It has been an interesting experience so far, this blogging thing! I don’t know much about blogging obviously but I do know that is foremost about content. If the content is there the readers will come. And they are coming. It’s a bit surreal to be told “thanks for mentioning me in your blog, you drove a lot of traffic to me” on twitter when my baby blog is not even ONE week old! That just amazes me! Thank you for all the kind words, I sure appreciate them. Oh oh, I am starting to sound like them bloggers now or what??
Breaking News: Judging from Facebook pics, apparently some SMD4 participants are still having orgasms while flying the Dreamliner yesterday!
What is this? I now have fans trying to imitate me? Hey PMM, this was a really funny post, it sure made me laugh. He has new links for cards by: Frontier Platinum Preferred [wonder if the card offers a 7% dividend], Ryanair Plus [WTF, are you out of your mind, how do you dare push this here!!], Airtrain Mastercard [can we send points to Southwest? counts for
Why fly anymore? I expect another “helpful” post from DeltaPoints touting this AND of course serving the AMEX cards where you can earn MQMs based on spending (gift cards anyone?). Who cares if that specific reference will be mentioned for the 1,875,007th time in his blog. You see, there may be just ONE new reader who made it to the site after clicking on a wrong link looking for Deltalina!
There is a blog titled “Noob Traveler”. I think it should be retitled “Noob Traveler for Noob Travelers”. I like his “disclosure” statement, a bit different than all the others (if they publish one):
Nope – today deltapoints posted his AOR and claimed he used the crappy usairways offer that gives him an affiliate bonus and the readers a considerably worse offer then what’s publicly proven to be the best offer out there. Then he doesn’t even mention the better offer. THIS is what gives bloggers bad names
@Anonymous: The worst part is that if you comment telling DeltaPoints that there is a better offer out there, he will not approve the comment. He controls his comments like a North Korean dictator or something. I rarely read his blog anymore cuz of all the terrible advice he gives. He is by far the worst (and most disengenuous) blogger on BoardingArea IMHO. I really hope you roast him a new one TBB and keep calling him out, as he truly deserves it.
I will continue doing what I do best:-) This blog would not exist if it wasn’t for some slick bloggers who masquerade as true authorities on the subject at hand when all along passing aff cc links to noobs. I realize they need to make a living or pay off student loans or something. But assaulting the readers REPEATEDLY with no end in sight just rises my blood pressure to dangerous levels and my therapist highly recommends I write and release my emotions here;-)
Glad we could make you laugh. And with this, you already sound like a true blogger 🙂
“What is this? I now have fans trying to imitate me?”
Hey I had to go back to PMM as I obviously didn’t click on the links.. Quite clever 🙂 Thanks for pointing it out.
Anonymous: Veterans like me notice these things and piss me off. Rick at FTG already tried to calm me down a bit by featuring my site, it worked [Hint!]. But not so sure for how long!
PMM: Still no entourage for me though, I am trying!
k2o: I try to post worthwhile stuff. Please tell Rick another credit card post and I may just lose control:-)
@TBB But come onnnn- the CC game is Rick specialty-plus he began years ago. It wouldn’t be a big deal if all the new kids on the block wouldn’t hawk the links after they ‘parrot’ VFTW,FTG, FM and others. Let Rick do what he does so well. {I’ll forgive him for the BB gaff, I don’t remember him spelling out anything quite like that before}.
BTW you should coin* the word parrot. I’m still laughing over that one
* waaaa, reminds me of the mint(RIP)
k20: I am lacking sleep and am slow today. I don’t get the term “parrot”…Did I come up with that?
Regarding FTG blog: He had great material. After he sold to IB, it is obvious he does not care much (I wouldn’t either). The quality of the posts has gone downhill, all it is a repetitive cc pushing fest going on. The look of the blog w/ the endless ads is awful too. I am sorry. I hope he takes that as constructive criticism and not bashing! I may have started the cc stuff before him and only if I had started blogging about it at that time:-) Anyway, like MMS is not going to change his “thing”, I intend to speak my mind with a humorous bent to the whole thing. Every once in a while offer some wisdom nuggets too to make the world a better place. Whole intent is to get stuff out of my system and follow my therapist’s instructions about finding a thereapeutic avenue to my feelings inside, hehe.
Hey TBB, do you think that OneMileAtaTime had something to do with the front page of the Wall Street Journal today? Top left corner photo and caption: “What China’s Trendsetters are Wearing”. Although his sweater did not make the article we might conclude that we are being set up to see: clothes,shoe,watches, and electronics links start to pop into his blog — aka DansDeals?
Like your blog. Entertaining reading. Thanks.
3LeftTurns: I will look for that article, thanks! I thought his sweater was just ubly but what do I know about fashion, nada! Then again, now that he moved to the West Coast he may improve on his fashion skills, lol. He has a long way to catch up on the amount of ads on DansDeals, a very long way! DD must draw the line somewhere…the one about credit repair just kills me:-) Suddenly I am in the mood for something kosher;-)
Jack: Welcome and thank you!
I think I’ve realized something about blogs … I inherently don’t trust blogs set up around pounding CCs for miles. They rarely talk about the actual aspects of travel, nor do they do trip reports without linking to cards for people to apply.
There has been a whole lot of pounding going on in this space…the pounding has gotten more widespread and heavier. It’s like a bubble forming, you know it is not going to end well/pop…you just don’t know when! I am getting fed up with all these credit card pushing whoring for the damn banks. Thinking about going off on a mother of all rants sometime this weekend after reading a few eye opening articles about this affiliate stuff. Stay tuned!
I have my post up about the buying MQM’s if you want to update the post with a link 😉 (does this comment earn me a spot on the mega-rant?).
Fun to read your views on all we do!
BTW, I do, now and then, have RANT posts about my “beloved Delta”, like the one on ETV’s or the dumb 72 rule or… well there are many and I am sure, with Delta, there will be a few more this next year! 🙂
Thanks for not taking it personally! And I hope Tamara does not either (yes you made it again, you make it really easy for me). From now on, I will be linking to each blogger I have the honor of featuring, it is the least I can do for going off on your guys;-)
Yes of course I loved your posts about the ETVs and the atrocious 72 hr rule! And there will be more coming. When the rev based change is announced I expect a MEGA rant from you, do not take it easy on them please. And if you talk to them please ALWAYS mention the broken award search engine, ALWAYS! Maybe one day it can be fixed (doubt it).
Them credit card links: That is a personal thing for me based on what I do for a living. I have seen the carnage that can be done with them and lots of people should not be encouraged to get another credit card ever again. They have spending issues, MAJOR ones. I also understand the $$$ behind it, oh yes I sure do. Like I mentioned, there has to be a fine line in this whole thing. I like FM’s approach of low way of offering cc links. You don’t do it low key, you do it slickly (so slick by the way sometimes I say…wow, brilliant, like today how you inserted that link in Tamara’s topic at the end…you slick rascal you). I need to find some time & do a post about this and fully explain myself one day….but timing is extremely limited these days with this blogging thing:-)
Happy Thanksgiving to your and your lovely wife!