Update: Oops, totally forgot to do this post on Sunday! I guess nobody missed it 🙂 With the whole past week being all “positive” the comments picked to feature here are very short indeed. So feel free to skip, this is, yes I admit it, filler material. Still much better than a blogger’s ridiculous “promo” to push a credit card for the lamest reason (or two or a dozen).
We take a stroll through the TBB comments of the past week and pick some favorites, enjoy!
Obviously, if you have been following all the great fun we have at the comments feel free to skip the post.
I added my own comments in [brackets] for additional clarification and bold font for emphasis.
NOTE: I am making a very conscious effort not to post any stuff that may be deemed “negative” in the body of my posts. Yeah, I know it is ridiculous! So many missed chances to educate and, most importantly, entertain 🙂
It was an experiment and it is over.
A big part of TBB is the comments section where we let readers freely express themselves. No #shutdown here!
First, a few pics that never made it in the past week:

All photos courtesy of THECHIVE.com
Paddy says “Suck My Click and Pimp My Link”, New Zeeland Stars, North Korean Weed, Kiev Dead Guy & More
Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot: “Why doesn’t Bill O’Reilly write a book titled “Killing Bill O’Reilly”?”
TBB me” Why ask why, Bud Dry!”
Paddy in the Big Apple: “In my next post I will expand on my thesis re: the difference between pumping and pimping – stay tuned ”
[TBB readers applauds loudly!]
Iceberg face, Yosemite, Share miles, Chase attacks back, Entitled fliers & dorks & douches
havrson3: ” If you have the Discover It card, this quarter’s “Online Purchases” 5% bonus category includes all online transactions except, per the CSR in Arizona answering my call, “government purchases, educational services, travel, and utilities.” $1,500 cap on the quarter. You may now go back to ridiculing this card; I’m fine with $75 for maximizing this and 7500 pts from (future) Amazon purchases on the Freedom card.”
R: “Positivity is overrated.”
Rocket Mile me to the Moon, Albanian weed, Er Wang Dong Cave, Bora Bora, United, Hotel promos, Hertz, Vietnam
ingy: “George, a week without “negative” I’m really proud of you my friend for trying that.Thanks.Rick”
TBB me: It’s an experiment
AJ: “Best Western Rewards® points do not expire for members of the North American club, which includes members who reside in North, Central and South America, Asia and South Africa. Points may expire for members who reside in other countries not mentioned above.”
carrie: “Looking at the Vietnam War photos at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City was one of the most awful but impacting things I’ve ever done. I imagine those photographers saw things they wish they could forget. Unreal.
TBB: War is Hell
I just want to say you are numero uno in my book 🙂
Hope that was for me:) Just got back from my third trip to Greece. Hadn’t been back in over a decade. First time to Chios and Thessaloniki and enjoyed both for different reasons. Such a great culture!
The Hyatt at Thessaloniki airport is fantastic imho. I am staying there again this December before my flight back to the US. Never been to Chios yet.
Mathew, is Live and Let’s Fly, is writing another trip report, and I have to say I can’t wait for the next days installment. THIS is what we need to see more of in this copycat industry, not redundant pictures of airline food and hotel toilets……………………Looks like Jesus likes burritos!
I think that’s the guy who had the awesome reports from Afghanistan some time ago. Other than that, not much…I will look for it, thanks for the heads up.