We bring you the new Hilton 100k offers, how to do last minute award tickets, marvel at compounding magic, get Jizzcoins ICO, a blogger wants your money, fly with private jet to nice places, a case study to realize how hard it is to use the free miles for the free award trip you were sold, Fairmont elites get a short break to soften the Le Club merger pain and much more. For you. Free. Without the hideous daily pumping, just can’t do it. And my conversions show it lol. Enjoy this blog while it lasts in its current form…
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
Support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS
This is good advice: Should you sign up for the new Hilton 100k offers?
Another great post by Seat 31B with a good summary of the best airlines for last-minute award tickets.
These blogs will say ANYTHING to get you to apply for credit cards with their links so they can make a lot of money. We know that of course but you can spread the word, it is THE responsible thing to do! Of course they NEVER warn you that after you get them that FREE trip is, well, not always so easy to make it happen. But they don’t give a shit about you, the sale was made, they made their money and they are on to fresh newbie meat to trick into selling more cards to. Oh wait, maybe all these delinquencies may have something to do with the tactics of the credit card salesmen?
Places you can only get to by private jet. I don’t know why I still include links to stuff from Business Insider…I think it is more to express another “WTF are they thinking?” hehe.
This is great. The Most Important Idea in Life. I’ll give it to you, it is Compounding. Einstein called it the 8th wonder of the world. It’s true!
Consistently repeated actions + Time = Unconquerable Results [Not sure this applies to my blog, sad!]
If this is not peak ICO (Initial Coin Offering) I don’t know what is. Ladies and gentlemen. Actually, just gentlemen, I bring to you Jizzcoins.
“Blockchain technology will change the online landscape including the adult industry,” says a Jizzcoins spokesperson, adding, “Funds raised with the ICO will be used to boost all [its] activities and includes media dataset minting features for members, adult stars, models and connected voyeur locations.”
Jizzcoins recently began its presale period, offering buyers a 25 percent discount, with the ICO expiring on April 10.
The Jizzcoins ICO bounty program offers studios, adult stars and models a referral bonus, social media program rewards, an 80 percent revenue share program, and more, including monthly JCN token prizes for the Top 30 models starting once the ICO period has ended.
ARE YOU PHUCKING KIDDING ME? This is NOT investment advice for crying out super loud! I can see this now, a year later, I get an email from someone in the Maldives thanking me for discovering Jizzcoins and getting rich #crying. Yes, this crypto mania IS bigger than the dotcom bubble!
Some really great pictures here: I Went On A 5-Month Trip Around Europe, Traveled 40,000km, Visited 17 Countries, And Brought Back These Images.

Useful post on the best time to do everything, according to science.
The 10 Companies that Dominate the Global Arms Trade.
This section is for advanced level hobbyists and veteran blog readers & personal rants & stuff.
For Best Offers credit cards, click HERE
All Fairmont Elites are getting a break to soften the pain from killing the program and merging into Accor’s Le Club. Welcome move of course. But the problem remains…Le Club is absolutely awful compared to Fairmont President’s Club.
So, God Save The Points posted “We Want Your Money“. Gilbert says “we’re not a charity”. I am not either but I certainly feel like one lol. Remember, this blog is hosted at Boarding Area and earns money from page views (advertising) while I earn nada because I care for your eyes! Then again, with my readership comprising some of you in basements I don’t think I am giving up that much lol. He says he does not sell credit cards. Which is true. Unlike me the shameless greedy whore pumping you every day 🙂 I agree on his point staying independent but I am the one staying off any blog network and keep sabotaging my blog by pissing off Titans! Gilbert says he is one of the best. If that was true his blog would show up here. Until then everyone is entitled to their own opinion! Oh, I just turned down $50 to insert a link in a blog post. You won’t believe the shit I delete every single day. And that dude with the bitcoin infographic is still bugging me wow! Gilbert saves the zinger for the end. If you donate to him $1,000 you get “a year of personal travel help -including a direct number and email address“.
Things that make me shake my had…Points With a Crew added three more writers. Why?
The self-proclaimed travel thought leader is getting beat up. And doesn’t care as long as credit card conversion numbers are good!
Part of the TBB entertainment is Ingy, the infamous troll who keeps teaching us about what is ‘personal responsibility’. Oh the irony of it all…I guess this is all fine to him offering needles to addicts or ‘no money down’ to unsophisticated seniors…hey, it’s all about conversions to these guys, never forget that! &^#$@*&!
Every single day the indiscriminate plastic pumping goes on and…can you tell there was a sales commission on buying them Hyatt points yesterday?
And I leave you with this…TBB blogging —> Winning
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
So when the sex robots getting their own blockchain currency?
Second finally!
By the way love the graphics about best time to do things. 6pm is when I do my MS, I guess count as creative work, no!
I bet you all bloggers would sell the crap out of Jizzcoins if there were affiliate links for it…
Personal responsibility you guys!
There really are some pretty lucrative crypto exchange links out there including Coinbase, $10 a person bounty.
Here’s a thought… you always want to monetize this bad boy so dabble in some Crypto links. You get $10 for each person that signs up for Coinbase, which conveniently accepts CC to buy coins. They set a $750 per week limit, but that is sort of grey because if the price goes up your ability to buy goes back up with it. So they can knock out the minimum spends in no time, and own a new “asset”. Everyone wins right?! Unless the market goes down and they have a heart attack or something… but I mean nothing is perfect other than getting a sapphire reserve which we all know is everyone’s perfect life choice!
I just can not get people into Coinbase and this crypto crap…I could not sleep at night. I don’t care if they offered $1,000 instead of $10 per head. It is about personal responsibility….to do good and make the world a better place.
Unlike Ingy 😉
George, your morning coffee at McDirt is ill timed if you read the best time to do anything…
I drink coffee at least until 9.45 am while doing focused work since I wake up…how about that? 🙂
Ingy giving us clowns lessons in capitalism:
Or, in other words, DO NOT TRUST these salesmen for objective advice 🙂
You are wrong, George, when you added the word “these” to your sentence above. RARELY will a salesman give you truly objective advice.
RE Ingy’s post: that was very nasty. (In fact, I can’t reconcile the tone of that post with the blog author I used to read so I wonder if someone was impersonating him in that post.) All I can say is, if that WAS him, you can sure tell how some people will put up a false front—being a nice guy who helps people travel the world—just to make a buck. How someone can be essentially a liar, day in and day out, to make money, is beyond belief to me. Be glad he is not your friend.
same guy
“personal responsibility” from the guy who claimed age discrimination when he wasn’t able to fly on the UA 4-Mile-Island HKG mistake.
I’m all for personal responsibility and also all for calling out companies/salesmen who distort, obfuscate, and provide knowingly false or misleading information. The two aren’t mutually exclusive and both are a part of a free market/free society (or at least quasi-free).
No one hesitates to call out Ford or LG or AT&T or a restaurant for crappy tactics or poor products and services. The same holds true for points & miles salesmen websites. That doesn’t take away from whatever mistakes or bad behaviors consumers engage in on their own volition, but a the same time consumer mistakes and bad behaviors don’t erase the mistakes or bad behaviors of the business – in this case P&M credit card sales.
Beautiful comment, I give you FIRST….as long as DML approves that is.
Sure! I’m easy.
+1-Right on the money.
Says the guy with a fucking donate button on his website. And if you had 500k or more people coming to your site every month and you weren’t selling advertising, you’d be one of two things. A) rich enough not to give a fuck. B) dumb. Which one are you?
Thank you for the classy comment.
My blog reviews blogs. Amazing you think you are one of the best bloggers!
I do not have 500k people coming to my site every month so I guess your question was not directed at me.
Thank you for taking the time to comment and the support!
Best to you.
I dont come here for the classy stuff.
In for lots of the Jizzcoins. I plan to do giveaways, imagine all the traffic come my way woohoo
I’ve read your blog only a few times so approached the link with an open mind. I appreciated seeing that you don’t pump cards. I thought I might give your blog a chance and if over some time enjoyed it, would be happy to support it.
But your unnecessarily rude commenting here is off-putting. As a business if you can’t take critiques (and this one was quite benign) and have to come drop F-bombs on the critic, then you ought to thicken your skin a bit.
yes, it was benign…Oh, I see Ingy is back 🙂
George knows I like him. I think deep down he even likes me. Just calling it exactly how it is. This is a business, it’s not a hobby. For people who like to sling shit about blogs, you are very touchy ; )
And if you don’t believe in the product you are selling – you are nothing. And in the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that”.
even its if not, lets get him anyway
Points with a Crew: I look at the guy’s picture on the blog and it just turns me off. Something about the smugness…
Hey, I threw some Amazon link referral action your way (not much) but I wonder how much you make. 1%
I looked at pwac blog posts and saw some other pics of him. He’s a little lumpy (just like me) and I think he would get more subscribers by posting a lumpy pic of himself than a smug pic.
You Sir, always come off as smug yourself! You should not throw stones.
Thoughts and Prayers go out to those who have their careers ended prematurely working at ToysRUs. Amazon will kill more jobs than Walmart ever did, yet where is the outrage. Boycott Amazon, shop small business when you can and always think sustainable.
Stephen Toast (LHR)
London, England
Criminy! Looks like we have an over-the-top limey impersonator in our midst! Don’t you have a Pole or Bulgarian to go harass?
Who cares? Amazon was once a very small business, too (as was Wal-Mart and many others). Successful small companies often end up being huge and beating out competitors. Just the way it goes.
anonymous = always smug, always throwing insults
Can’t take Doctor of Credit’s links to View From The Wing anymore…I can’t have a blog in the Blogs I Like list sending so many readers to the mega pumper and clickbait Kardashian type “news” travel thought leader…
Will be gone in next edition when I update it.
And Milenomics will be back!
I like what those lads at Milenomics are doing myself. It is nice to see thoughtful and original content. Original content is rare these days and finding a bloody good article is a treat.
Stephen Toast (LHR)
London, England
Hey Dude, Are those links to your site really for secured credit cards? Like for the people that really can’t handle credit? What about the unexpecting newbie that stumbles across your blog and signs up?
Whats with that Mr, Hypocrite??????
If you really cared about your readers you’d get rid of those ads on your site. Get rid of creditcards.com altogether.
Oh, Wait! Those are the only credit card links you can get so that makes it okay then to be advertising to already uncreditworthy newbies that stumble onto your site.
I got it now. You are the biggest hypocrite of all !!!!!!! Stand up for your readers!!!! Dump your creditcards.com link and protect an unsuspecting rookie!!!!!
Yea right!!!!!
Did Ingy ever run secured credit cards on his site when he owned one? I don’t think so.
Ingy, secured credit cards are precisely what people with poor credit (or those just starting out) should use. I thought you would know that.
I would be so vindictive myself if I knew how many zero’s I left on the table 🙂
You all have a nice day now.
“Did Ingy ever run secured credit cards on his site when he owned one? I don’t think so.”
Are you trying to be funny, or is this the dementia coming out?
Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?
Again, the ignorance shows up again.
Anonymous, George pretends to portray himself as the protector of all newbies, by warning them to stay away from credit card charlatans. Yet he himself markets cards to those that have already proven they are incapable of handling their credit, hence their need to apply for secure credit cards.
Stay in your basements TBB readers. You and the world will be much better off!!!
Thanks Ingy, we are all going to our basements now. Go on…
A secured credit card is all that people can get when they are starting out. It was my first card.
You are making secured credit sound likes it’s evil. It’s not. For many people, it’s a way to build or rebuild credit.
you can be First!
To all
Sad day today. One of my favorite artists in the world died today. I had beers with him in the Bling Pig in Ann Arbor in the early 90s. Always uncompromising, did his thing, like no other…
I am very sad you guys. Been playing his songs all day. I may take a day off tomorrow…
so so sad I am going to leave on the table so many secured card apps…so so sad by that.
So long Mark
Sad! I watch the Fall live in Reeperbahn, Hamburg back in 1991 or 1992. Can’t remember exactly, alcohol and strippers have that effect. Great sound, perhaps not the most exciting live performance I ever saw at Große Freiheit 36. Definitely not the same live performance caliber as a few other concert I saw at the same place, Ministry, Helmet or Einstürzende Neubauten come to mind. I had at least 5 of their CDs. Nation’s Saving Grace may have been their best. People still have CDs? I’m getting old.
Wow ABC, that’s cool.
You know I am a yuge Ministry Fan. I think they are the reason my right ear keeps buzzing. Been buzzing ever since seeing them live in Chicago a few years ago for the sixth time…wait, maybe it was the seventh. Hope Uncle Al can for for a few more years…amazing how that guy is still alive!
Never go to see Einstürzende Neubauten, what an experience that would have been.
Always been a fan of that industrial sound since the 80s. Front 242, Front Line Assembly, Thrill Kill Kult, Revolting Cocks…that Chicago Wax Trax sound was amazing…Oh, did I ever tell you guys that Trent Reznor of the Nine Inch Nails was a tax client of my brother in law lol.
Been playing The Fall all day. These type of uncompromising always creating artists not giving a phuck always appealed to me 🙂
Oh crap, I should probably do a post for tomorrow…
Always wanted to see the Butthole Surfers. Thought I would the lucky during the Ministry collaboration with Gibby Haynes on Jesus Built My Hotrod. But it never happened. Missed out on a few other performances as well. Pixies before they split up and the Sonic Youth. Einstürzende Neubauten, was amazing. Fascinating to see how those industrial sounds were created. Very creative band!
It’s hard to imagine that these guys needed tax advice. I look at Vin (milesperday) reselling Taylor Swift and Justin Timberlake tickets for $250+ and I wonder what happened. You pay that much to hang out with 10k+ kids and see only one performance? I’ld rather go mud wrestling at a rainy music festival in northern Europe.I may even get lucky.
Big Sonic Youth fan as well here. Never developed a strong like to the Butthole Surfers, not sure why. The EN band, even for my weirdo taste standards, were even too weird for me 🙂
I hear you about Vin and those tickets.
Eons ago I got to see PIL, the Sugarcubes and New Order in a Michigan festival. I don’t remember much actually 🙂
Got to see Taylor Swift in a private concert last year. Hey, the drinks were free and after a while it did not matter lol. This year’s concert at the conference I attend each year is: Train. I will be there for the drinks again 🙂
Post is ready! 5 Best of Web links. Makes it a little easier. Can’t wait to go to M, W, F next month. I am probably not a good marketer of secured cards woohoo!
Smile – The Fall
my favorite
this is no Bruno Mars you guys!
Is it just me or does MMS’s new logo look like Emily is ass raping Darius?
I once saw some jizz coins on the floor at a 25 cent peep show place. I left them there.