We have a surprise for you here at TBB. A guest blog post, hooray! In my desperate effort to keep this blog personal or in the familia so to speak, I offered bribed my son to take a stab at writing his own piece to get a feel for this blogging thing. And give me a short break for having to come up with another blockbuster post, cough!
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This summer, having just graduated high school, my friends and I decided to take it upon ourselves and make some great memories to last us the rest of our lives. For our whole lives we have had to rely on our families to take us on vacation but for the first time we had some real freedom and the opportunity to travel independently.
Eager to spend some time away from home (and away from parents), the week after our school was released we drove up to northern Michigan.
We spent three nights at our friend’s house on Torch Lake, MI.
It was a four hour drive from Ann Arbor. After leaving around 10 AM, the first day was spent relaxing and enjoying the beautiful view.
The neighbor’s beach and dock:
The first night we got to see an amazing sunset on the lake. The reflection of the sun and clouds on the lake were breathtaking. Even these pictures cannot do the sight justice.
The next day we had to do some grocery shopping. As rising Michigan Wolverines, we were not happy about the sign outside of the only grocery shop in town!
Meal of champions: scrambled eggs and brownies.
Yet another amazing sunset.
The next morning Torch Lake was incredibly still. It was like a mirror reflection on the water.
We took this day to go out on a few kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards.
It started to get dark while we were out. Paddling back to the dock was like a scene out of a movie.
Even more lake and sunset shots.
On the way back home we stopped by the famous Sleeping Bear Dunes.
My friend knew of an awesome location where it was not crowded at all and we were almost the only ones enjoying the beach and dunes.
Running down the dunes was a blast; it is a lot steeper than it looks!
Sleeping Bear Dunes on Wikipedia
I have been to many places due to my dad’s hobby addiction but Michigan will always be my home. He is telling me he can’t wait for me to turn 18 because he sees a lot more miles in the horizon 🙂
Go Blue!
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An impressive start. And the photos are a real upgrade.
The sunset photos are real stunners. You have an artistic “eye.”
You also show real promise as a writer. I can tell you’re a smart guy, but you also have your father’s sense of humor, which is even more important.
Hope you’ll have time in your busy academic schedule to do some more posts.
Great job! It’s nice that you were able to “get away” before you start up on school. Your next adventure without the family will have to include flights and hotels, though, in honor of your dad’s hobby! Where will you go? (My guess is Montreal!)
To all: I told son that all the revenue from today’s clicks will go to him. I also told him yesterday’s clicks brought in $0 so he should not expect much lol.
I just talked to him, he told me to pump it today because he needs money for…beer WTF 🙂
I recommend donating the money and more to Syrian Children’s Relief Fund or something similar.
I happened to visit BA and started reading about OMAATs first world LH problems in Frankfurt. How about giving a months worth of CC affiliate links to ppl in need! I stopped reading pretty quickly. The refuge crisis reminds me of Europe 1945-48. Meanwhile Obama is meeting with the Saudi King and there’s no discussion about the refugee crisis. There are ~6M displaced in Syria and ~4M abroad. Saudi Arabia has accepted none. The US quota is ridiculous. This is one of Germany’s proudest moments post WWII. Greeks should be embarrassed about how they have associated Angela Merkel w/ Hitler.
What is happening in Europe has been going on for several years. The flow has just increased lately. It is a huge problem, especially for broke countries like Greece to deal with. There are no easy solutions but the humanitarian aspect of it is paramount…Breaks my heart, these people are escaping brutal war.
I was very embarrassed seeing the shit some idiot Greeks did associating Merkel with Hitler. Ashamed but hey idiots are everywhere, nothing you can do, just shake your head and move on and scorn these assholes.
I will NEVER show off my charitable donations here, it is a private matter. I do NOT like when others do it. It’s a personal thing, choice, value thing.
Gulf countries have received 0 refugees. I think the reason may be is that they do NOT want to go there! The solution to the problem is ending the war in Syria. Good luck with that——–>the flow will continue
Bingo. What self respecting person would want to emigrate to Saudi Arabia. If I was from Syria I’d try to get as far away as possible from other Muslim countries.
Good Job Son……now don’t over do the Beer Pong at school, just weekends, O.K.?
Awesome experience! The photos taken are incredibly nice!! Thumbs up!
Hi KP, I loved this post! We lived in A2 for 7 years back in the 70s and some A2 friends now have a cabin on Torch Lake. They’ve mentioned Torch Lake in their Xmas letter every year since they started going there. Great to see why it is such a special place. As I told your dad, both my husband and I have degrees from UM. So welcome to the UM family and Go Blue!
What an awesome chip off the old block. Really great job! Hope UM is a wonderful experience for you.
Ah Torch Lake, best clear blue water north of the Caribbean. Go Blue!