let’s Fly? Rene?
Did she have status? Platinum maybe?
LOL just now!
UK Woman Reportedly Jailed for Drinking Glass of Wine on Emirates Flight – The Points Guy
One Mile at a Time just posted this…
No, A Woman Wasn’t Detained For Having A Glass Of Wine On Emirates
Do you think TPG will have a follow up? LOL
TM: Nice for you to point these out but please cool it on the unnecessary name calling, thanks!
Good Lazy Traveler post.
North Korea cycling – wow!
Just don’t steal any posters!
Let’s do Athens marathon! I’ve been mulling it over for years after doing my first few halfers.
I have not looked at the date of this marathon on purpose…
I did look up the Detroit Marathon date and found an excuse not to sign up…
I was supposed to go on a long run this morning but, you know, vacation interrupted…
One day…maybe…
PointChaser shows her real colors in today’s (8/11) post when she does not get her way with a Walmart Cashier. I bet they all hate her but know she will complain to MGMT at the drop of a M.O. She is no Mother Teresa fo-sure …..didn’t she try to get one fired for not posting an out of order sign? She is just another internet bully………. What a B I T C _!
Had an update on the MO post…
Bloggers will not stop until they get everything killed 🙂
No name calling please.
I don’t think the PointChaser is a “bitc_” or a bully.
I do think she is kind of a sellout.
Did you read her post on Club1 Hotels? Seriously, I’m supposed to believe the MS Queen needs to use Club1 Hotels? She openly says they are paying her to advertise them as the best booking site she’s ever used… and then Club1 Hotels sends out emails saying how honored they are to be called the best hotel booking site in the eyes of… a minor blogger. A blogger whose next post is about how pissed she is that she didn’t get a receipt at Walmart. A blogger whose greatest claim to fame (infamy) is that time she got roundly denounced for that one time she suggested her readers illegally structure MO deposits.
It’s more sad than anything.
Your last sentence captures my feelings when I read that “best hotel site” and I cringed myself to death…to LOL actually.
Very sad lol that is.
Hey, it’s money!
I remember getting emails by these guys…I blocked them so they go to Spam!
“We like to bitch how everything is horrible online with so much Fake News and Infowars type crap etc. But, is it really that worse than ever before? Really?”
I’ve just returned to Sao Luis after 3 days in Lençóis Maranhensesone, which is one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been to. I had put myself on a very stringent news diet to maintain my inner harmony.
I’ll say this, however: never before have 50% of Americans been swept off their feet by a crook, ignoramus, conman, and most likely a traitor. This is the new landscape for us, and we need to study well and hard how on earth and WHY we have found ourselves in this reality.
So yes, for America, it is much worse than ever before. I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but maybe having lived in and through the USSR, I have a slightly different prospective on things, I don’t know.
Anyhow, enough with the ugliness, and back to the beauty of this world. Listen, you will not forgive yourselves if you don’t visit Lençóis Maranhenses. Get to this place NOW before it becomes too crowded (and it will). I’m working on a trip report, but my next stop is Rio, which can interfere with the best of intentions.