We bring you the shopping mile promos, visit the best zip-line places, Buzludzha in Bulgaria and catch up with the Ann Arbor Art Fair DO events, get some travel tips, get another helpful site to help us, find your lost phone easier, freak out at Greece, go back to North Korea and more!
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Back to school sales are starting, you can earn some AA miles and United miles and Southwest miles.
Ann Arbor keeps growing. Another hotel is going to be built in the State Street/Briarwood Mall area, a Homewood Suites.
There was an interesting interview of the founder of “luxury travel” firm Indagare, which I never heard of by the way. She does not eat anything while flying and does not get jet lag. That is almost unthinkable to me, and many of us, while flying in First Class. She has some other interesting tips as well. She recommends mobile hotspot Skyroam, is anyone using it? If yes, please comment with your feedback.
The best places in the world to zip-line. If this is your thing…
In the Ann Arbor Art Fair DO, Stefan of Rapid Travel Chai, recommended TIMATIC, in the United website, as the most up to date source…
To obtain passport, visa and health requirements for countries, complete the form below and then click Continue. The requirements provided are supplied and updated regularly by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and only include entry requirements.
It appears the US will ban its citizens from entering North Korea. Well, that is sad. And not surprising. Then again, it may be as well executed as the laptop ban, smh.
How to use Google to find your lost smartphone. I could be doing posts about my seventy nine reasons you must get the Chase Sapphire card but I don’t 🙂
Many do not realize what Greece is going through. And when you visit you may think that everything appears normal. It is NOT! Greece is several economic tragedies rolled into one.
Some entries from the National Geographic Traveler of the Year contest, enjoy!

Inside Bulgaria’s Communist Buzludzha Monument. I have always been fascinated by this building…
Speaking of North Korea, a post from a visit to the DMZ. I have always thought the Chuck Norris type poses of the soldiers here are so ridiculous…

This section is for advanced level hobbyists and veteran blog readers & personal rants & stuff
Last year I blogged live the Ann Arbor Art Fair DO. This year I focused on enjoying it all and did not do any blogging at all. Just a few things about it. This is probably the longest pure hobbyist gathering FREE event still running? If not, it must be one of the oldest that it still keeps going. Wonderful presentations by Nick of Frequent Miler and Stefan of Rapid Travel Chai. We learned a lot about Africa travel, safaris and how to hack it flying and staying there. Ariana of Pointchaser had one of those travel days from hell and never made it, too bad. It is always nice to see old friends and making new ones.
I think everyone enjoyed the Friday night party at my house, thanks for coming! Thank you for the honest feedback on my blog too, I really appreciate it. I was asked several times “Why do you blog?”. Great question! Deep down, I think I really enjoy it and it is my life philosophy to do things that are fun. When it stops being fun, I will stop. Let me restate that: When the positives stop outweighing the negatives, then I will stop 🙂 Or maybe I just enjoy having a voice in a hobby (that has become BIG business) that has been a part of my life for so long and so good to me. Or, let me just say it then, I just enjoy pissing people off lol.
While at the DO and eating dinner at the Chinese restaurant…it hit me. I wish a scientist studied our brains, there must be something distinct about the way we are wired. That obsessiveness, the detail, the highs we get when we score deals, the never ending hunt for the next deal, the strong urge to get on planes, the feelings of euphoria when we score suite upgrades, the lounge access feelings of importance, etc. You know, I have tried to quit this hobby…twice! I failed spectacularly both times. It’s like a disease, such a strong addiction. Maybe in my next act I am going to start a THA group, Travel Hacker Anonymous. Hi, my name is George TBB and am a milesholic lol.
Here is a nice photo of the location the sessions were held:
And one picture of the party at my house with some DO attendees, thanks to Mrs. TBB who took a few pictures this time!
Huge Amex Membership targeted bonus on the Business Platinum card. Amex almost never targets me and that just SUCKS!
That Live and Let’s Fly dude, huge fan of View from the Wing and One Mile at a Time, is warning us of an 86 part report coming up that is just like his idol’s… “Introduction: A Trip Around the World with Lucky“. I can’t wait to read it! #NOTreally
Brace yourselves for posts selling the Citi Prestige credit card and bloggers making it sound like it is is the BEST card ever. And you need to hurry, limited time, it ends in XX days, urgency baby! Breathe, breathe…And from Mile Nerd on TPG’s exclusive deal with Citi:
Note to Citibank executives reading this:
I’ve had good conversations with a few of you through the years. You seem like a nice bunch. Of course, it’s always helpful for me to hear from any vice president at the big banks. That said, your “exclusive” strategy of marketing this Prestige bonus was a total clusterfuck. I’ve heard from multiple readers who won’t be applying for it because of the way you enmeshed yourselves with that clown show of a blog. Why didn’t you just promote the bonus at a used car lot run by two guys named JimBob and Cooter? That would have gotten you more respect than this. Twitter followers and fancy Facebook ads don’t outrank integrity. Someone there must understand that. Right? I have to admit, though, part of me is hoping you’ll do it again. I’m looking forward to writing a much longer “Dear Citibank” post. It won’t be this pleasant.
And I leave you with this…

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Running late!
Mondays always start…soooo….slow
That National Geographic picture looks like a Luc Besson set.
btw AA flights are showing up on BA once again if anybody’s interested.
on the BA allowing AA flights to show again, it was reported in the TBB comments as soon as they became available 🙂
I guess I missed the news – what exactly is the nature of TPG’s “exclusive relationship” with Citi? Is TPG going to be the only source for certain offer links or something?
DoC has a lot on this today.
TPG gets the exclusive 75k affiliate link until August 1, when everybody else gets it. Expect LOTS of post on August 2nd how awesome this card is lol.
Oh good lord – what a racket. That explains why the BA posts about the offer have been almost non-existent thus far.
They are scheduled to appear on…August 2!
Late to the party because I was reading yesterday’s TBB link to the Jerry Foster story. I left the Surface of the Sun in 2001 after 18 years there. Both KTAR and KTVK were clients and I knew Jerry somewhat professionally but moreso personally via a couple of watering holes in Cave Creek (pronounced “Crick” by those in the know!).
The watering holes were known as “The Horny Toad” and, just down the road a piece, “The Satisfied Frog”. In those daze, neither Carefree nor Cave Creek had the cachet of money — both were rather gritty desert burgs removed from the sprawling heaving mess just being birthed to the south.
One always knew when Jerry was arriving – or leaving – as choppers, both the aerial and terrestrial versions, make a helluva racket. Despite his local celebrity, Jerry was just a down-to-earth guy, albeit with MUCH better stories to tell. His fall was swift and spectacular — and sad to watch. For me this article closes a loop.
Sorry for the long trip down my own memory lanes — all inspired by TBB. GRACIAS amigo…
#TBBon (please)
Wow, what a way to add to the post about that story, thanks for sharing it here!
From Horny Toad to Satisfied Frog – LOL
Question for anyone listening…
I haven’t seen this specific deal mentioned before, but I just saw award flights for 62.5k Alaska miles to Fiji via Seoul on Korean airways in business class. Maybe it’s just that availability is sparse, but I’m pretty tempted. Anyone done or heard of this?
Just curious, what are the fuel surcharges on that flight?
~$160 roundtrip, but it does have to be R/T…
Korean is just a weird airline…
As warned here, my funny pic with the Delta undershirt above, made it into its own blog post at The Points Guy. And HTing Travel & Leisure of course.
Written by a Daniel Nelson.
Mother frackers!
Thank you once again, George…
…and perhaps one day, I will make it to your house and the annual Ann Arbor event. I still have yet to meet you.
The last time I saw Dave was at the Chicago Seminars a few years ago; but believe it or not, I have never been to Ann Arbor or Detroit — except for the airport.
I have been to Traverse City and Grand Rapids — and the airport in Kalamazoo — but that is about it for me with Michigan.
One day Brian