Blog posts will be MUCH smaller due to the holidays and upcoming trip to Hong Kong.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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A few months ago I attended a financial planner conference. I try to pick up at least a few things I can immediately put into use to improve my practice. I make a list of things to attack when I get back home and, almost every time, I only get to the top few items on the list and then, you know, the rest fall by the wayside…until the next conference when I repeat the same process! Anyways, one of the items I did pick up this year and just love how it has made my life a little more organized and, most importantly, is saving me time by making me more efficient is Unroll.Me.
You know how over time you pick up many newsletters and subscriptions that bombard your inbox relentlessly every day? You know what I am talking about. How about using Unroll.Me to consolidate all these different emails to just ONE at a specific time of the day (I get my email every morning containing all the emails of the previous day). In addition, I get to shut off so many of these emails by unsubscribing (within this service). Or just read the “Features” to understand what it is about as I am probably not explaining it well.
To give you an idea how much crap I was getting in my inbox…here is proof:
I am getting about 78 subscription type emails now in just one email every morning, I got rid of 45 emails that were totally junk and I still left 9 of them I really want to be receiving separately in my inbox. I now scan this one email once a day to see which ones warrant my attention instead of having to stop and open/read/close/delete every single email from these sources! GREAT timesaver!
It is a free service. No affiliate links were involved in this blog post. I am just sharing something that I found very useful. Educating is part of the TBB mission. If it can help you…it makes my day! If not, don’t worry about it!
Thanksgiving was awesome. I am truly blessed and…I really need to get to the gym on Friday to atone for my sins on the dinner table lol!

And what about them Detroit Lions huh? Turkey always tastes better when we win!
Thank you and enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!
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2nd the Lions comment!
Can’t wait to hear about your opinion on what’s going on in HK.
A nice third on a non cc infested post. Lack of click bait => lack of comments? ๐
Da Bears lose and my turkey still tastes better than yours. Is yours fresh and free range? Yeah, I thought as much…
Today in honor of Black Friday, I will EXPOSE here at TBB the greatest secret password every HACKER needs to know HT: Sterling Traveler, TheHorneyTraveler
@ctbarron: By a mile….errr, over an hour! It’s because maybe many were suffering from turkey induced coma? ๐
@icicle: Looks like the authorities are cleaning it up, I may get to bring an umbrella for FREE ๐
@jacobv84: Darn it, totally forgot to add FREE in front on the headline!
@smittytabb: I didn’t get to ask the turkeys…We have two every Thanksgiving…so there! ๐
@Ramsey: Cracker! Hey, nice Avatar again you handsome ๐
Sometimes I can be such an ass when protecting my friends. Maybe I just take a moment to breathe and think before I stand up, eh? (sorry Dariaus!)
What, we’re not doing New Year’s resolutions yet? ๐
RE: HK- When I saw the China float at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade (on TV), I was talking back to it, “Free Hong Kong! Stop killing endangered species! Stop flooding your lands! Free speech!” I love the idea of Chinese culture and history, but the implentation of several details in the ideology and the practice of certain things….just piss me off.
It is thanks to the Chinese practice of cultivating rhino horns that one particular species is literally counting down to extinction. Breaks my heart. Read up on the Javan Rhino. There aren’t many left. Poachers made the species extinct already in Vietnam. And sometimes TBB has more comments on a page than there are Javan Rhinos in the world.
This is more important to our survival as a planet than if Gleff is served edible cookies on a plane.
But George, my HK advice to you is this: have fun, keep a low profile, and don’t protest anything (unless you have the aforementioned umbrella).
Thanks icicle. Your words of wisdom are taken to heart here.
It sounds like I am not going to be able to get a free umbrella from the protesters as it looks they are cleared away for the most part.
I still can’t get over my visit to the Forbidden City in Beijing where I saw a sign on a toilet door “Brought to you by American Express”. WTF! ๐
LMAO @ the AE sign!!!
I find so much encouragement to travel and see the world from your blog. Thank you for not giving up.
I am clicking on the ads. I hope it helps.
And to everyone- from Portland trips guy (I did like your Paris review) to the Saverocity site (I lurk!) to Dia (Love) and to the Hawaiian credit card snark (totally awesome) and to everyone who (whom?) posts- y’all are awesome. I’m a newbie, so please forgive me if I haven’t memorized all of your names yet- but there’s so many wonderful posters here. All of you have inspiried me to think outside the box more than I do; to see another perspective, to challenge my comfort zone in a safe way.
On that note, I’m going to go watch some more hockey. I think I’ve talked way too much this past week. ๐
Thanks a lot.
It’s primarily about entertainment which always comes first ๐
Off in a few days in another travel adventure, getting excited!