We take a stroll through the TBB comments of the past week and pick some favorites, enjoy!
Obviously, if you have been following all the great fun we have at the comments feel free to skip the post.
I added my own comments in [brackets] for additional clarification and bold font for emphasis.
First, a few pics that never made it in the past week:

Weekly Gems from the TBB Comments September 7 – 14, 2013
Exchanges between Ingy (Rick from Frugal Travel Guy the blog) and moi TBB. Ingy’s comments are preceded by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[blah blah blah Same old arguments by Ingy this day!!!]
I have responded numerous times abt the same crap you raise every time. Obviously, it does not get through! We disagree on so many levels. C’est la vie. Thank you as always for taking the time to read/troll/comment/spendsomuchtime in my little blog! I appreciate you contributing to the TBB Mission: to entertain (especially this!), to educate (“it is all marketing”, etc.) and to inspire me to keep going. Thank you.
>>>>>>….saving George is important. Imagine George: Go to your happy place George. Go just one day without trashing others. Try it George. Just be happy
WTF! smh
>>>>>>>>>>>As a member of this community for years I have seen the snarkiness and open hostility increase year after year.
I think this is DIRECTLY proportional to the increase in marketing crap that has been bombing this community year after year. I see it as something completely understandable. It is what it is. I think you are doing MORE to increase this phenomenon with your nonsense you unleash trolling my blog than me “openly fostering hostility” (what? Really?)!!! Just my observation.
>>>>>>>>I was brought up with the philosophy if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
I was brought up with the philosophy to do the right thing every time and credibility is indeed the most important asset. I will let others judge who is nice or not.
TBB has used more positive reinforcement in 10 months than what you and FTG (the blog) have offered COMBINED. Puuuuulease!
>>>>>> I have absolutely no issue with FTG being listed as deleting comments. It is acceptable blogging practice to delete negativity and personal attacks.
If FTG (the blog) only deleted negative (really?) and personal attacks we can understand and excuse it. I still remember how FAST Gary Leff’s comment was deleted by doing what the writer had offered! Well, I guess, you do not do it proudly, we give you that.
>>>>>>>>>>>Comments and posts that XYZ has so many affiliate link ads in a post is meaningless and the tone with which it is delivered childlike.
I disagree that they are meaningless. I always get new readers every day so they need to be educated. Plus, I do my best to make my blog posts entertaining. You just can’t get enough of my blog Childlike? Really? I think your comments/rants are childlike. I guess we let readers make up their own minds.
We agree on one thing: We enjoy interacting with harvson3
Newbies need to be educated so they don’t fall for the marketing BS
I agree with bluecat above that the Consumer Reports-esque policing function could be developed more. It’s worthwhile to point out where blogs are misleading people. When running yesterday I thought that a caveat lector page might chronicle and link to all past instances of this malpractice, to give readers a sense of which blogs historically are and aren’t reliable. Truth is a defense against libel in this country.
I think I (or anyone) am on shakier ground to criticize blogs for posting nothing but ads, and in this I think we agree. I wasn’t as shocked or taken aback at the hordes of SPG Amex 30K posts, because it’s advertising/marketing. By personal choice one can skip those posts, and those blogs.
The grey area then becomes which blogs are worthwhile (or should be recognized) because they make original contributions to the hobby, and thus have their occasional barrage of ads excused. I think one might develop a positive side of the ledger in the hypothetical caveat lector letter that praises these blogs. Personally, my list of such blogs grows shorter every day, and my thinner RSS feed reflects that.
I think every right-minded person agrees that anonymity on the Internet can put humanity’s basest instincts on display. (On the other hand, your comments here have run into contradictions: you sometimes have said that George and his commentators have had no effect on the bloggers and no influence in the hobby, but also that their comments are damaging and pernicious. Careful not to have it both ways.) I appreciated Faces of Flyertalk, and would be happy to see it resumed. And yes, there are nasty anonymous comments left here, critical of blog authors for sometimes unjust reasons.
However, I think blogs evolve, and I think that this blog has started to evolve a community of regular commentators (like that Canadian kid, and the various iterations of Charles Ramsey) who use a consistent identity and make constructive contributions. In fact, with an anonymous comments, you almost need to develop a consistent handle/identity if you want to be taken seriously. And I think you take the constructive with the destructive when you give people anonymity to hide behind. When allowing people to be critical (and anonymous), you’re going to get the nasties and the angries, but you’re going to get the constructive as well. And I think with time the destructive comments are easily ignored (and I wish they would fade a bit) while the constructive stick. (As an illustration of this, I noted already that, in my opinion, the FT EM&PR sub-forum is undermined and presently moribund by its resident ambassador’s unexplained negative campaign against BA. Also, it’s in the wrong master category of Travel & Dining.)
I think that on balance the hobby is made better by this blog. I think we’re seeing more awareness to highlight the best deal offers and not deceive readers, and I don’t think the relationship is spurious.
So I agree with you that more of the positive should be applauded. I think we agree that malpractice and malfeasance continues, and perhaps diverge on the appropriateness of other authors highlighting this. The comments section, well, I tend to agree with the points made here. Over time real commentators have expressed real concerns, and the angriest angries have unleashed venom. None of the venom lasts. Perhaps the angriest among us feel venting is therapeutic, as George seems to think. But over time actual discussions have developed in this comments section, which can’t be said for many, many blogs. I’ll keep that, even if it means I sometimes have to skip over nasty people being nasty.
Looks like Rick is now into “saving George” [This reminds me of Eddie Murpjy “I am going to hell and I am taking the Hell Express there lol]
In that case, here’s Matthew 7-3…
And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eyec when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend,d ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite!! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.
September 14 – 15, 2013: Transnistria, Mexico’s Crystal Cave, Africa, Hilton, United
TWA44: I guess in Ingy’s world, every restaurant serves good food, every movie is great, all hotels are wonderful and no books are boring. After all, someone is just trying to make a buck. How dare the consumer state their opinion publicly? Keep it up, TBB!
Ingy: I grew up in a world, where if couldn’t say something nice, you said nothing at all. We obviously live in a different world now.
Steve: Agreed, Consumer Reports, Siskel and Ebert, Food critics, Gallup and Rassmussen polling, booing at sporting events, op-eds in newspapers and political protests are all new fads that have materialized over the last couple of years
September 16 – 17, 2013: Mauritius Island, Yosemite, IHG Reward Status, Canadians, Museums, Buzzz
Moi TBB: Many in this hobby are reflecting on how to approach it going forward as there is always change. I decided to become a free agent as far as airlines are concerned and no longer play the (diminishing) elite status game. Fly the cheapest (in dollars or points, prefer points) domestically and try to score best bang I can get for my points flying internationally.
This will soon lead me to getting the Barclays Arrival card and make it my go to card. Or another true cash back card too. Keeping our two Ink Plus cards and Fairmont cards too. Maybe keep a IHG Rewards card for the one night cert for $49. Leaning towards keeping at least one Club Carlson cards. Been churning the Starwood cards every other year for a while, intend to continue. Oh, keeping the Freedom cards too. The rest are hit for the signing bonuses…been running out of cards to get lately! We need another major player to get into this market to shake things up!
The hotel cards remain a good value in comparison to the airline cards. But devaluations are creeping up there too. I expect Hyatt to come through with one. It is economics, no company to be trusted! Club Carlson eventually too.
Try to see if you could somehow get miles/points for the flights and hotels on your way back. Ya never know;-)
I can handle the rotating bonuses for the Freedom cards. Not sure I can add more cards for the rotating bonus. There is a fine line between simplicity and drowning in complexity. I prefer to keep it simple and then hit it hard:-)
September 18 – 19, 2013: Stone Forest, Lapland Finland, Angel Falls, Elite Slut Syndrome ESS, Southwest cards up the wazoo!
Raffles: Blogs have become the entry point to the hobby. Blame Google if you want, which ranks blogs above forums like FT. Or blame FT, because it is so jargon driven that posters rarely use the plain English that Google matches to search terms and so ranks it lower.
A newbie does a search re miles, goes to a blog which appears to be a ‘fun project’ run by the author, and does not realise that he is being sold a pup in the name of commission.
I am first, YES! 🙂
Jeff’s going to be disappointed!
He’ll get over it, it happens in life, just got to try harder lol.
Good evening George. C is for… couldn’t give a crap anymore
Harvson3’s comment above, which I missed originally, is exceptionally astute.
I’m not so sure about your interactions with Rick. You both make yourself look very stupid with your arguing.
Harvons3’s comment is probably the comment of the month, can’t believe you missed it, you must have been researching SHLD (for Sears) 🙂
Yeah, the interactions are indeed stupid. I have no Chase or Amex or Citi to dictate what goes on here…Key question is: Is it Entertaining in its own stupid way? I think so, the whole TBB concept is just incredibly self mocking…
TBB on!
More funny pictures George, I only come here for the pictures.
Only?????? Man, that is so angry. Do you realize how negative you are? If you have nothing positive to say other than just one thing…don’t say anything!
Kidding 😉
This is only “constructive” “criticism” to help you out.
Nice comeback, well done. If you keep it up, I may reciprocate. Some bloggers are scared of such thought lol
haha, you should set up a Gravatar for your comments. That way we can all see you. I wrote up a good step-by-step guide here http://travelwithgrant.com/how-to-guides/create-gravatar/
Ten steps…too many, I aint’ got time for dat 🙂
Thanks I will have a hard time picking a proper picture so I am gonna pass. You got a nice one, throwing a frisbee?
No, just being weird: http://travelwithgrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/AK1_6080.jpg
That’s funny… I only go to Grant’s blog for the pics too!
Just kiddn’ man, keep it up! 🙂
Thanks a lot, trying…This new Buzz posting schedule has done wonders for my stress levels 🙂
Actually I think you kinda do. I haven’t had any good pics up lately, I apologize.