We check out the latest Turo deal, shake our heads about the new Hilton Tru brand, visit an awesome PanAm lounge and Istanbul, marvel at the coolest subways and more!
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Trying to keep this baby together as we enter the mother of all busy times for me. Commentary will likely be kept to a minimum. I am sensing low action on the blogs. Heck, if it was not for the Pointbreaks and the usual pumpers finding yet another way to do what they do (pump credit card links) this would be a sad state of affairs. And amazingly new bloggers enter the space…like they have anything different to offer! Anyways, you come here to find…the best of what I find, maybe laugh and learn a little, perhaps get inspired here and there. And I enjoy doing that, I love having my voice here, this blog is my baby.
More details on this Turo deal, please do not try this at home, for pros only! I repeat, for pros only!
Hilton has a new brand. Tru. What the hell!!!
Get 50k AA miles for a checking account.
How about this place for a DO? A real PanAm lounge.ย It’s in West Berlin. Has anyone been? If you click my links I promise I go for YOU and do a review, deal? ๐
14 Beautiful Bridges. Another awesome AFAR list. Yep, you guessed it, lame blogger question coming up: “Which bridge is your favorite?’ lol.
This video is making a big splash online. Snowboarding with the NYPD in NYC in the blizzard, it’s awesome!
It was the best of days, it was the worst of days.ย Your daily dose of awesome personal finance posts hand picked by yours truly.
Mind bending photos of Istanbul. You haven’t seen anything like this, I guarantee it!

The 10 coolest underground subways in the world. We had a similar post about two years ago. Must click. Amaaaazing!

Did you know that National Hug Day was recently. This is what it is like for people who hate hugs!
And I leave you with this…

PSA: If you have trouble meeting the minimum spend on a new travel rewards credit card…DO NOT get it, it is not worth it! This is advice you will never get in a blog that pumps credit cards every single day. Watch out: your credit score is the most important asset for the pumping blogger FIRST! ๐
Every time I see/hear Bernie Sanders I think…bagel. Toasted. With cream cheese ๐
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Silver. “Platinum lookalike”
Good morning.
Folks should be more concerned about the Zika virus than the stock market volatility. Sadly very little money is allocated to research viruses. Call/write your representatives and NIH. This is more important than Obama’s Precision Medicine or Biden’s “moon shot for a cancer cure”. As the temperature heats up, we will start seeing cases in the south.
We may see more headlines like this “El Salvador’s Advice on Zika Virus: Don’t Have Babies”
MERS is back in Thailand!
Every time I see Bernie Sanders on TV I think “Hey it’s the guy from Curb Your Enthusiasm”, I hope he runs against the guy from The Apprentice TV Show. Now that would be epic TV.
You silly Americans make fun of my country’s government?
New equation: “If Donald vs Bernie, then Mike”
Both of mine are okay. Made a note in tomorrow’s post, gracias!
Saw an BankAmeriDeal for 10% off at Panera. Thought of you, naturally. One time only, using your enrolled card, so buy a lot. Through Feb 15.
I will look for it next time I log in. I have my personal and business checking at BofA for….ever. Thought about looking into transferring to Chase and their private banking dept to take advantage of no fees/min requirements in the banking side (while parking a big brokerage account there) and, more importantly, getting more credit cards and UR points. I almost choked when the nice lady said “card churners’….They are on to us…back to Panera to strategize ๐ Thanks.
Even if you hate TPG this is still a nice article – http://thepointsguy.com/2016/01/20-years-in-points-and-miles/
I was told this week than Bankrate paid $15m for it. Which could be nonsense, but the source is sound and, frankly, the readership stats in that article easily justify the valuation.
Oh yeah the “story” is nice, isn’t it? Fill it up with internal links, post family pics….you know, it clicks/sells well.
And no word on the sale to Bankrate at all….WOW. I guess readers should not be aware of such relevant information at all.
$15m I think is way too high. No way. I guess we will never know for sure as transparency was never a big part of this space ๐