I was going to enter this in tomorrow’s regular Buzz post but I thought it deserved a separate post. I made the following comment in yesterday’s blog post:
On a serious note now…Suddenly it hit me. I received a very thoughtful email by a reader who convinced me to not continue the “fight” with FTG. It was entertainment for a while which we both enjoyed. But, you know, I am starting to get tired of it now because it is obvious the dude has way too much time in his hands and is so out there that I am clearly now diminishing my own credibility continuing on. I better listen to Grandpa TBB’s advice, he was a wise man indeed.
I will continue to speak out and blog about what I find worthy and stick to the TBB mission. I know some of you will be really disappointed but I highly encourage you to ignore trolls. Responding to them only encourages them to go on trolling.
For readers who were turned off by how long this went on, I apologize. I enjoyed the back and forth and did my best to make it entertaining. But I feel it has now gotten….OLD and just not funny anymore. Let him troll here all by himself. He will get tired and leave one day. Who knows, maybe he will spend some time improving the Tool and the Travel Challenges.
Please Ignore these blogs
And then I read the latest Travel “Challenge” by Howie at FrugalTravelGuy.com (what happened to the “FTG Staff?”) telling readers how they can get a Delta card and spend just 25k Skypesos to fly from Savannah, Georgia to Fairbanks, Alaska. Holy crap Batman, for real? I can’t wait to sign up, amaaaaazing! And someone please tell them that the IHG 80k card may not be working anymore. Why stop there, you can always use the Barclay’s Arrival card for travel expenses of course! Did you see the headline? Readers can see the Northern Lights and have $40 to spare too? Phucking A! In my own opinion, I think that blog’s readers are treated as nothing but tools to extract money from them. In my own opinion, this is truly embarrassing content, there should be laws against this crap!
The challenge starts with a link to First2Board’s founder. I will let you form your own opinions about that association.
Finally, based on a latest tirade by the troll, you are all my “bulldogs”. WTF! It’s entertainment folks!
TBB readers don’t let friends click on FTG credit card ads!
Finally, an Internet Brands VP checked out my Linkedin profile! Interesting huh? If you read this, in my own opinion, trolling here is costing your company conversion money!
I will be at the Dallas DFW AMEX Centurion Club all day tomorrow Friday March 14th. If you need someone to let you in, I can guest you in (insert imaginary Amex Platinum card link here!). Just contact me, you can figure out how, no arrows needed.
So, keep it about the blogs, ignore insults and always keep it respectful. But if you get upset by being called a bulldog I can not control your reaction, only you can!
And this is the end of me messing around with trolls in the comments section. Responding to them only encourages more trolling. I will speak my mind here as I always have. And THIS dear readers is priceless: Having a platform to Entertain, Educate and Inspire! Thank you for reading and all the support. From all the TBB “staff”. See you tomorrow!
Be awesome, not a tool!

Yes Fluffy is still going strong at 13!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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first, por serio?
first comment in English!
first isn’t English? And I meant en serio. Just was trying to post so quickly!
Maybe he meant first post in FULL English? 🙂
Gosh, Rick, what a pest and waste of time you have been. Go earn your millions in retirement scamming newbies.
I still can’t get over the move of that Dutch guy who happened to be born in the US.
I think it is fourth but we ‘ll let you slide and claim the bronze 🙂
“you are all my “bulldogs.”
Ooooooh! (la la!)
Can I be a FRENCH bulldog with a beret and a sparkly sweater!? And glitter on my nails!?
I’m in!
You can be whoever you want to be 🙂
For those of us joining the blogosphere late, who’s who is really confusing. Sent you an email.
Got it and replied. It is perfectly normal to be confusing at the initial stages of the hobby!
“It is perfectly normal to be confusing at the initial stages of the hobby!”
The Rick’s and TPG’s of the world know that, which is why they prey on newbies…. er sorry, I meant “target content towards rookies”
Howie’s response to a question on how to book the DL award for just 25k miles from a reader: Use the KVS Tool to find the seats……WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you Steve. Very nice revision.
Bark bark!
why are you spending all day in the centurion lounge?
Because I can 🙂
Burned 15k BA miles & just want to experience it before I cancel my Plat card. Plus it is Friday and want to get away for a day to catch up on my reading which I always do when I travel. Food looks good too and may have a shot at bumps. I like to mix it up.And I need a break from the tax work and reward myself for being on track so far to get them all done by the time we leave for Maui. Sometimes I do crazy things, keeps me young lol.
I need to go have my greek salad now.
My husband loves that lounge. Went there on his birthday. He flies through DFW just to go there. That’s what happens when the wife is in the hobby. Nice to spoil him though. He deserves it. As he says, they better build a bunch more if he is going to keep the card!
When I asked the Plat rep please tell me why I should keep the card, she said “we are building incredible loungers for our members”. I asked how many and she said 2 but more are coming but could not part with the information. I almost laughed! I have seen enough reports about that lounge so I had to send a tabloid TBB staffer to investigate for the readers 🙂
Wow each to their own. It’s an OK lounge I guess but holy sh*t I would not fly half way across the country to spend the freaking day there! I was in DFW on biz this week and popped in on the way home. Nice booze I guess. Food is lounge food – kind of like we used to get served at school! And the mens room only has two stalls, both of which were occupied so ended up leaving to go in the terminal.
In retrospect, it wasn’t one my best ideas due to the fact that my laptop’s wifi just did not like any wifi networks in Dallas! But I made the best of it. I will try to find time to post a review. Way overrated.
It is too early for the summer soccer plans, I think we have plenty of time for tickets. I know I have a client who wants to go to a game there but i think he is a Manchester United fan. I need to get through tax season first and then look into this.
LOL. Yeah it is not that great. Booze is nice and I would be willing to go from say Terminal A to Terminal D but not from DTW to DFW to check it out 🙂
Let me know on the footie front. Happy to go along with Man Utd fan to mock how sh*t they have become since Fergie left. I am definitely going to see Liverpool vs Milan in Charlotte, maybe for the Olympiacos game in Chicago
I often share the goings on at TBB with my husband and kids but I think I won’t mention your reason to go to Dallas to them. Now I get it and think it’s a great way to break from the toils of tax season but it might just impact your rep in their eyes. Have fun!
Meanwhile the faculty at the U where my husband teaches just voted overwhelmingly (94%) to strike. I may be walking a picket line soon. I hope the admin now gets the seriousness of their shenanigans and that they start bargaining in good faith. We can weather a strike but many younger faculty cannot and students – many in debt from student loans – could really suffer. BTW it is less about money than other issues.
@harvson3 – in case you missed my comment on the last post, thanks for your input on the Club Carlson visa! It helped!
“It’s about the children/students” (at least, that’s what I always hear!!!) 🙂
I’ll call US Bank and ask for a commission.
In more serious matters, best of luck in the strike. Hope a deal is reached soon.
@Bluecat – The students seem to be very much on the side of the faculty in this strike, as they were in the public schools controversy we just weathered here. One spoke very movingly yesterday to the new Board of Governors. The moves toward more and more adjuncts and the effort to not offer more than one year contracts to them is very bad for students. If they need a ref for a job or a grad school app, they often can’t find the teacher who knew them in a previous year. It is hard to develop an ongoing relationship with a teacher/mentor when one never knows from term to term if he or she will be around.
The admin is not only refusing to give decent raises but they are trying to strip away many faculty and academic professional protections that have been past practice for 35 years. The claims of money woes are all spin; the admin has grown by huge amounts in the last few years and money is going to projects that dilute the mission of the U while the faculty shrinks and the students do, in the end, lose out. To the barricades!
@Harvson3 – I will understand if you do not want to go into any details here but I have long suspected that you might be an academic of some sort… Glad you are on the side of the faculty!
I taught for years at a university too. What a huge game it all is: the professors hoping for tenure, the fat layers of administration, all that tax money being poured in for new buildings that may or may not be needed…. It is a archaic system ripe for a complete revamp.
I find it really strange smart academics like to read tabloid blogs 🙂
Are you kidding? Quirky photos, quirky humor and in a hobby like this? Tailor made for strange, smart academics.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
I am still trying to find those angry ranters who like to put down people and hurt their feelings all day long:-)
For a moment, I almost went for my Ph. D. I think deep down I believe I have some professor DNA brain cells. I really enjoy mentoring students and teaching them to avoid my mistakes lol.
You would be surprised at which of us are academics 🙂
Credit Card Salesman Extraordinaire, The Points Guy, is part P.T. Barnum and part Used Sales Car Salesman. At least Gary from VFTW states that he is re-posting the Barclay Hawaiian CC because it now pay affiliates commission. So now I know why every CC salesman, blogs about the same card at the same time. Gary, I will sign up for one on your site because of your honesty. TPG, will never use your links, you seem too full of yourself to me. Humility and Honesty rock. Greed sucks.
>>>>>>>>>>>Humility and Honesty rock. Greed sucks.
Enough said!
I did my first CC apps using TPG links when I started this hobby. Didn’t realize how much they were raking in per referral. TPG must have made over $1K from me. Now I stop using referral links from most of the popular blogs all together with the exception of frequent miler.
I don’t care for TPG too much. Seems like one of those ‘entitled’ traveler that complains via twitter or through his blog when he doesn’t get his way. Same as Gary and Ben from OMAT.
I should make time to do a post about “An Open Letter to people who discover the world of miles/points” and warn them about this hobby,errr, business. The blogs in my Ignore list are ALL about the clicks/conversions/money/, YOU are not priority #1.
In my own opinion of course my attorney buddy always reminds me to add:-)
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
Am I the only one who reads other than travel sites? 🙂
Online trolls are psychopaths and sadists, psychologists claim.
“Finally, an Internet Brands VP checked out my Linkedin profile! Interesting huh? If you read this, in my own opinion, trolling here is costing your company conversion money!”
In reality you fished around with Ariana until you got his name and then contacted him with a LinkedIn message saying you heard he wanted to talk to you. Want me to post it? I kept it Georgie Boy
This blog is a Tabloid and that is all.
Ingy in a nutshell.
Looks like Marriott be headed towards revenue model for elite status and only showering the highest level with true perks. Thrown is the cost increase of prime and the end of large corporation subsidizing for market share maybe on the way out. Not to fret there will still be opportunities galore for the deal seekers who put in the work.
I think Marriott put the feeler out to see the reaction and send a message to other companies that they are looking into this before they consider putting into action next year 🙂
Of course there is value in this game. If not, you would not have willing interviewees at MMS 🙂
Yea., Let’s post it. Your reads need to know how far you will go to discredit others:
“I got the following from your buddy. Contrary to what is implied in the message I made no such request.” Brent
Ariana at FTG mentioned you may want to talk to me. I run the blog TravelBloggerBuzz. Thank you.
– George
Dated January 9, 2014
At some point, you’ll begin to see that a tabloid is all this is.
Scott: I will speak about this when the time comes, I keep my promises. The time is coming.
This Brent dude checked out my Linkedin profile yesterday.
I need to start packing for my day trip, mostly my reading material. And some clothes in case I get bumped!
I was being sarcastic. In fact I think it’s sad the Rick thinks that is some bombshell. I believe the YouTube video I linked to below sums up my perceived value of said bombshell.
“Bombshell” is your term. I just think it is a fact you as readers need to be aware of. But then again, you may follow this guy like Seth’s readers follow Seth. Difference being, Seth adds to the space.
Just can’t stay away George can you? You just love having me here cranking up your comments. When you quit trashing others, I quit trashing you. It is all that simple. Respectful disagreement is quite acceptable to the rest of the blogging world.
Give it a try
Want the FTG tool fixed? Want to see the travel challenges go away?
A little googling turned up the email address that you should use.
All I ever wanted was not to see newbies fall for crap like the tools and travel “challenges”. But hey the corporation exists to primarily make money so everything is allowed for conversions. Stupid tool newbies, they should be responsible and read the disclosures, they are right there (with a magnifying glass if you brought one with you).
These two features, in my own opinion, is the top of the crap in this space, in my own opinion of course.
It seems like credit card selecting and points/mile tracking tools are the next big thing among the bloggers. (Eg: TPG’s new Wallaby tool, Noob’s tool) If FTG follow the trend, I want to hear your review.
I like funny responses, completely off the wall as most of what the troll does here trying to teach us lessons from his infinite wisdom. Thanks for the laugh Scott.
George, I think that you are making the right decision about not rising to Ingy’s bait. I think you’ll be happier when you move on. I have to admit that I get some kind of perverse pleasure about the interchange in the comments section, and apparently others do to. However, I think I know why it appeals to me. I
Ingy, I hope you are listening. Please read the following letter to you:
I got into the “business” a few years ago after reading the FTG blog. I enjoyed your folksy writing style, and you seemed like a truly nice guy that enjoyed helping people travel for “free.” I used your sign-up links more than a few times. I signed up for the Chicago seminars because you made it sound appealing, saying that you would enjoy meeting your readers there, and that they could learn secrets that were not discussed in blogs.
When I got to the seminar, I found that it was very hard to meet you as you were rushing around talking to other bloggers. I went up to introduce myself and you made it very obvious that I was being a PITA. I was a little put off, but I thought, heck, maybe the guy has a lot on his mind. So I waited a day or so before trying to talk to you again.
When I heard you talk to the audience, I was blown away that you were being filmed by Nightline. I suddenly saw the seminars for what they were, which is venue for bloggers to publicize their product. Ok, I am a big girl–I understand the way things work– I wasn’t devastated that the Seminars are a marketing ploy disguised as a networking opportunity. But I was a little disappointed.
The last day of the seminar I went up to you and tried to introduce myself again. You said to me, “Don’t you need to go catch the shuttle [back to the auxiliary hotel]? Frankly I was shocked at your response. Needless to say there were no more clicks on your links after this.
Maybe you are a nice guy. Maybe in your heart you really want to help people. But that is not the way you come across. The impression you gave to me is that you are, or were, in it just for the money, and your statements otherwise come across as hypocrisy. Apparently others see it the same way.
George, thank you for giving me space in your therapeutic comments section.
I like many people who started out learned a lot from the old FTG site. When I was completely clueless about all this stuff, I followed Rick’s advice and started from his first post and read forward. By the end, I saw the whole picture and let me say, mind blown. I was hooked. Rick, is a public figure in our little niche world. I think, like many, who benefited from his blog and his advice also assumed he was a nice guy. His obsession with this blog, the way he belittles, and insults George just reminds me of a bully. I’m honestly shocked at his behavior over the past year. I think that George and Rick go way back and the clash here has nothing to do with George’s complaining about the ethics of bloggers and the state of the game. I think Rick wants to pick on George and uses his holier than thou “how dare you criticize hard working whosy do” as an excuse to be an asshole. It is very disappointing compared to the image of the man I thought he was when I started out.
Thanks for the positive comments about the blog when I ran it, and sorry to hear that Guerra, I’m sorry that I appeared to put you off. I’ve spent hours talking to readers and attendees at seminars and am sorry if I was disappointing. If you would ever like to rehash that time or catch up by phone, please let me know at rick@frugaltravelguy.com
To all of you hear, I can understand you sticking up for your hero Georgieboy and it is obvious that is your choice in most instances. But if you look at the way he speaks about others from my point of view, George has dished it out far more than I have given it back. He has been ranting about bloggers for one and one half years and allowing his readers to demean, criticize and complain on a daily basis for shit that just really is not all that important in the scheme of things.
The situation can easily change if George wants it to. I’m not so sure that is the case. I think he likes having me here as he keeps engaging and fighting back. It is obviously good for readership and comments.
George could easily censor my posts. All I’d ask in return is that he admits that he censors and add his name to the list of those that censor. Of course that would be hypocritical based on his professed statements that he won’t censor.
If you go back day in and day out over the months I think you will objectively see I have only occasionally egged him on. Most of my replies have been to his acts of slamming, ranting demeaning and whining.
This is a two way street folks. I’ve made it clear from day one when he quits slamming others I’ll be done giving it back to him.
From this side of the argument it seems George is fine with “dishing it out” but sure struggles with getting it “thrown back in his face” It is almost like he thinks he deserves the right to slam without having to get a little back in return.
Its George’s show. He can easily censor me, but that would make him a hypocrite again, or he and you can back up on slamming others. I’d love it to be over as well.
You claim that George rants about bloggers which is not entirely true. He rants about the crappy ones who are willing to screw their readers over making a quick buck.
So please stop making it look like ALL bloggers are honest people running an honest business. You just CANNOT say this with a straight face.
He has a list of blogs he likes and loves. Unfortunately, the blog that you don’t own anymore is among the ones that suck.
If all bloggers could be more like FM or VFTW (whom you dislike), you wouldn’t see people ranting about them. The proliferation of bloggers like TPG, especially MMS and MV is exactly when the “FF community” became divided.
/rant off
I wanted to add that I don’t know if you noticed but most people were happy for you when you sold your blog and made enough money to live off for the rest of your life. You have done a lot for the community.
Chris I have never said all bloggers are honest people. There are several that NEVER should have started blogs and agree they offer nothing to the space (Cue Steve to make a degrading remark about FTG the blog 🙂 The space turned into a circus in October of 2011 and I quickly exited in January of 2012.. Do you really think it was all about the money? Is that the only reason I got out? Try for just one minute, just one minute to watch something you dearly love, that has helped you see the entire world turn to crap in a couple of days.
Now imagine what it feels like to have George enter the picture and escalate the bullshit that has become the fall of civility in our space. Open outright slamming other people, day in and day out. It only happened in the good old days when some newbie called an airline during a mistake fare. Now the ranting goes on day in and day out.
FT cleaned it up to some extent with the Koko board, and that is becoming a non factor as well. The last and daily bastion of hate, demeaning, mockery, accusation and all else that is bad for the space is right here at TBB. ( cue another angry to take a shot at FTG or some other blogger)
The ranting does absolutely good. Do you think the “pimp artists of this space” (cue another angry to slam) are one single bit concerned about what Georgieboy says and how you behave. Trust me. They don’t. (cue another angry to say “yea but, yea but FTG the blog, MMS, TPG, MV did this)..
Can’t we all agree some blogs, some blogger tactics SUCK and move on? It accomplishing only two or three things in the scheme of things.
1. YOu have a place to express your frustration.
2. George gets to rant and have a blog. George could have a much better blog without the negative.
OK gang, Slam away if you must.
Thanks for the civilized comment. From what you just said, it seems that the space turning into a circus is mainly due to several of those bloggers who are a cancer to the community.
Maybe ranting does not do a whole lot but I think TBB helped making some of those bloggers less sleazy. Before that the space was a full blown circus like you mentioned and now it is less of a circus. Although I dislike TPG, he stopped promoting the crappier offers, whether it is because of TBB or because he can afford it, I don’t know.
When you look at a hobby where you can see the same info, over, over and over again all in the same day, on over twenty blogs, I’d still call that a circus. I am so glad to be out without having to post every day, only when I want to. the competition for eyeballs is incredible and there is so little NEW news. How many blogs do we need telling us the Amex plat bonus has been increased?
I read about four blogs per day and breeze thrust the headers of Ba, F2b in no time. It is such a waste of time reading blogs you don’t like. do you guys just do it to have something to complain about? It makes no sense to me
I’m glad the discussion is more civil here today. Thanks, everyone, to refrain from name-calling, even if “gentle” and “as a joke”.
In any area of life, there is the role of the critic. I don’t care if it’s taxes, health care, movies, or travel hacking blogs. There is a place for someone to “monitor” all of these, calling out the good and the bad. Do you agree that this is necessary, Rick?
If you do, then are you objecting to his style? Or the ratio of good to bad?
I see that you pull some lines from his work and like to quote those, but that’s not really the best way to get a sense of what he does. (None of us like to have certain ones of our quotes taken out of context—not you or me either).
More generally, I think that there definitely is a very important place for third party observers, especially in country. If we lose the outside voice of the “Fourth estate” (not just papers like the NY Times, but even lowly conduits like TBB), then what is left to keep things in check?
Absolutely agree that critics are necessary, but they need to have credibility in the space and George has no particular claim to fame in our space. He was just the first to critique. And his style is truly offensive with the ranting. If a FTG tool does not have a cashback card in the matrix, why not just say in simple language I couldn’t find it. Does he have to scream? No. Does he have to make quotes that are blatantly untrue? No and as you suggested nobody likes things out of text.
Do you all realize if he had asked me in an email or comment online “hey Rick whats up with no cashback card offered?” I would have answered his question.
Now, I know some bloggers would not respond. Some, may delete his comment if placed in the questioned blog, but I assure you screaming, ranting and hollering is not going to get the desired effect.
This is more about style than a disagreement on anything else. He has no reason to scream other than sensationalism and building an audience. It is unbecoming. My two cents worth and glad to hear your rebuttal or reply
In response to ingy at March 14, 2014 at 3:57 pm,
“George has no particular claim to fame in our space. He was just the first to critique.” I don’t think he needs a “claim to fame” before he can speak. I followed your blog back in the day when you were the first, and with no fame. What you wrote made sense (like George) and that was enough for me.
“truly offensive with the ranting” Maybe you are right, but we are all adults and, if we don’t like a site, then there are many others on the Internet to visit. I don’t find this one particular blog all that “offensively out there” (I mean, Limbaugh’s rants are worse, aren’t they?).
Don’t you agree, just a little bit, that what he says (when you strip away the tone) is mostly accurate? (I understand that a forthright answer here puts you in a precarious position with your employer, so no need to answer…)
In other news, even though I find his critiquing useful, I doubt he will ever be able to make major changes to the “card pimping” industry that he might secretly hope for: there is too much money and too many interests out there. Why should they listen to what TBB writes? Better to just ignore him, and that’s what almost all of them do.
And that takes us to this: Those that ignore him don’t care about the tone/style he uses in this blog–>they are ignoring him! Those blogs that don’t ignore him and post here are apparently okay with it (because I never read about them complaining about tone).
So that leaves the handful that are offended and that try to get him to change but, really, why change if it’s just one or two guys kvetching? I know I wouldn’t change if just one or two guys didn’t like what I did! Heck, if I didn’t piss some people off, then I wouldn’t be much of a critic would I? (Critics don’t need to be friends with everyone.)
Thanks for the comment. George and I do go way back and it is disappointing to see him take this approach with others. Particularly when he doesn’t seem to be able to get back what he is dishing out. George and I are on the same side on many issues, but his approach to the perceived problems in the space is certainly one of them. I have offered George a ticket to come spend a day and sit down face to face but he has no interest. It leads me to believe his only approach is ranting and that just ain’t gettin’ it.
As far as needing an excuse to be an asshole, everyone can have their own opinion of who is the asshole in this simple disagreement on approach.
Wow! His actions showed his true self. I always tell people, don’t judge a person by what they say, judge them by what they do.
@guera – you sound like Stan
You mean I sound like a big baby? Not a very nice thing to say. But I do read and like your blog.
Thanks I am glad you appreciate it. I meant you sounded “starstruck” and like “hey Rick I am your number one fan why are you ignoring me?”. I think Rick is an organizer at these Chicago do’s and I would assume has a lot of friends going back many years, so I’m not sure I’d expect much more than a “hello nice to meet you” from the guy at an event of this size. I’d stick to smaller events if you really want to meet with people
@ guera: Thank you for taking the time to tell us your story.
>>>>>>>>you are, or were, in it just for the money
Were? In my own opinion, it has always been about the dinero! I better stop 🙂
There is indeed a therapeutic aspect of blogging. We are all patients here doing therapy in a way 😉
@ Scott
Maybe we can chat sometime when we meet over a few beers. Very disappointing indeed. Money changes people—–> TBB’s own opinion 🙂
@ Chris:
Wow, you captured the essence of what I am doing here with your comment! May I suggest to stop reasoning with the number one TBB troll who spends hours here every day? Past behavior has shown YOU JUST CAN NOT REASON WITH SUCH PEOPLE, IT IS A GIANT WASTE OF TIME! For some perverse logic, the dude has a severe addiction about my site and can’t get away from it. Just imagine if he had used all this time to actually play with the Tool to see the crappy advice it spews out he may have noticed that most of the crap in the Tool is there just for show and does absolutely nothing in tailoring the credit card “advice”. But for months now he is here with his angry ranting calling us names and the occasional few comments that sound okay until the next outburst! I must say I am honored that I have managed to create such obsessed readers I guess. And he is not going anywhere he says. I am not either because last time I checked this is my baby. When I see 26 cents revenue from my Amazon link in the morning I smile because it was earned while no tools were harmed 🙂
I have no illusions about what I do here. It is mostly for my own entertainment (and kind of therapy I guess). The space is still a circus. If I managed to get some people to start reading blogs in my two good lists and avoid the ones in Ignore list, this is an improvement to the overall environment. Rome was not built in a day.
I should add commentary on the blogs in my Ignore list….
@ Anonymous: I agree! Just imagine if the financial regulators were not there, you would have scammers raping tools non stop out there. People like Chris Elliott are necessary (plus he provides us bloggers material to write about!). I did this for a year in an entertaining and constructive manner. I prefaced posts that my content should never be taken personally. I got tired of it, the circus will continue. So I stopped after a year. In the comments some readers will make some comments. Hey, you would not be censored here even though the troll tries to make me do so. This is not North Korea, it is the good old USA. At least we stand for something 🙂
I could make a lot of money if I changed my approach and conformed to a more commercially friendly approach. Rick has given me great advice via email what he thinks I should do. But he makes a great mistake that he does not comprehend: That money is my number one goal. It is not. It is entertaining myself, having a good time while entertaining, educating and inspiring readers. If money comes at some point, I will take it if I can do it in a way that TBB does not become a part of the circus. It is VERY difficult to do it the right way in this space mainly because the economics involved are, well, perverse. And this is why you see so easily outfits going down the greedy hole and become tools and contributors to the whole circus atmosphere that has completely engulfed this space in the past few years. I like doing things my own way. I am blessed to be doing for a living and a hobby two things I am passionate for: financial planning and blogging about travel/miles/points. Life is a journey. Grandpa TBB taught me to work hard, do good every day and good things will happen. This is what I do. Entertainment will come first, life is too short.
I don’t give a crap about being sensational to earn readers and more clicks. I will gladly give up half of my readership to let the troll go away and stop hurting some of the nicer people who write at FTG because his obsession and crusade against my site ever since it said something negative about the content of it has been, well, kind if surreal. It was pure entertainment for a while. Some still find it so. But I think now most find it just sad to see such a tirade.
I always find it so peculiar you guys are warned about my credibility. I mean, what can you say, how can you hold a dialogue? Please ask him these questions in FTG and help get that site some comments. Credibility???? WTF!!!!
Smart bloggers ignore TBB of course and just go on doing their thing. A big part of it is pimping cards of course. It happens. They are not going to comment here and hurt their business. This guy is hurting the fellow FTG people who are trying to make a living in that site. Sad indeed.
I would not change my style so TBB can go on to more commercial success. That will make me a tool. I haven’t checked google analytics and alexa numbers in months. This space sure does not need another site pumping cards every day, informing you of crappy deals, reminding you to sign up for stupid crap, doing interviews and praising of each other, “challenges”, Top 10 cards etc.
Amen, brother! For the record, I really really appreciate what you are doing here. I strongly believe in the need for the critic/the overseer/the fourth estate and you fill that role!
Please keep it up. If I ever meet you in person, I will buy you a beer.
Anonymous, this time (well, not so anonymous if you match my IP address. 🙂 )
I have been offered many free beers by readers that if we did it at the same time I would get drunk so easily!
Actually, what did not make it in my previous comment because I got distracted, is this: I played the Siskel role for a year. Then I said I am done, I apologized about things I said that may hurt a businessman’s feelings simply because I could not keep up with the circus. So, I made my lists and that was it. Did this slow down the troll? Hell NO! I got called names my worst enemy would never call me (full disclosure: I have no enemies that I know of lol) when I was not doing any Siskel stuff in the body of my posts, all using perverse arguments. Attempts to reason have all failed because it is exactly what my father had said “Some people hear only what they want to hear, you are better off to avoid them”! Maybe a few times I said something about a blog that was negative in the comments as we have pretty good thoughtful and constructive discussions going on here for the most part. But the troll decibel exploded so I said phuck it, my new approach did not work and I was getting kind of bored. So I am back to speaking my mind. I blog about whatever comes to my mind, it is like doing my own therapy. If you guys find it entertaining, learn something or get inspired sometimes..it’s groovy.
I am hugry now but need to be strong because I ate too much at the Centurion Lounge 🙂
Ok, it won’t be a beer then.
Ingy must have missed my last post (in today’s blog post) where I asked him how he could be a critic and what words he would use to be positive. He may have missed that so I will repeat it on his next FTG post….
Something you may want to consider: how about a one page “pitfalls to watch for” page for newbies? My reason is that I sent my sister to your pages and she could not really see why the Avoid blogs needed to be avoided. So maybe there could be a little “If you are thinking about this hobby, here’s what else to know…” page. It could talk not just about the credit thing, but just gives a little insight on how this travel blog business actually works.
Yep, I was thinking of doing exactly that actually. But I move slow as my time is limited. Especially these days trying to get all tax work done by the time we get out of Dodge to Maui to prematurely celebrate April 15th D Day 🙂
There are many aspects I want to do for the blog but no time. I still don’t have an email list and Facebook page. And have many past trip reports too.
This Buzz thing reviewing the Feedly feeds is a bit time consuming. And the reason I stopped commenting on the credit card pump pieces, I was driving myself nuts. I was planning to do a guide for newbies with lesson number 1 the basics of what you just talked about and REALLY pounding on the evils of debt, etc.
It has moved up the priority list, thanks.
Anon. I did read your earlier comment and will gladly respond. I’m not worried about what my “employer” says. They bought my blog, not me.
USE of Quotes
“Don’t you agree, just a little bit, that what he says (when you strip away the tone) is mostly accurate? (I understand that a forthright answer here puts you in a precarious position with your employer, so no need to answer…) ” END of quote
I can wholeheartedly agree that when you strip away the tone George is mostly correct in his assessment. When I started with SPG commissions at under $40 each and was clearing in the low four figures per month, I NEVER IMAGINED what would happen to this space. I was just strolling along, singing a song and one day.WHAM the commissions skyrocketed. I mean beyond my wildest imagination. Brian asked me about links and I referred him in about April 2011 and then in October of 2011 it became the circus it is today.Every Tom Dick and Harry got links thanks to one guy at FO. The party or Goat____ whichever side you are on was in full swing.
YES there are bloggers that have no interest in anything but the CASH. Yes there are commercial operations in it for the MONEY. I had no idea what was going to happen from my little sub $40 ad payments
With all that said, and BTW, YOU are the first to ask in a civilized manner, it does NOT in my mind justify what goes on here. It is unnecessary uncalled for and unproductive. A Card Pimp is not talking to this audience. I hope Greg gets every advanced players card app. Right now, he deserves it, but there are some guys in the MS arena that are coming up quickly.
Personally insulting and demeaning people is never called for. It is, in my opinion in this case, sensationalism and one individuals attempt to garner attention in the space. He would be much more productive if he offered a Rant Day for each of his least favorite blogs and had all of you just blow off steam for one day on FTG, or whoever you want then just drop it. He could call for a boycott of the blogs he doesn’t like and then just be done with it. He could have his readers pledge never to use a blog for that manner, but it is not doing anybody any good with all this screaming and ranting. I’m tired of giving George a piece of his own medicine because as you can see, IT AINT WORKING.
But if you all really need a place to vent your anger, disappointment whatever on those that made the effort to start a blog and in 99% of the cases are trying their best (yes there are some that are not) then keep at it. I’ll just remind you to please try and voice your opinions in a respectful manner.
A thoughtful response, thanks. Good to get the historical background on what/how/why the craziness started. I did not know there was a “guy from FO” who was the mastermind. Guys on this forum may love to know who he is. 😉
In the paragraph starting with “Personally insulting…”, I see you are making some suggestions for how TBB could operate and that’s a good start. I agree that this blog is more for “insiders”/”gear heads”/ “guys who are deep into it” than for “newbies”. It’s a place for us to let off steam about the craziness and, hopefully, shame some of the blogs into changing. (Not sure it works…TBB will apparently tell us tomorrow)
The issue I have with your suggestions for TBB are that they address the symptoms and not the root cause. If I read your idea correctly, you are proposing that the people who write into this blog just need to get things off their chest–but it doesn’t propose a way to try to influence the travel bloggers themselves.
Of all people, I think YOU (as the “original”) would know best if their behaviors can be influenced and how. Do you have any ideas for how a “critics” blog—maybe not this one—could positively influence the behavior of the travel blogs? I don’t know if what they do requires government oversight (like a warning label on cigarettes) but it looks like “shaming” is not that effective either.
In any case, after a year in existence, you have to admit that TBB has found a niche. People can raise the alarm when they see bad behavior (this is important!) and they do not hesitate to bring it up. Yeah, the language/style/tone they use may not be to your liking but is it REALLY as bad as you make it out to be? I don’t think so. (I can provide you links to sports forums that makes TBB’s blog look like it was written by Buddhist priests.) And no one is getting hurt by the writing in this blog (or in the comments).
I think the good–the calling out of bad behavior and the possibility that the travel bloggers might think twice before doing something questionable–far outweighs the bad.
George, Long time reader, first time commenter. I’ve been a reader since day 1 and wanted to let you know that I love your site. One of the things I really appreciate is that you blog on a regular basis. I understand how hard that is, so I appreciate it. I love the comments section too, however, the last few days have been a little much from both you and Ingy.
First, I wanted to let you know that similar to what others have said, I started learning about the whole credit card game from you and your original site. I liked how you always stated that your credit is the most important asset. I learned a ton from you and your site and have/had a lot of respect for you. For the longest time, I couldn’t believe that you were actually behind the comments on this site. I am still thankful for what you have done for this hobby but have lost all respect for you after reading your comments. Please take the time to try and read your previous comments from an unbiased third party perspective. They are childish, bullying, and in some instances threatening. I realize that there are a lot of people that are egging you on, including george, but remember that everything that you write in the comments is permanent and again says more about you than anything.
I’m really happy for you in that you were able to monetize your site and sold out at a great time for a great price – I’m a big fan of capitalism. You put a lot of hard work into your original site and I realize that the site is still your “baby” to some extent so I can understand why you take a lot of the criticism personally. Just realize that there are a lot of people like me that read this site and the more we read, the more turned off we become.
George, keep up the great work with the site!
Jayb: Thank you so much for the kind words, they are very appreciated. Blogging on a regular basis is indeed very hard. But, in a way, I must like it because I wouldn’t be doing it if that was not the case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>unbiased third party perspective
not gonna happen I am afraid, it is obvious by now.
Just posted a new blog post and need to get ready for my trip to Dallas! I will get to the comments tomorrow from the Centurion Club!
Chris: That’s what I am talking about!
Thanks to all for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it. And for the kinds words, they mean a lot.
Blogging is therapy and entertainment for me, thanks for being here along for the ride.
Ignore the trolls!
TWA44 et al – Interesting that there are so many academics reading this blog. Best of luck on the strike. The use of adjuncts is getting way out of control.
George – one of the the things I’ve learned from this site, as well as people commenting on other blogs and calling the authors out (sometimes in an angry over the top way, but there are grains of truth) is the role that affiliate links and various types of referrals and commissions play in almost all blogs. There are tons of blogs out there that help you find deals of various types.. nationally, locally, online, etc. When there is a good one that is helping me, I use their links so that they can keep their blog going. But when I start to realize that they only list something available on i.e. amazon when it’s cheaper somewhere else (that doesn’t pay kickbacks), or the death knell of any blog – the list of free kindle books available – that’s when it’s time to move on. Sucks when a blog goes down that road, especially after years of being useful and worthwhile.
I too learned a lot from FTG and TPG when I started – and I didn’t start this very long ago. I wonder how many people stay in the “rookie” mode for a long time, or whether there are just so many rookies coming in that it doesn’t matter if you lose your readers after 6-9 mo, because there’s always a fresh crop. Hmmm.
Most of us graduate to more advanced levels in less than a year, but we always keep learning . The turnover of readers on a newbie blog is huge, but so is the revenue. FM gets the advanced players clicks because that is his audience. Good for him. It’s working. It is an entirely different audience. It matches the expertise of this blogs readers much closer, and your clicks are not missed but expected to go where you are happy.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment and for the kind words. I don’t know much about the “rookie” market, all I know is there is an infinite number of potential rookies out there to be churned 🙂 You got it;-)
Got back very late from Dallas where I had major laptop wifi issues!
An earlier post did not make it here.
I will be getting to the comments and emails over the weekend, I need to catch up big time!
Thank you for your support and for taking the time to comment here!
You don’t sound like a bunch of angry whiners to moi at all!
Please ignore the troll!
George, I don’t think your readers will ignore the “troll” as you call me. I’ve had several civilized discussions with several of them and hope to continue offering a better set of circumstances (not ranting) to talk with those with civilized comments and questions.
You should try it sometime.
So you are saying Savannah to Fairbanks isn’t a good deal – It’s a $1,000 flight – so you get 4 cents per Skypeso – I have redeemed worse 🙂
Rookies should not have any misconceptions they can easily find and book such trip with Skypesos! When they ask how to find such seats they should not be told to use….KVS!
They should be warned by the time they manage to book such a trip they may have lost all their hair. Remember: the target market of said blog is the newbiest of the newbs. Actually recommending any Delta card is a stretch. But what do I know. That blog post had dates initially but were deleted I think. I wonder why! Or maybe I am hallucinating or angry? Nothing makes me angrier is dishing crappy advice to readers who are treated as tools to get them to apply for credit cards. Hope I am clear 🙂
George, Maybe your blog should offer advice then? Not just criticism of others but your own personal advice on how to play the game. Whata think George, make a positive contribution to the space instead of constantly criticizing others. Go ahead George, Tell us all you know about Delta. Spread your infinite wisdom on us all.
Anon 3:32 PM It is so refreshing to see a point of view expressed here without all the sensationalism, criticism and slamming. Glad to discuss whatever you would like. I appreciate the opportunity to civilly take the other side. That doesn’t seem very welcome around here. And I will take some responsibility for that for giving back to George he feels is necessary. I apologize.
I will propose again how you influence travel bloggers that you are not happy with. If you see something on their site that is not “the best offer”, or you think is misleading write a respectfully, adult, not whining, not slamming , not derogatory comment on their blog. In other words, Act Like Adults. If they delete it then feel free to respectfully report that information here on TBB. I gave that suggestion to George months ago. He blew it off in a huff. Said it would do no good. Now George is going to reportedly tell you what an influence he has had on the community. I can’t wait to see it. I’m guessing it will be fan mail from readers here at TBB supporting him and his behavior. I hope he has more than that because, we already know that you all won’t click on rookie blog links.
The veterans are far outnumbered by the rookies and newbies. They should be using their good credit to gain miles and points just like you did when you were newbies. For God sakes we can’t let them loose with MS. That would be a disaster. The game is credit card signups and MS. And people need to show some personal accountability ( I know George hates that term) when applying for cards. George will indicate he is not against capitalism or so he says, he is not against applying for cards, or so he says. His whole schtick is the number of cards that people could apply for. I can assure you that personal greed will always overcome George’s ranting about the number of cards one applies for and how it is presented. I’ve have read hundreds of letters writing by myself and other members of FTG warning people to go slow when starting out. I wrote those letters for years and many of you if you will admit and asked for my advice got those letters yourself. George doesn’t talk about that stuff because it would not support his position. He has never heard me speak about the dangers of credit cards for newbies, and he never looked at the FTG tool which is now almost two years old until I wrote a post about it several weeks ago. We have answered literally hundreds of emails off that tool and I am not one bit ashamed of the info we have passed along to people by private email.BTW it is being replaced and I have not seen the new “tool” And yes George I asked them to put a cash back card in it for you.
I’ve got to tell you again how refreshing it is to speak with reason to a reader here. I hope some of you will consider that George’s approach garners little if any influence on bloggers. Ranting, screaming and demeaning very seldom does. Isn’t there some saying about “You can get more ??? with honey than ???”
And BTW, I’ll side with George Day in and Day out on using caution when applying for credit cards. But I will not side with a screamer and ranter. As he puts it, They beat you down to their level then beat even more with their experience.
I could and would be his ally, if he’ll just change his method and approach.
For the hundred fifty sixth time, PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.
anonymous at 3.32: We have gone over these same issues many many times before. It is obvious to all that there is an inexplicable obsession about me from this person who is in here day in day out commenting away and it is the same old arguments over and over ranting away about my motives, my schtick and my style. All the stuff he mentions I have answered before countless times. NOTHING GETS THROUGH, IT IS POINTLESS. IT ONLY ENCOURAGES HIM TO GO ON TROLLING. PLEASE COMMENT AWAY IN HIS OWN BLOG! HOW MANY TIMES WILL I SAY IT? PLEASE!!!
To the person who asked about my reviews of the FTG Credit card tool here it is: http://travelbloggerbuzz.com/delta-skymiles-changes-loyalty-programs-amex-everyday-credit-cards-reload-it-more-on-chris-elliott-porncornguitars-ftg-credit-card-tool-commentary/
The comments are always entertaining. Good to see that is being replaced. I wonder how many “rookie travelers” fell for the crappy advice dished out to apply for seven cards when they only wanted a cash back card!
A complete apology to them and me is very welcome for all the personal insults and bullying by informing me that I may hear from the Internet Brands legal dept. All because I dared to criticize big old FTG blog that has become a shameful pumping machine of a “travel” blog.
Wait for my blog post tomorrow. I think you will like it.
I am not as hungry anymore now, I am going to Starbucks to use my free drink in my Gold card!
Another Georgieboy misrepresentation of fact. I don’t ever recall mentioning the legal department of IB any manner or form. You know as well as I do if I had truly given up on you, one simple email with link of this blog to that newspaper you contribute to would have cooked your goose months ago.The truth when cornered is so hard for you George. Sensationalization.
“Obsession about you?”” Could be again, no further from the truth. Please don’t flatter yourself. If any other human being acted the way you do towards others I’d be on them as well. When I look at the travel space you are the only one slamming, demeaning and now starting to misrepresent facts (in my opinion of course 🙂
And to think that this guy has an MBA and writes for a respected national paper, and provides professional financial advice. No wonder he doesn’t want this blog to reach his other writing project.
“WTF this and WTF that” “Phuck this and Phuck that” You are not in the hood George and never will be.
Okay, George. I rather thought the discussion was okay—in this old thread, probably with no one else following it anyways. I just wanted to see if Rick had any good ideas for curing the ills.
He had one idea–to call out a blogger in their own blog and, if censored, “report it back here”. Not sure if the people here are willing to act as good-natured fact checkers for every blogger. IMO, it’s better to get them to self-censor. Besides, I’ll bet in 90% of the cases, these guys know perfectly well what they are doing. Ie., it’s not an oversight.
I see by his responses what you mean by obsession, however. Rick, your answers tend to get into personal attacks—I thought we were discussing ideas, not people.
George, I will try to post something like this in his FTG blog the next time he posts. (In the meantime, please enjoy your coffee.)
anonymous: I felt bad after my comment, I apologize. It’s just that we have been through these back and forths many times. We clearly do not see eye to eye with Rick. It is what it is. I do my thing here and he lets me hear it day in and day out. He does not realize the harm he is doing to himself AND, most importantly, to the other bloggers back at FTG who would love him to stay away from my blog! The sad part is I would have folded “like a cheap suit” a long time ago if he had ignored me like all smart bloggers are doing. But somehow he feels like a crusader for teaching bloggers “good manners” (huh?) and all kinds of things that in a bizarre way do not apply equally to him.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Besides, I’ll bet in 90% of the cases, these guys know perfectly well what they are doing. Ie., it’s not an oversight.
I would say it is at least 95%!
I gave all this up at my 1 year anniversary because I was tired. That INCREASED the trolling and the names I was called still make me cringe. So, you know, I don’t like to be bullied so I then take my shots back (in the body of the posts only now!) and ignore his numerous comments here. A reader sent me the link to the FTG tool because, frankly, I almost never go there as I scan the blog posts at Feedly these days. I must admit that made me angry. I bet I would not be so angry if this guy was not posting here every day. Just imagine if he had actually taken the time to improve the tool. But, hey, as he said many many newbies converted…which is the primary goal of that website.
As far as the invitation to go meet him, I replied and had said that I am too busy to go see him but he is welcome to come see me as he has all the time in the world. I clearly don’t. I am actually going crazy these days so I am a little irritable and I take it out by writing in my blog about stuff that comes to my mind.
He is trying to get me to censor him so then he can go on FT and say I am a censoring hypocrite…Which was the exact set up that was pulled here months ago. I now let him post my name and I ignore him.
I repeat: From Day One, I felt the space has grown large enough to have someone review blogs. I have been around for a while, this is a passion of mine. And I like to do things differently and I frankly DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE METRICS involved.
My father said to always stand up for what you believe in. I am sure Rick feels the same way. We just believe in different things. I am here to entertain, educate and inspire. The FTG blog is there to convert readers. I despise marketing pump machine “travel” blogs and I say so in my blog because, it is MY blog damn it. Rick despises my tabloid blog. C’est la vie. You don’t see me trolling his blog.
I expand on what I am doing a little more tomorrow in my next blog post because MY message is getting out. And I hope my readers can join me in lifting blogs that add value instead of blogs that exist to primarily convert by pumping like there is no tomorrow.
Update: I just read his latest reply again, and as usual, it is the same old BS. Every time I read a comment I always shake my head and wonder aloud “WTF!”. And more names and more threats to “out me”. IT IS POINTLESS so please I beg all readers to let him go rant all by himself and not try to engage him in a serious conversation because it is clear by now that it is NOT possible.
To ALL readers: I apologize for this never ending charade. It is clearly not funny anymore. The end.
All of the above are my own opinion only and I do LOVE the Chase Ink Bold card too!
It’s okay George. I just wanted to try to see if the discussion could stay “above the personal” and stick to ideas. He has not responded to my last email here. I posted in his blog post today. Let’s see if it is allowed to remain and, if so, will the discussion continue there.
“to my last email”–>”to my last post”
I am perfectly fine if it continues there, that blog can sure use the comments 🙂
Just kidding. For some reason he has toned it down today. But it won’t take long, tic tac