We show you how to get AA upgrades, how to use T-Mobile abroad, break your hearts with stories about Syrian refugees, get more free Uber credits and more!
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Excellent blog post on how to upgrade AA coach to business class in advance.
Frequent Flyer Bonuses does an amazing and comprehensive job of keeping track of all bonuses, here is what they added yesterday alone!
Get $20 in Uber credit, even if you are an existing customer.
Can Delta suck even more than present levels? Yes it can! Even less upgrades for current Elites=mileage run suckers! Unless you pay for it or the company does!
Finally, we will see commercial flights to Cuba…it’s been a while!
New Hilton hotel opens at Schiphol Amsterdam airport. I have a wild story at the old Hilton hotel one night several years ago.
Really helpful stuff on using T-Mobile abroad.
Incredible Footage Reveals How the Coconut Octopus Got Its Name. #mindblown
There was a massive tax package deal yesterday that looks certain to be signed into law. At least, we have some certainty and that is always good. Not sure about all the giveaways though…

Syrian Refugee stories. These are absolutely heartbreaking…Read the stories…You have been warned.

As you know, TBBBreakingNews over in the blog comments is usually the first to see the important posts of the day and can’t hold back so he blasts them out in the comments. Yesterday, he tweeted about:
How to get targeted for the Hyatt & IHG Rewards Club cards
This is the grey Platinum card with the $450 annual fee you can get paid $200 to get it #serenitynow #greedybloggerspumpinghideous40koffers!
Hey, how about the better offers for the LAN and Wyndham cards?
So, if you are not checking here multiple times a day can you consider yourself a Hobbyist? I didn’t think so!
Thanks for all the new blog subscribers. I will do a giveaway soon. When I get around to it. You will see very small improvements in the blog as we are currently blowing our Amazon money for some help…want to bring taxes down this way #facepalm.
And I leave you with this…
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Ending the week on top! First!
What a great way to end the week, you deserve an awesome weekend!
My CSP application thru your link got approved! The TBB household can now finally go shop xmas gifts!
Thanks! Second one ever, this is only the beginning lol. Actually, it would have been #3 but wife got shot down for it. I guess they were serious for the 5/24 rule #sounfair 🙂
I will let wife go shopping with the dough from this operation haha.
Happy Holidays to you too!
P.S. Send more money to Greece, thanks!
I am surprised that any reader of this blog qualifies for that card given the new rules.Congratulations! So jealous. It is THE card I would want again but just can’t have because I get into bed with just about anyone. Why just have one or five when you can have them all? This one is so shiny, hard and well promoted by the titans. It’s the perfect Christmas gift to my ego. It could make me feel so special again. My precious!!
Is life complete if you never had the CSP card before? I don’t think so! 🙂
Awesome post by Frequent Miler, which once again reinforces my belief that I’d rather just pay someone $159 to do it for me. Very nice to have someone explain expert flyer to me, someone told me about it on FT but I couldn’t get an explanation. Way over my noob head.
Here’s the problem I found with T-Mobile international: The data basically doesn’t work. I love Drew and Carrie but I can tell you that in Paris and Barcelona I couldn’t get maps working. That’s a good recipe for getting lost. Only real way to get good data was with an in-country sim card. (MY experience only.)
Lovely octopus video. I thinking about clicking one of the videos beneath it which says “How to Make Any Woman Obsess Over You”. That’s great but how do you make them un-obsess over you?
Yes it is 49F here at 450am in San Diego, brrrrr ! ! ! For us this is cold. Funny pic. 😀
If I ever see an offer for Citi AA 100K bonus points should I take it ? (Unless I have to spend 20K?)
And now a re-posting of yesterdays quiz:
December 17, 2015 at 11:38 pm
Thanks Buzz, now I will turn in my homework assignment from yesterday.
It is also a quiz. What does the list below represent, approximately?
SPG 106
Barcly 129.65
Hilton 140
United 175
AA 133.25
BA 105
Delta 57.5
IHG 105
SW 25.75
Fairmont 20
It is late and nobody may see this so I might post it again tomorrow.
First person to get the answer gets free year subscription to TBB.
Second place gets two year subscription to TBB.
Thank you.
Well, I am stumped — but not at a loss for words!
First thought was your balances but going back to last nite’s original posting, that’s not it. 2015 burning stats? But as TBB note, no visible (incredibly valuable) HA stash.
So, my WAG is: points/miles needed for some epic trip?
(Secretly, I hope to be wrong because the 2nd place prize is soooooooooo much more valuable than the gold) 😉
Those numbers baffle me b/c they’re so close to making sense, but not quite… Especially SW and Fairmont. I’ll take third place and my consolation cash prize.
Would have never guessed…tricky contest. Third place wins? 🙂
The Easiest Way to Get Targeted for a 50,000 Point Signup Bonus on the Chase United MileagePlus Explorer Visa
Dang I’ve already got the Explorer Visa for 10+ years.
Buzz I went through that post of yours showing how you burned a million miles in 2014 and broke out the miles spent per each program, now does the list make more sense ?
I wanted to get an idea of how many miles you were doing through the various programs. I don’t think it accounts for free nights allowed for having hotel cc’s though.
Also I left off one program I had never heard of, I think you spend 1500 points from it.
Funny come to think of it I didn’t see Club Carlson on the list.
There is no pattern…there never is…it just all happens…due to the flow I guess.
The 2015 version is going to be even larger and I think I managed to burn some Club Carlson points finally!
That tiny program was from an online game that I managed to get $100 worth of magnificent dim sum meal in Hong Kong with a fellow Greek guy from my hometown, friend of my brother’s. Small world and oh man…that dim sum was super amazing!
My friend Rupert Murdoch will give you 2000 SWA miles AND 12 weeks of his newspaper THE WALL STREET JOURNAL for $12
(until 12/21) when ordered thru SWA shopping site. LET’s MAKE TBB GREAT AGAIN!
I’ve got a better deal for you Trump, 2000 miles and 2 months of WSJ for a buck
Special Offer:The Wall Street Journal DetailsSubscribe to The Wall Street Journal – 2 months for $1.
Valid through: 12/22/2015 SWA SHOPPING PORTAL
That’s how we get things done in Jersey. That’s how WE make TBB GREAT AGAIN!
Now that’s the art of the deal!
HT: Erico Pallazzo’s Miles Points and Pasta’s
To Rubio:
Get your skinny Latinass and show up for work and vote motherfracker, don’t you have a job to do? Oh yeah, I forgot u are running for President. So do the others but they take a few hours to vote you douchebag!
Exsqueeze me…
These people get elected, collect paychecks/benefits/PACs$ and then spend all day campaigning for another office! That should be illegal! Yeah…right.
AMEX OFFERS Salvatore Ferragamo Spend $1000 or more, get $200 back
“New Hilton airport opens at Schiphol Amsterdam hotel.”
Long week…even read this a couple of times and was wondering if you were messing with me…
I pride myself in making less mistakes than Titans and here I am not having a clue for such an embarrassing mistake!
Thanks Brian and apologies to all readers. I will issue you refunds evenly distributed for the $1.72 the blog made yesterday…#huge
“I have a wild story at the old Hilton hotel one night several years ago.”
Sadly my best story at that hotel is a fight with bed bugs.
Well, Hilton Worldwide entering the airport business would have been huge news.
By the way, my check for $1.72 bounced….
Breaking News NY POST story
You guys are too funny.
I just hit on a scheme, don’t anyone tell the titans OK ?
How about if I sign up for Chase UNITED biz card ? Just remembered I had one like 10 years ago for a few years. I could try to hit it for a 50K signup bonus.
Does that sound doable ?
Cha-ching !
PS I hope you don’t let your kids read this site.
I think I need to start working on getting some hotel points too.