We show you how to register for the latest SPG & IHG Rewards promos, have fun with resort fees, visit some awesome beaches in Africa & laugh a lot more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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You can subscribe to the TBB list on the right if you have not already. An email will go out at 7 am with the day’s blog posts since last time the email went out. Occasionally, you may hear from me regarding a very time sensitive/hot deal or some “sensitive” stuff that is not applicable to be posted on a blog post. I may throw in there some of the personal finance posts I write. Actually, I have no idea so for now it will be the same old email with the blog post, just a different vendor behind it (MailChimp). 104 107 subscribers…I guess I have a long way to go to catch the thought leader in this space lol.
Register for SPG Starwood’s 1st Quarter promotion is out: Take Two. As in double points for stays of over two nights plus 250 points per night in select properties. Through April 10, 2016. Oh we will miss you so much SPG!
Loyalty Lobby has the info on the new IHG Rewards Club targeted promotion for stays between January 1 and April 30, 2016. You can register and only then you can see your offer! In LL’s comments you can see other members’ offers and then you can whine about how inadequate your offer(s) were like me! Like about 5 nights for 55,000 points, no thanks, I’ll pass.
Heads up on booking those Club Carlson free e-cert nights for whining about destroying the free award night benefit of the credit card!
All the 1st Quarter 2016 5x Bonus categories and 2016 Calendars.
A cautionary tale for MS and dealing with specific companies…Beware!
Quick? What’s the second most ridiculous punitive confiscatory fee/surcharge in the travel industry? Answer: Resort Fees (of course, fuel surcharges tops the charts, in a era of gas prices hitting 7 years low that is!). Anyways, The Gate has a parody blog post on Resort Fees. Lol.
The most inspiring travel photos of the week at Matador Network. Always finding some gems there.
The Instagram Husband. Basically, a human selfie stick lol. Hilarious video parody of our contemporary addiction to everything social media. “We used to eat our food, now we take pictures of it”.
I saw this travel blog concrete & kitsch mentioned by Yomadic. I always found the former communist stuff to be fascinating. “Road Trip! Bulgarian Roadside Commie Kitsch“.
Wall Street’s Biggest Lies. This is a must read if you are interested about personal finance.
A short guide to Africa’s most pristine beaches. Wow!

Fascinating Photos Documenting Egypt’s Greatest Ever Discovery. From 1922. I have never seen these before, mind blowing!
The 2015 Credit Card Debt Study: Trends & Insight. Pretty sad stuff. The pumping bloggers sure contribute to this when you see REPEATED blitzes of credit card sellsellsell crap EVERY single day infesting newbies all over the internet who, lets face it, may not have the required money management skills to get into this insane hobby! Just the other day I threw up accidentally seeing an MMS post (probably written by some ghost writer) pumping 32 affiliate links in just ONE blog post and One Credit Card at a Time pumping a hideous 25k Gold type of card….So if you bitch about me when my family is the biggest customer of my own credit card links and the Amazon revenue does not bring in enough to be near minimum wage …something is wrong with you so getthehelloutofhere…you were never going to click on my links anyway bwahahaha. Ok, I feel better now #catharsis #therapy
And I leave you with this…

Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
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(Thought) Leader
Can’t complain about second. Feeling like TBB today as I sit in Panera pumping. . . .pumping out a dissertation, haha Unfortunately, no conversions via my pumping – though Panera via the MPX app does result in 5 miles per dollar!
Pumping is the way to go!
Not sure if that came off the way I intended it to lol.
Buzz, that cat picture is funny.
Buzz that archaeologist looks like he could be your grandfather.
Hmmm I still don’t get what’s so great about the Freedom card ? Only 15K signup bonus. Wondering what I’ll do when I hit my 50K ceiling on Ink and BB though. Still holding with my two new Chase cards since July.
Eh, did I mention, LAX-TPE round trip, burning my Hawaiian AIrlines miles, well 200K of them on business class next Aug/Sep. Used an “awards booking service” and paid $159, I’m a noob, what can I say. Flying China Airlines. I’ll have 45K HA miles leftover, hmmm . . .
I’m getting a little popup to sign up for TBB emails, which I already have. But I am in anonymous browsing, is that why it persists ? Also, the TBB is going into “social” in my gmail. Then there are a bunch of other twittery etc. stuff in there that are “popular in my network” whatever the H3// that means. It is mostly travel stuff, I guess I don’t understand how it works, it says info.twitter, then random tweets from travel blog people.
OK never mind.
My grandfather always gave $ allowance to my brother because he had his name…so I always felt upset about that. I carry these childhood feelings to this day ๐
Freedom card is about the 5x…for $1.5k per quarter. Could transfer to UR with a CSP or an Ink card. Not that big of a deal. No annual fee card.
Hmm, 200k Hawaiian miles to fly round trip LAX-TPE on that Chinese airline AND $159 award booking fee plus taxes/fees. Hmmm, well you only have 45k left to go!
I just got that popup too. I have it set to go up after 2 minutes on the site. I wish there was a way to let it pop up only on non-subscribers. Hmmm, not sure, learning this crap as I go along and I move very slow.
All those separate tabs within gmail (“Social”, etc.) are annoying. When they first came out I saw an article how to get rid of them, which I did and now all goes into the inbox, thank the all mighty! I can not recall how I did it but am glad I did. Anyone?
4th on TBB, 1st in the polls
Hey, take it easy on Jeb ok? ๐
I will google the question.
Also, nice list of how you burned the 1M miles, gives me some idea of how to approach things.
The 2015 list is nearing 1.3 million!
Kill tabs in gmail:
Open Gmail.
Click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Configure inbox.
Check the boxes of the tabs you want to see.
Click Save.
Then click TBB’s links fer-cryin-out-loud!
You rock!
~24% Off Sears Gift Cards + 5X & Even More Opportunities
1,000 Free Points from Voila Hotel Rewards as a holiday gift!!
This one was posted….and hours realized TBB “staff” realized it was caught in spam! #idiots
TBBBreakingNews never sleeps! We breath miles & points, especially when they are FREE! And we get out of bed to make this posting here for YOU!
How you can convert your 1,100 free Accor points into 1,100 free Avios
If you see this at a Titan blog, it was probably they saw it here first. HFP deserves the HT of course and TBB will not get it because he is not “nice”. However you define nice. Whatever.
One more thing:
Haters inspire me. If you have haters you have a worthy blog. If not…nobody reads it. #dainternet
Thanks for including my Bulgaria piece! An amazing country with a bunch of really great unconventional tourist attractions…Conventional tourist attractions are there as well, of course, I just happen to be more attracted to the eccentric ones. ๐