Time to give away something again to a blog subscriber! How about a drone, you know you want it!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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I recently won a drone at a conference so I am going to give it away to a blog subscriber! If you are a blog subscriber you know you are already a winner and you have nothing else to do, you are IN baby! If you are not yet, what the hell are you waiting for? Subscribe below or click HERE or use the box on the right hand side (sorry no arrows here, you can figure it out!).
Here are two pics of the box with the drone in it!
I will pick the winner in a few weeks or so or…lets say by March 15 or whenever the subscriber list hits 400 members, whichever comes first! And then you have a few days to respond with your contact info so I can send it to you!
Full disclosure: Subscribers get the TBB posts via email. Once a day at 7 am. That’s it. One of these days I will find the time to email you something else. Probably stuff that is too juicy and risque for the blog πΒ When I get to it…someday.
In addition, thanks to PedroNY, I am giving away the $300 coupon thingie to a reader who comments in this post and says ” I want $300″ or something like that. Just intend to use it yourself and spend the bonus in the TBB Amazon link. Ok, kidding about that, spend it wherever you want, I could care less. I’ll pick the winner on Monday and announce it on Tuesday. If I am still around, darn tax work is kicking my butt.
TBB should be back on Monday morning, God willing.
And I leave you with this…

Please help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links, thank you!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Follow TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2
Good Sunday morning to ya’.
Actially, I want about $10 million. But I’ll start that path by wanting $300, plus Pedro’s cell number.
My cell # can be attained after Lever 4 private forums registration, super-duper secret handshake and a promise of not disclosing of where you can attain $100k in MOs at a time for minimal transaction costs!
You guys like to go BIG!
I don’t know why but the checking bonuses seem like so much more of a hassle. So give Sam the $300, and I’ll take the other $9.9997 million he decided to create on his own…
Hey, it leaves me with nothing…oh wait, it leaves me with -$300 and minus a drone too! This blogging venture just gets better and better lol.
Hmm.. Let’s see how subtly I can put this… Oh, I know! I want $300.
I want $300! Yeah,baby!!
Here’s an amusing “investment” guide from 1997:
I want $300. That sounds great
$300 toward taxes would be great π
Hmm, $300, sounds good to me.
Reducing us to begging? PUMPING?
Bah, no pride is too important when it comes to this. Enter me in the $300 coupon drawing!!!!
This is what we do around here…according to some!
No escape!
I want $300 to pay off another month of student loans. Sigh.
I’ll take $300, I could buy that AA upgrade thing on EBay from Emily then!
Hey, you spare a $100 that way….Not going to ask what you two can do with it π
Professionally speaking, drones were the ‘hot’ item at the just held American International Toy Fair in NYC.
Last? I doubt it. π
I see this online…Drone is the future, we will all have one.
Wait, you can all buy it here! #pump
I need to do that airfare to NYC for BRT soon. And email you logistics questions, I keep putting it off
I would like the $300.00. Please. Thank you. I promise to spend it like a drunken sailor on a debauched liberty in a foreign port.
Sounds great, I hope you win!
I can find lots of things on Amazon to spend $300 on. Pick me!
I take back what I said to Carl, I hope YOU win! π
I’ll take 300 bucks! I gotta win one of these eventually!?!?!! Right??….
I don’t want it! LOL. I do however want you to keep in blogging, it’s always a pleasure to read it. Thank you!
Thanks again and for offering this from our favorite bank. May you escape all 5/24’s for ever! π
I would just like drone if you please, I would be happy to see the $300 go to another subscriber.
Happy Sunday to all.
To win the drone you need to be a blog subscriber.
Looks don’t count, sorry amigo!
I know it’s a cliche but… mind: blown.
After dealing with the horrific Obamacare tax related forms…you post this here to totally freak me out….on top of being freaked out already! Thanks a lot!
I predict the TBB Troll will comment on your latest post…waiting π
I think I count 12 entries for the $300 coupon…You can still enter! Say something…funny so we can all laugh #noextracredit
Powerball didn’t work out, maybe this will.
Is there still hope?
There is always hope!
Drone vs $300 – would definitely take the $300. If only Chase would love me as much as I love it. Did get a new biz card last round, but am still waiting to hear on a personal card, probably should have called already.
We love readers getting the cards here or, at least, get them through a small blogger we like!
I want the $300 to pay for tennis equipment for my foster daughter to play on the high school team.
Oh the things I could do
With $300 from you!
Taxes suck
And aren’t subject to luck.
But free from TBB
Brings me such glee!βΊοΈ
Love being poetic about TBB π
Hey, I want $300, too!
I think Sara should get two entries for that poem. More so since she rhymed ‘suck’ with ‘luck’.
Buzz could have done a $10 drawing a day for a month. There’s no floor on greed.
Actually $10 a day would have lasted 5 weeks since we on the Saturday diet.
TBB Giveaways matter!
I like it!
George would never have rhymed suck with luck!
I want $300. thanks in advance lol
I would love $300.
I want $300 to buy George some fresh souvlaki.
Lol…good one!
I sure would love $300. Thanks!!
Writing this from BEF (yup, you’re going to have to look THAT one up) where I spent the past too long on a place called El Bluff where the internet service was only slightly more abysmal than the cell service.
I was also viciously attacked by more than several flying critters — most of them mosquitos carrying Zeus-knows which current version of pestilential death goo.
However some other kind of creature has raised a rather ugly and far too nasty to discuss “thing” on the inside of my right leg. Seeing a “doctor” in this 4th world shithole (can I say that here?) would probably be the equivalent of a death sentence so I am awaiting my trip “home” (SJO) tomorrow to test the un-Dr. House-like diagnostic capabilities of my 3rd world shithole (oops) “doctor”.
Long way to say I could use the $300 for antibiotics or, if that fails, a couple last bottles of Capn Morgan…
I want $300