TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
The ridiculous race is on to get readers to click on the SPG Amex 30k affiliate links! Make fun of them and enter to win two AA Admirals Club passes! GREAT odds, much better than Vegas, only 32 valid entries! Update: Let’s wrap up this baby, went on too long. Deadline is August end of day Wednesday August 21st. Say anything you want now to enter!
If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!
World’s biggest, baddest national parks. By USA Today. The biggest is Northeast Greenland National Park at 927,000 square kilometers!
The World’s largest mirror. By A Luxury Travel Blog. “Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt flat in the world, covering more than 10,000 kilometres. Located in south-west Bolivia, it lies 3,656 metres above sea level and is covered by a few metres of salt crust. Incredibly, the area is so flat that the altitude fluctuation across the entire area is less than one metre“. There are two short fantastic videos you can watch, wow! This is a place I would like to visit one day. When I looked at it it is not that easy to get there and lots of roughing it is needed. Well it will have to wait until after Machu Pichu one day then…
Man in Underpants Partied in Merkel’s Jet. How does a guy high on drugs make it to the German Prime Minister’s jet? You can read what he did. Incredible. His name: Volcan (mega lol). (HT: Frequently Flying)
ANA Renames AirAsia Japan as VanillaAir. Yeah, Vanilla baby!

The World’s Ten Wackiest Hotels. By Vagabondish.

Deep thoughts again over at Frequent Miler with “The true cost of reload points“. Let me say how I see this. 9 $500 Vanilla Reload cards cost $36 (rounded $4 times 9). This is a one way ticket to New York City from Detroit, $72 for Round Trip. And brother in law lives there and kids get along with their cousins. Heck, sometimes we send them away for a weekend or two…or three and four 🙂 Enough said, stop overthinking it!
Mommy Points wrote “Best Uses of Club Carlson Points in the United States“. Now, please hold on. Yes the Club Carlson US bank link is at the top but I still think this was a decent post that may help some readers. Never had an issue with the affiliate links if the content was good and not lazy. I would prefer a better disclosure and wonder about the timing but hey, this is part of the landscape now, can’t escape it! Offer some useful advice by working at it and it is just fine if a reader decides to use a blogger’s links! Amazing how a few folks think TBB is so against them! Do I prefer these links never entered this hobby? HELL YES! But as blogs are not going away, banks pushing their products through various channels are not going away either! Sigh. I still got a crapload of Club Carlson points, always looking for ideas to blow them out of my Award Wallet.
The Points Guy wrote “Top 10 Reasons I Don’t Want a US Airways American Airlines merger to go through“. That was right on I thought. And just one gently placed affiliate link. Nice job. Proof that TBB is very fair 🙂
You can finally link your Hyatt Gold Passport account with your M Life here
Mile Adventures wrote “Churnable Citi 50k Visa – best sign-up bonus out there“. You bet it is. And you bet if there was an affiliate link to it we would be having 10 part plus series of posts about the program and even some Citi benefits you never even heard of! But everyone is too busy telling us about the super big SPG Amex promo these days (just wait until the next promo). Pounce on this before it’s all gone. Citi deserves it 🙂 I should get me more but I have over a million; besides, I am too busy blogging these days and raking it in the big big money from my incredible Filipino women dating AdSense ad. I hear it pays more than the Platinum Amex, sssshhh.
Online Travel Review wrote “A Few Things I’ve Learned Booking Award Tickets on United to Hawaii“. Good stuff. Nice to see you back in this section;-)
Register now for Starwood’s latest promo to earn double Starpoints on all eligible stays from September 1 through December 15, 2013 — with no limits. To top it off, you’ll get 2,500 bonus Starpoints for every five eligible nights you stay — up to 10,000 bonus Starpoints and 20 nights. Watch out for non participating hotels (hate that).
Another major devaluation at Air Canada’s Aeroplan. Read the details by The Gate. Is Air Canada the Canadian Delta? Discuss.
I just want to say this. Blogging.Is.Damn.Hard! Unless of course you spend five minutes on the content and assault your readers with credit cards every day…
New horrific tsunami video. The scene at the end with the fires looks like hell on earth. Found at Matador Network. Watch at your own risk.
The coolest looking bureaucrats You’ll Ever See

Note: This section is intended for long time readers and miles/points addicts who follow the blogs in this space. Readers not familiar with this crazy hobby could skip this section!
Delta Points wrote how to overpay Delta Amex card by a bunch. Let’s just say TBB reader Jay vehemently disagrees. And I agree…with Jay! Or maybe the real reason for the post was to throw the two affiliate links? If yes, this is creative indeed! Please don’t do that, it is not really necessary. Not worth the risk, especially after taking into consideration the profile of the average Delta Points blog reader. They may get hurt doing this! And why are you earning Delta Skypesos anyway?
Is Million Mile Secrets winging it these days? It’s been a while he made it in the Miles/Points section! Must be super busy with that Maximizer product! Seen this Marriot promo thingie before. And we see more and more links come in. If TBB was so good in serving them links…it would be totaly hypoprofit material around here woohoo!
The Points Guy is sponsoring the Chicago Seminars again and had a short post about the fact that not many tickets were left. Also this: “We do not make money on this event- it is a grassroots community event and all proceeds go to charity” All proceeds, really? Is this true? I doubt it! If not true, please update the post! Or did you mean all proceeds AFTER expenses? Makes a huge difference. If all proceeds go to charity might as well have every participant write a check to the charity so they can use a tax deduction on their own individual tax returns. Sorry, I am wearing my CPA hat on this one. You all know how I feel about charity promoting in this hobby business.
Johnny Jet has really discovered the mother ship of all affiliate cards: AMEX Platinum baby. All the way now!
Frugal Travel Guy (the blog) just gun blasted another ten credit card offers in a single post! Just because shareholders demand it. Yawn.. Of course the epic countdown to the Top 10 credit cards still goes on.
SPG Related Posts That Would Not Exist if it was not for the Promo Affiliate links
Help Me Travel Cheap – “Get More Value with Starwood Nights and Flights” [who has never booked one of these!]
Deals We Like – Getting Your Fifth Night Free With Starwood Points. [Only 3rd out of 11 installments, hang in there! It could just be book 4, get extra night. Link.Link.]
First is the new last.
Congrats! I was getting a little tired of seeing Jeff, he needs to study more:-)
Glad you see it my way TBB!
And as for TPG, yea the leftover money goes to charity; after his flights and hotel is comp’ed of course
For veterans in this I guess it could be done, not worth the risk. But newbies may get hurt badly so easily doing this.
I always believed FULL transparency is the best way!
Me thinks that’s an illusion!
Perhaps all the points/miles or cash back earned on the registration fee float is also being given to charity? Oh and if so, whose name is on that 1099?
I’m all for charity but the actual contributor should be the one receiving the (tax & other) credit!
Also, no mention is ever made of disposition of points and/ or elite credits earned by the “meeting planners”
I’m not saying that these events don’t require effort nor that that effort shouldn’t be rewarded but IMO, all this hype & spin on “grass roots” & “community” seems a bit disingenuous.
and your last name and association with other blogs is…..
Two different brands, two different businesses (going for another Ink for TBB soon!).
Always changing the subject and deflecting from answering. Yawn.
TPG said all PROCEEDS go to charity. I think this is wrong. Agree?
I believe you added personal finance on this blog just recently didn’t you? Same topic. Do you have an exclusivity contract with you know who? Hmm?
You are correct, it is proceeds after costs go to charity. Over $10k per event including charity raffle iirc.
sure wish we could of had your support and shared the topic of beginner credit cards with you, as we think along he same lines there, but couldn’t introduce you as George Mumble last name. They want to know who the speakers are. That’s why these events draw so well. Personal credibility and disclosure.
I did add personal finance to my blog because I was looking for filler material. FTG knows all about that right;-)
No contracts involved, no compensation. Can’t believe they picked me from so many experts around the nation. I am certain credibility had absolutely nothing to do with it lol.
I don’t do conferences anymore. I do not like paying to socialize. Nothing new to learn, it’s the same old material. You know I do follow the blogs:-)
About the speakers and how attendants wanting to know who they are: Here is the info on the 2013 Seminars (free advertising for you!):
Brian Kelly, the PointsGuy
Ben Schlappig from One Mile at a Time
Summer our MommyPoints
Daraius Dubash Mr. Million Mile Secrets
Our Mad Scientist Greg the Frequent Miler
Rene from Delta Points
Captain Denny Flanagan
Stefan of Rapid Travel Chai fame and offbeat adventures
Mr Steve Belkin “Beaubo the Contrarian”
Hans Mast of Shopping Portal Fame
Marshall Jackson on Cruising
John Nielson on Three Trips for Two
Bikeguy with Rookie Bootcamp
Howie Rappaport with Managing Family accounts
Cara Kretz ITASoftware by Google
John Lopinto of ExpertFlyer
Cliff Stratton with Computer Help for all
Rick Ingersoll the Frugal Travel Guy
So many first names, even a FT handle! Besides, my last name would never fit lol.
If I can be George from Travel Blogger Buzz may I suggest a topic? “TBB’s favorite (and not so favorite) blogs”. Just kidding again.
You still have not answered the question! Oh well
So George, why won’t you publish your last name? Tell your readers George. It least tell them why.
Misdirect and change the subject?
And btw, we introduce everybody by first and last name at the seminars.
Why won’t so many other bloggers publish their last name?
I am perfectly fine to be introduced by my first and last name.
Waiting for an invitation. Speech content will not be influenced;-)
Readers: If you are so obsessed with my name, feel free to email me…in case we have not connected online.
TBB, just a thought: do you think Ingy is coming on here and harassing you just to get you to censor him? I understand that his harangues are “good for your business” but it is apparent that his strategy to irritate you is working: you are responding to every one of his grenades. You can ignore him every now and again.
Also, you don’t really know what you are dealing with with him. He could just be a gadfly, or maybe he is going through something personal and taking it out on you. I suggest (my opinion only!) that you react less and less to his posts.
@ Anonymous: I think you are right. I am going to try to control myself better.
What’s Rene’s last name? Seriously… Publish his last name… You’ve published George’s… And Rene is a speaker
Right now – what’s his last name
I would venture to assume that the last name of George is of Greek origin.
My guesses would be Chang, Antonelli, Schlomowitz and Smith.
Do I win a prize?
Jay, more misdirect and avoidance. George has you trained well.
Gosh this is fun 🙂
The funniest was Schlomowitz…still laughing about it!
Don’t forget the truckload of points that come with being a “meeting planner”! 😉
Also, don’t forget the money earned on the registration fee float as well as the points or cash back earned on the actual payments to vendors.
Not saying that effort shouldn’t be rewarded but all that “grass roots” & “charity” spin seems a bit disingenuous.
I’m all for charity but the actual giver should be the one who gets the (tax & other) credit.
Apologies for the duplicative posts, seems my iPad & I are both suffering from serious jet lag!
Damn I wish there was an edit/delete option on these blog thingies
Excellent points!
Don’t worry about the duplicative posts and lack of editing option. TBB can’t afford to upgrade the comment section. We like it raw around here, it is real life lol
To be fair it’s been posted that there are no meeting planner points for the September FTU, that the organizers got bonus points thrown into the group hotel rate instead so participants get points instead.
That’s just great. Too bad we can not have a FULL accounting of these meetings. But somehow we always see the “charity” thingie thrown out so easily…#justsaying
Meeting planner points a a raffle item in Chicago.
Not that facts are important here at Tabloid Blogger Buzz but MMS suggested we not get the reimbursement for travel and many of the speakers paying their own way and the hotel comps a block of rooms.
Not that facts matter or anything.
It will be very nice to do a FULL accounting of such events. How did organizers benefit from each one?That’s all.
At the very least, I would like not to see statements such as “ALL PROCEEDS go to charity”!
I like these events from the social aspect, get to see so many friends.
Rumor on the blog street is another TV crew is coming…Who is it? Oprah? Letterman? Nancy Grace (joking)? Is FTG staff working on a “Welcome Oprah readers” post already? Just imagine all the dough rolling in for the corporation and the shareholders! We all know you have nothing to do with FTG other than mailing in a blog post weekly!
Tabloid? So angry, yawn.
Kudos to MMS!
I like the events from a social aspect too. But it’s stupid for people who find limited to no value from the sessions to pay a fee for the privilege of seeing friends and travel hacker partners in crime. Remember when attending a Do was FREE? Everyone met in an airport/hotel/city.
So people who blow $85 to $99 on conferences they care little about should instead put $85 toward their travel and go to the loosely organized Do’s. They’ll get better lunch than the crummy catering too. Seriously, you could eat the crap pizza brought into the Chicago Seminars or pay more for a smaller group down the street at Giordano’s!
I share the same feelings.
Thumbs up for Giordano’s
Let’s not be too tough on this. It is not $300, it is sub $100. Clearly no-one is getting rich off this, and its a pile of work. Frankly I feel a bit sorry for any organiser who isn’t a blogger, since they do all the work whilst the bloggers get the priceless benefit of pitching to 600 potential customers.
Well said Raffles. Pick your battles in life. I think on this one George is going way over the top on a non-issue
Why are there always the same speakers at these events? How about some fresh blood. How about about speakers without a blog? Or a doo without Gary, Ben, Daraious and Brian. rarely do they telling us something we don’t already know. It is another opportunity to drive traffic to their Cc links. I think the big blogs should pay to play. This is how it works at most conferences, companies pay to speak.
See my Aug 21 post. They are doing it because it is a good business. I just did not like the fact that a sponsor said “All Proceeds go to charity” which is obviously wrong. I could get a better accounting of the organizer benefits but I will let is slide. Just too many blogs to review, they never stop coming!
ABC: If you follow the blogs, the seminars is a waste of time. The fun thing is in the social aspects. Just typing this makes me cringe but I digress.
In my new post I make the point this is all about business. And how to drive traffic to the blog cc links. Last year at FTU I talked to a couple who was completely clueless of how the bloggers made money “google advertising (lolololol) and some money from the credit cards maybe” When I asked them to estimate they said “:oh not much maybe $10). Yep. So why should attendees go and pay fees? The bloggers should cover EVERY DAMN CENT including food and drinks. I go then 🙂
So MY post about the churnable Citi card goes unnoticed?! I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt…maybe you just have too much to read 🙂
Never saw it. Sorry man, what I go through is not humanely possible. I need to find a TBB bot to go through all these blogs. No doubt I miss a lot! Last post of yours I remember was something to do about meeting with Grant and you couldn’t make up your mind about the meet location:-)
10 wackiest hotels links to a Japanese tsunami story. Umm, oops?
Fixed now, thanks! Last thing I do at night (VERY late at night) is go through the links to make sure this does not happen. This one I missed. Are you sure you want to join the blogging madness? Sometimes I wonder what the hell did I get myself into?
Here is an idea – why dont you and AZTravelGuy join forces and co-write a blog? You are both curmudgeonly (just kidding) 😉
I’m taking a slightly different approach. Frankly, I’m learning from your own publicized rantings, combined with what I already think I want to do.
Well AZ approached me. I highly respect him. But I am not used to working with others, I probably suck at it. I am a little quirky and a control freak. I know I need to change. One day. Who knows down the road, this is a journey! I can’t believe I am still here actually!!!
Let me put on my criticism hat:
You greedy bastard. You just don’t want to share any potential revenue with business partners. Rather than work with a partner you’ve enlisted slave labor in the name of your son to research the technical aspects and add functionality. All he gets out of it is an opportunity to go back to playing video games online while you rake in seven figures from AdSense!
I think you know me well;-) That Filipino women dating ad is raking it in. I am thinking I should do this full time now lol.
You should plaster photos of your son all over this blog. Pimp him out!
Well, you two COULD do an alternate-day blogging thing… TBB could get his son to write a script that disallows him to even SEE your alternate day postings (hey TBB, offer your son FOOD if he completes the work — see which he wants more, gaming or eating?!).
And, if you’d each put up a ‘donate’ button — you could count up your pennies and see who is more beloved by the populace! (There, that’ll put the fox amongst the chickens!)
I think my son would choose gaming over eating. And that is sad:-)
I assume you’re earning Avios with that 9K VR spend? You could have netted $180 with a 2% cash back card. Tell you what, use a 2% card instead, send me the $180 you earn, and I’ll book that Avios trip for you.
2% as the opportunity cost for credit card spend is not a new concept, I first heard about it at FTU in Newark but I’m sure it wasn’t new when I learned about it two years ago and it’s been blogged by others since.
HikerT, don’t put too much Vanilla on each card. You want a good long term relationship with the CC issuer. In this context there is no opportunity loss. From your perspective, why even bother with 2% when i can get 5%. I want to have a reasonable relationship with CB. I want to make sure I can get AA points as well.
Ahhh…I knew I will get pushback with this. Maybe I should blog about it. Oh what the hell? Let me explain where I am coming from in the comments then:-)
I always said I will not get into “valuation” arguments. They are like abortion, immigration reform, etc. You can not win them and they will ALWAYS be there! Sometimes people are beating themselves up too much thinking/worrying/reconsidering their positions! I say baloney!
Miles/points (or cash for rebate cards) are your own and you can do whatever the hell you want with them! Everyone is different and I will not argue with them. Do you want to blow your points on an ipad so be it (I cringe but hey, your currency!). We are all different individuals with different personal situations and, most importantly, different goals!
My point about me commenting on FM’s post was just about my own personal situation and showing just one way I see the reload “score”. I like to redeem for Avios flights on AA from Detroit to New York City WHENEVER I want (and almost always on short term notice). $180 cash back does not get me in the trunk of a Spirit flight:-)
Taking this further, I am just not into cash rebate cards. Never got into them. I am addicted to earning miles/points and I do get a better bang when I burn them (need to do more of that!). Besides, I am a bit of a hoarder type who does enjoy seeing the Award Wallet balances go up every day (bad, bad habit I know!). But I gotta tell you, the current devaluation speed keeps up I am finding myself looking at cash back cards even more lately and, imagine that, even considering them! But, you know, the 50k or higher signing bonuses are just sooooo addictive, more addictive than crack (Full disclosure: Never done crack).
Final point that ABC mentioned. I do the Reload cards and totally SPREAD the spend around with different cards and banks. I am very mindful of being a good customer of them because I want to stay in the game as long as I can. Plus it helps with not being detected for “activity” issues;-)
Bottom line: If the 2% cash rebate works for you, GREAT! If yes, which card do you use? Fidelity has blacklisted me (for doing the brokerage account thingie a bit much) and I thought the Priceline card was not available anymore? Sorry I do not keep up with the cash rebate cards. Would love to see an uptodate post from another blogger. But then again the reason we do not see them may have to do with the lack of affiliate links for them?
Another point: CVSing it for the minimum spend requirements is such a no brainer:-)
ABC, you can use a 5% card, and that’s what you should do if you still have the opportunity to use it. However, that opportunity is limited so you need to account for the opportunity cost of using it. In other words, at some point you will max out your 5% card and get to the point where all you have left is opportunities that are not limited, for example a 2% card. Now do the accounting assuming you started with that card first instead of last.
TBB, I’m jut making it very easy for you. OK, I’ll sweeten the offer. Use a 2% card, earn $180 cash back, and send me $165. Give the $15 to your kid to further monetize this site. 🙂 Now why do would resist? Is it that naively buying avois with AMEX SPG doesn’t force you to acknowledge you are buying avios for 1.6 cpm? But I’m offering less than 1.5 cpm. 🙂
As far as what 2% card I use, I got the Barclay Arrival. It’s effectively 2.2% cash back (actually a 2.2% statement credit for travel, but buy a refundable ticket and voila, cash back). If you really want to redeem for flights get the flexperks card. It gets you a $300-400 ticket with 10K of CVS spend, plus $25 to spend on checked bags, in flight meals, etc. with no blackouts.
Ok let me put y’all in your place ;-)))
First off George you got it wrong from the get go if you are using the Chase BA card you are getting 1.25x so you only need to spend $7.2k to get 9k Avios.
Now Mr T: you want the $144 I would get from that in cash back and you want to use it to buy my flight? SOLD! Tell me where to send the money. And now book up the flight I booked yesterday, RDU-LGA this morning returning tomorrow night. I think the cash price was something around $700.
Now don’t get me wrong… I max out the Citi 5x as much as the next guy and next in my sites is the awesome looking TD 5x. But I think you both picked the wrong example to work with 🙂 Avios are incredibly value for last minute domestic travel.
Yes, aviois are incredibly valuable for last minute travel. That doesn’t mean you should speculatively pay 1.6 cents for them. I’m willing to put my avios where my mouth is, get your $144 ready. 🙂
At what dollar amount have you “maxed” out spending with 5x cities card?
As you know, there is no specific limit. You are “maxed out” once your card is frozen, points confiscated, etc. With a 5x card the reward is high and so is the risk. Yes, you can earn more than 2%, but you need to discount that for the risk you are taking and limited capacity you are using up every time you tap it. At 2% the insurer is still making money, so far less incentive to shut you down than a 5x card. This is why I consider a 2% card to be a good benchmark for measuring opportunity cost, even if you can get higher payouts, because you are not using up limited capacity every time you use a 2% card. That’s not to say you won’t get shut down using a 2% card, and I agree it’s always good to diversify. That’s why I split my grocery spend between AMEX PRG (2.5x), Flexperks (3-4%), and 2.2.% Arrival (3.3% with TCB thrown into the mix).
Ah, I knew I should have never said anything about valuations. It is like trying to solve the Middle East problem, we will never agree and always argue:-)
I have too many miles. Not enough time to burn them. I like not to get too extended. I value simplicity (in our hobby, it can a relative term lol). I like the high from getting miles/points. Cash rebates have not done it for me. I understand your point completely. I like spreading the love around to all of my cards. Fog up the patterns of spending. Don’t go crazily high. Like spending Avios on short notice. I should go for the Arrival card. But life has changed a bit with this blog. Time is even more limited. And a healthy pace of earning is still intact. Which does not help in the burning side. In other words, my obsession is getting a little dialed back…because I like to review blogs to find material to feature at TBB, along with my infamous rants. Until the next day…
We are all good. We do what works for us. We are all different. Peace:-)
Hey! Greetings from Victoria, BC! Difficult to blog on the run, but I continue to read TBB even when traveling! Lots to write on when i get home. Next up – Vancouver. Toodles!
P.s. everyday tax in Victoria is 12% – yikes
Thanks for checking in! Doing our best around here to entertain readers:-)
Checking in from sunny Istanbul. Three great flights so far, two to go!!
PS I was in Vanc BC but didn’t spot Jeff. He must have been in the library.
Great to hear, thanks and enjoy.
Not sure where Jeff is, must have finals:-)
What did you do to Rick that he wants “revenge” on you? At this point it isn’t even entertaining anymore, I wish Rick and his fake altruism would just go away…
I’m not going anywhere. As long as George continues to take shots at others, it’s only fair he get his fair share. And when he sings about disclosure and transparency, I’ll be right on him.
When he diverts and misdirects, bingo ill be there. George’s true mission is not to entertain but to tear down others to make himself look good.
I’m retired, got all the time in the world and constantly be here.
Remember. No censoring here at tabloid blogger buzz. When George goes positive, I go away.
Wow, you have mental problems…
I agree that this guy is unstable, or maybe off the wagon or something. That’s why I too post as “anonymous” instead of my usual handle…. :-o!!
If most of the readers of this blog think I’m unstable or mental, then I know I’m as sane as can be. I’ve always called this a nest of angries. glad I get to bring a little reality to the group.
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”
-> so this does not apply to you Ingy?
Good one, thanks!
As Siskel said: Thumbs UP!
Siskel and Ebert: Thumbs up and down
TBB: Thumbs up and down
Always giving more thumbs up and always giving deserved thumbs down. Readers want to be educated (of course, entertainment is a given around here lol)
>>>>>>>And when he sings about disclosure and transparency, I’ll be right on him.
???? Yawn
>>>>>>>>When he diverts and misdirects, bingo ill be there.
Still waiting to tell your readers about any organizer benefits of organizing the Seminars….Waiting, waiting, waiting.
>>>>>>>>>I’m retired, got all the time in the world and constantly be here.
Yes, yes, yes.
>>>>>>>>When George goes positive, I go away.
Siskel gave more thumbs down than up. I still outnumber the opposite way. Thank you to FTG (the blog) for balancing things out.
Gotta take the girls to the airport. See you tomorrow? Or maybe tonight:-)
My room is comped. I buy my own ticket. Now your turn 🙂 still waiting
I thought you didn’t take comps, because you were a recovering addict, and taking just one comp would make you want another, and another. Since you are taking comps now, are you off the wagon?
Still clean and sober and sober. Thanks for asking. Almost 20 years now. The hotel comps us 1 room for each20 booked so we end up with about 5-10 comped. The next ten are at half price and the remainder of speaker rooms we pay in full. We get one bill in total for he speakers rooms but thought I’d disclose it was me so you guys would have to complain about. Looks like it worked.
And as far as registration float, yea, that’s a money maker in this Internet rate environment? Particularly when Paypal holds the majority of the money.
Anything else you guys wanna wine and cheese about?
Gotta get George’s numbers up so he can apply for affiliate links.
Yes – what’s Rene’s last name, seeing how he’s a speaker and sponsor – and seeing how you view that as important
My hacker friend in a remote place in an Eastern European country just informed me that, after hacking in some state database, Rene has petitioned to change his last name to….DeltaPoints
I kid.
Ingy, are you still paying $50 a post? If not, you are a liar, aren’t you? And, if you are a liar, why should we believe what you say now? Answer that.
Do whatever you want. Say whatever you want. I don’t care. Iquitos paying several months ago. George has got links now. Let him support you guys
I prefer Doritos.
I’m saving all my Club Carlson points for Europe! 🙂
Good move. No, great move!
Wow good to see BikeGuy getting some notoriety!! I was not aware he has been doing presentations. George you should go too and a welcome readers post the next day ha ha
Too much salesmanship going on in the name of charity these days in general IMO. It is not restricted to Miles & Points world. Just need to filter/funnel out these gimmicky ones and donate in the right places. But from a business perspective these do serve their purpose. Bloggers increase customer base, newbies signup for affiliate cards and collect miles!
BG has always done the Bootcamp presentation. I think this year he is doing the Amtrak awards. I hope he puts up a link to my trip report (see above) because I think I killed it!
I don’t have time to go. TBB needs to keep reviewing blogs lol.
I agree 100% with your 2nd paragraph, I think you are right on!
“All proceeds go to charity”….. except for those proceeds that don’t
Lying about charitable contributions >>>>> not much
I did not go back to see if that was corrected. That was what set me off. Hopefully it was an innocent mistake. I do a lot of those here and when I am corrected I stab myself:-)
Hello everyone. Needed a short break to say goodbye to my girls who are off to Paris.
Feedly blog roll has reached insane levels. Need to attack it a little bit.
I will come back. It is my blog afterall.
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
It is a journey. I hope TBB is contributing positively to your journey.
Ouch, just got my eye sockets slapped by yet another credit card by that favorite corporate owned blog.
Just an update: The Filipino women dating ad is raking it in today, thank you so much!
a division of Hypopimp Enterprises (NYSE: PIMP)
P.S. It’s all good, hope you are enjoying the show!
Not sure I understand today’s testosterone fest, but I do know TBB’s last name. I’m cool like that. 🙂
It’s funny how riled up it gets Rick, because most of us:
A) already know his last name
B) don’t really care
C) the one person who does care (Rick) knows it
So by my estimation, there is not a single person I’m aware of that cares what TBB’s last name is AND doesn’t already know it
It’s sad watching FTG trying to force something relevant out of something so irrelevant
Ingy is taking a page right out of Michele Bachman’s playbook: When you got nothing of substance to say, it’s best to focus on irrelevant things to try to distract.
Thank you, you are all cool!
Wait, we’re stuck on George’s last name? You mean the same last name he uses publicly already? I’m confused.
Yeah hi,
George Stephanopoulos here, how ya doing?
I thought you were some Greek singer/songwriter, the Aegean version of Enrique Iglesias or something… 🙂
How about Yiannis with my amazingly flowing hair lol
Or a dictator. Hah.
Growing up, when asked about it, I used to say he is my uncle. Nobody phucked with me. Except one ahole in 6th grade I beat the crap out of him. I still remember it to this day, what a glorious day that was. Never bullied anyone else after that:-)