Cranky Flier had an insightful article on “United Cuts Its Cleveland Hub, Blames Connecting Passengers and the FAA“.
Loyalty Lobby with the most comprehensive hotel promotion guide for the First Quarter of 2014.
One Mile at a Time gives us the details on how United is handling the price increases post devaluation massacre days. It sounds a little better but still…”United MileagePlus Awards Post-Devaluation Are Pricing Better Than Expected”
Jaunted had a helpful post on “Breaking down the wild process of obtaining a visa to visit Brazil”
View from the Wing had a fantastic read with “What Good Does it Do to Require Minimum Spending for Elite Status When your Systems Can’t Properly Track the Spending” Yeah, really United, really? Going all revenue based will solve lots of these problems, no?
Another 81,012 IHG Rewards points, cha-ching. It just never stops. You can never overdose in this drug, it does not harm your body like crack!ย Not that I have ever done any crack, I am trying to make a point here all right? ๐

Totally awesome video of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, all 2,600 miles of it from Mexico to Canada. See all of it in 3 second clips and it takes just seven minutes. Found at The Adventure Blog.
This is probably one of the oddest finds I have had: “There’s a giant robot directing traffic in Congo“. In Congo, seriously?
How to Improve your Online Dating Profile. Start adding words like yoga, surf, surfing, the ocean, London, NYC. I can understand these but surf and surfing WTF!!!
Powerful and surreal self-portraits by 20 year old photographer Rachel Baran. WOW!

These are cruel. Poor Peyton Manning and Denver Broncos. You will need to click on the link and laugh over there before I get accused of being anti Denver or something lol. Ok, this was my favorite:
This is how I start my day…in my dreams!

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Getting sneaky about post times, have to be on alert to get first
I need to mix it up to keep you all on your toes ๐
Did you churn the Chase IHG card? Waited 2 years since last application? Or because it used to be Priority Club and now it is new product?
Thank you,
Yes, this was the second 80k. First one was more than a few years ago…somewhere between three and four years! I think it is safe to do after three for sure. Probably even after two or even less time. I confirmed while activating too. No sweat
You don’t see the appeal of a member of the opposite sex who surfs? To quote you: “WTF!!!”
(Our bedroom wall has a picture of a right break at Rincon.)
When I typed that up I was thinking of women looking for surfing type guys of which I am obviously nowhere near! I hate it when they go strictly for looks and not some brains ๐
Fact is most of the online dating types (male of female) probably only ‘surf’ the internet… surf dudettes have plenty of fish to pick from the sea?
I was followed on twitter by “Brazil yoga” ๐
This is the part where we sit back and laugh at the irony of a blog called “milevalue” incessantly pimping a cash back card because it gives him referral credit
I proudly ignore that site, I look at the title and feel like throwing up.
Editors Note: Dear readers, click on my Amazon link ๐
Is #unitedrage is going to become a thing? They’re making Delta look good!
Yeah really. Actually Delta is well managed as far as operations go, it is the skypesos program they are determined to make an afterthought for people like me. United still has value in its Mileage Plus program but, oh boy, operationally they have some serious issues to take care of. I can’t believe Smisek is still there!
Yep, the airline is great. I know a Delta pilot who has no idea about how Skymiles operates and that it’s done by outside company. Sometimes I feel as if Skypesos is run by some disq
To continue:
… by some evil and disgusting alien creatures who simply hate the humanity.
I think, from an overall perspective, Delta is doing the right thing. Condition its passengers not to even think of the loyalty program. Only the top top fliers (and spenders) should be getting some bennies, not the cheapos like me and you ๐
I made my stand and have not given the company a dime since 1/1/2013. As long as people find ways to apologize why they need to keep flying Delta I do not expect the current trend to change.
I hope I can squeeze a trip to Australia with my daughter to finish my last pile of Skymanure ๐
I know you arent a fan but there is no cheaper method to get 100k+ miles a month than w Delta.
Um, details pleasE?
I wonder what that $1008 purchase was to get the 80k sign up bonus. If only I knew something that totalled $1008? Not as familiar as $5,039.50 but still very familiar.
Buzz, how can we play the market wisely by investing in the “Pot” stocks? Does anyone know if there is a reputable mutual fund out there?
I would not be surprised if an ETF comes out that invests in “pot” stocks. I am sure some company is working on it already…
The girl with the tongue on fire, I’m going to go out on the limb here and guess that she is pretty wild in the bedroom.
That is probably a “safe” bet ๐
auto-erotic asphyxia?
I think this is what that INXS singer did to himself many years ago.
I thought that was the Kung Fu Carradine dude
Oh him too ๐
Stupid move by Amex to remove the Forex fee for the Delta card, as all it did was give an excuse for the usual suspects to pimp the CC’s of rival Chase
They are making it sound like this is the best thing since sliced bread was invented!
It is a smart business move by Delta dbaAmex. I know that the delta cards are never in my wallet on international trips. But, I don’t think it is enough to compensate for what they have done ( Delta Gold card ) and what they will do (plat fee being raised and no more guests with the reserve) May 1st.
“They are making it sound like this is the best thing since sliced bread was invented!”
Actually, it’s quite the opposite. They’re just using it as a flimsy reason to push the REAL moneymakers for them
Just about every post on this has been “Delta card waives forex fees. But I still prefer to use my CSP [insert link], CSP [insert link], CIB [insert link] or Arrivals card [insert link] when traveling abroad”
This is what I meant actually ๐
I am going through all the blogs and I must say the most creative aff link click pump was by Mommy Points on the Delta Amex huge “news”.
And it looks like TPG already pulled the Friday restaurant post…
Oh, the insanity of it all…
Congratulations to CVS for having the BALLS to forego 2 billion dollars in revenue. BRAVO
Yes. I was surprised too.
Speaking of flimsy excuses to push Chase products, does anyone know of any ways to get bonus spend on the Subway sandwich I am going to buy tomorrow?
A post or 20 on how to maximize the $5 I will spend on that is absolutely crucial and needs to spread like wildfire across the blogosphere
Also, since it’s February, can everyone please make sure to create a post about the CSP 7% bonus points posting exactly as it was expected to when it actually does in a week or 2? The smart money is on MommyPoints being 1st out of the gate to remind us of this non-event!
That blog is very confused about its niche – saying it intends to appeal to middle-class families looking to save $$ on their vacation, while discussing renting out $300 beach cabanas, or buying UA B fares to Japan for a 2 day trip. The writer seems to have completely lost touch with her core audience and seems to be too caught up in the FF elite benefit world to really have a valid perspective on the middle class.
Wait for a post that says “We spent $200 at a steakhouse and I got my 3X using my CSP and I get 7%. Score!”
middle class travel like going to National parks and Disney world is not going to sell credit cards as the champagne and campaign lifestyle.
I can’t wait to read all the reports from Lufthansa first class burning UA miles now “hey look at me, it only cost me 350k miles and I did it for free to show off of to my family and friends….click on my 39 cc aff links below, I appreciate it you guys” LOL
I just read the comments in reverse order and it was like so…… I am the Walrus…
You can be whoever you want to be at TBB comments.
What happens at TBB comments, stays at TBB comments.