We bring you a new premium travel rewards credit card, flight attendant crazy secrets, United prepaid card, more from North Korea, lessons from travel, new partner of Alaska Airlines, a super odd subway station in China and lots more. Absolutely free!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS. Thank you!
Yet another premium travel rewards card coming this weekend. From UBS! Really? Getting ridiculous at this point! I tweeted this out and Chuck at Doctor of Credit did beat me to it, here are all the details of the new card. Keeping it longer than a year after the signup bonus is definitely NOT recommended!
Register NOW for this and get 10% of Hyatt awards.
Alaska Airlines, Finnair Begin New Partnership. It appeared here first. Your favorite blogger saw it, rewrote some words and may have entered an HT way at the end where nobody sees it #expertise. Another good move by Alaska Airlines. I still say they join the revenue based crowd in 2018 #sosad #forus
Crazy secrets from a flight attendant. She talks whether it is possible to clog the toilets, advice how to join the “Mile High Club” (please no more shower selfies!), how she uses Tinder for sex, etc. I thought about changing the link you will all click to take you to my credit cards page but I changed my mind because, despite what you may think of me, I still have a tiny ounce of integrity. Bwahahahaha (inside blog joke).
Ten Things Travel Has Taught Me About Life. By Landlopers. For some reason I had this blog deleted from Feedly. But it is back. And I am enjoying it again, sorry!
Three Days in Algiers – What To See. Very nice trip report from a place that does not get much play. I like trip reports from places that are not as common. You care to share a trip report in my blog? Contact me.
For the weird link of the day, I bring you all Simpsons fans this story: “The Homeric Odyssey of the Web’s Strangest Simpsons Site“. If you are a Simpsons fan, you should read this. And probably join the Facebook group ShitPostingSimpons. Click the story to track down the link, I like to give page views to original authors and not pretend I am a thought leader on anything. Oh wait, I take that back, maybe I am a thought leader on personal finance, North Korea and sex robots? Woohoo!
Speaking of personal finance, this article had some thoughtful thoughts…oh wait, maybe I should not put these two words together? Can’t wait for grammar police to bust me in the comments, please be gentle! Risk and Reward in a New Era.
The Oddest Subway in China. Yeah, I like odd things. You don’t come here for stuff you see elsewhere. When I was in my youth, I was always into alternative music and despised Top 40. I continued that theme with my blog. In obscurity based on number of clicks #crying. But I like it that way #mostofthetime.
Introducing Polaroids in North Korea in 2008.
We all know the beautiful A380 is not a big seller. Screw it, time to sell second hand A380s as super luxurious private jets! #itshappening. Well, maybe not… #developing
And this is an awesomely inspirational story from Roger Moore:

This section is for advanced level hobbyists and veteran blog readers & personal rants & stuff
How did this high school kid blogging at Boarding Area get an interview with AA’s CEO Doug Parker? Well, I think it is a must read as it reveals his thoughts about AADisAdvantage. You know it is good when it starts off with: “I wish Robert Crandall would have just created the AAdvantage program as a revenue-based program from the beginning.”… “It’s not about matching the competition, but it’s the correct way of doing things. We should be rewarding the flyers that spend the most money and put the most into this airline.” The good old days are OVER!
At least 15 Countries Affected by Southwest Blocking Access & Why This is a Problem. Come on Southwest, fix this! NOW! Guys, consider it done, it made my blog, will get fixed shortly, you are welcome!
United Airlines Introduces First Ever Prepaid Credit Card for Earning Miles. Yep, it first appeared here…Your Titan blogger did not get any inside info, he/she is not an expert. Really, WTF! Well, this is really interesting, lets see how this shakes out when the card comes out in the summer. This is the official press release by the way. Don’t lick chops or anything else, it is NETSPEND Inc. we are talking about!
It was late two nights ago, that dude John got a response back from me when I should just ignore him. I need to figure out a way to at least hit the minimum number of cards, I know it is not your credit score 🙂 Oh shit, Feedly unread climbed over 100 again, PHUCK! #hypocriticalrantwithnointegrity #LOL
This is turning out to be a web series, this summarizes my feelings about it all #barf
Well, there is at least one positive thing about this, it is not Emily!
Most blatant piece of false advertising? Full Disclosure: Question mark was added due to counsel’s advice. Pro bono 🙂
Telling readers to write to the DoT and then brag about making the WSJ, seriously? Publicity like this only leads to airlines tightening the screws even more. Temporary gain for a few readers and long term pain for them but hey, must be good for blog business! I know 🙂 #notaboutblogbusinesswink
You see many blog posts about all kinds of excuses selling the Hyatt credit card. You know, it is available here as well but I don’t do the hard sell. Do you consider this soft sell? Who cares, I just wished it worked damn it #amateur.
Since May 18, this blog made $1.48. Why do I post this? For educational purposes. For the haters’ entertainment (I do care for them too!). Definitely not for inspiration though lol.
I am not doing the pic with the pumping and tabloid headlines. Unless you want me to and you missed it.
It always amazes me the content of each post the next day when it gets published at 6.30 am. And then when I check my clicks and see a big fat zero, it feels, well, AWFUL! Not.Even.One. Again. And that hurts. I hate whining…Am I insane? [Yes].
My father taught me to always be proud of my work. I am. So be it. Enter the violins…
And I leave you with this…

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Hello world.
Hello indeed!
Irving of the Cavs had an epic game last night #wow.
Looked at my clicks, another big fat zero, told my wife about it, she told me to stop whining lol.
I could have posted the UBS story first…but I let that Chuck dude from DoC get all the glory, hope he gets a raise. If it was his boss he would have waited to link to either VFTW or OMAAT bwahahahaha.
I think I am going to make time this weekend to look into how to set up this membership thingie. If any readers are up with the techie knowhow and want to help me, I would really appreciate it.
Can’t wait for the haters to make fun of my whining today. I think…I am gunning for it because, gulp, I like it hehe.
Got email from reader who said I am the hardest working blogger in this space and I deserve more. Preach it man…
Half hour before personal trainer kicks my ass.
You all have a great day!
Who exactly is complaining about your whining? Has Ingy made a return?
Not yet. Trying to get him to come out, he usually does when I praise him 🙂
When is Ramsey going to write an article about flight attendant crazy secrets?
Yeah waiting…
Any Roger Moore stories?
Many of us really enjoy your blog. But Ingy is rught that you are insane putting all this work for almost 5 years every day, no idea how you do it!
Give the membership route a cbance. If it does not work out, just know it is because of the bank restrictions and not about our credjt scores. Waiting for your lol.
Ignore the haters.
Reduce the whining please. I know it is frustrating.
This hobby is in its last legs. Tbe Titans expanding their reach for fresh meat. You will always have your readers even if you post once a week.
That RT from fake United Oscar getting f*cked by American Airlines is priceless, it belongs here.
And sorry about JB 😉
Here is that tweet 🙂
I appreciate the feedback.
Good call on the haters. I must stop myself from responding, I could be using that time to pimp my links instead. Or whine 🙂
Use it on Feedly instead.
I look at this post and I think of how many people it made happy. And then I look at my zero clicks. And that’s not just fair. But I go on. Why? I need another therapist, quick 🙂
I need to do something..
I thought I was alone in wondering who the hell cares about Matthew Klimpt’s hours long battle to get his seat up front out of Ethiopian. I had to go back and check-I thought they had promised him a plane, not a ride.
It’s articles like this that lead to the wild self-entitlement that has crept (more like galloped) into the hobby. On a group I follow, one poster said they had experienced a 2 hour mechanical delay and asked how much compensation they should seek. I guess Klimpt runs a consulting service, so maybe I should have sent him over there to develop a strategic plan.
On the good side, my express trip through Spain has been great. Wonderful sights, nice people, super weather and excellent food so cheap I am thinking of seeing if I can get UberEats to deliver some in Colorado.
And if they won’t, I can probably sue them. For something.
Where in Spain?
At the moment, Granada. We’ve zipped through Madrid, Barcelona, Toledo, Sevilla and Ronda.
After Granada, it’s the long trek home.
“develop a strategic plan” LOL.
Trip sounds really nice, enjoy and be back safe.
If you are still in Granada, I hope you are enjoying a nice drink while watching the lights on the Alhambra…(I recall a great view just across the gorge there…)
But if you can read this now, then something is wrong. You should not be following blogs when in a beautiful place like that! Especially something about Matthew WhoDat Klimpt.
True words. But we can’t blast 16 hours a day on the tourist thing. We pace ourselves to try to optimize our day by building in breaks.
Staying up with TBB is easy here as nothing happens before noon. A little blast in late afternoon, then a wrap-up (for me) before tucking in.
Klimpt looked strong for a few days. Now it feels like Rebel without a Cause.
Sometimes I have dreams of hot flight attendants tucking me in…First Class of course 🙂
Murder suspect who used big-penis defense found not guilty
just realized that commenter DEEP THROAT (above) should of been the guy/gal who broke this story
Wow…it worked!
TBB, do you collect fees every day in your advisory business? Most people receive their paycheck on a periodic basis so why do you complain about what your blog earned in the past several days? How much does your blog make on a monthly or annual basis? More specifically, how much does your blog make from credit card sales when you get conversions?
If you’re desperate for money, find another job. Most people don’t earn much if anything from their hobbies.
Advisory business is completely different than blogging business! I collect fees quarterly, which is fairly standard.
It is not the earnings…it is the lack of $ clicks from the few $ avenues this blogs earns something because I don’t have the time to spend on monetizing as I always felt guilty spending it there instead of the ACTUAL content here.
I can tell you how much this blog makes in a monthly/annual basis when you make it to the next TBB Reader meetup. Not putting in print. If you get any Titan blogger to do this FIRST, maybe I do it then, ok?
We are forbidden to state how much each credit card conversion makes. But if you google it I am sure you can get an idea. Or see me at the TBB Reader meetup 😉
I am not desperate for money man. I would love to make minimum wage in my blogging business, is that too much to ask? If readers do not support bloggers they like…they quit or they get hired by a Titan blog. And that’s just WRONG!
Regarding hobbies: Dude, this is NOT a hobby anymore, it ceased to be really after the first three months. It is not a hobby you spend several hours per day AND post daily. To all who complain about my whining, I urge you to pick up blogging as a hobby, lets see how long you last amigos 🙂
This is pocket money….I never really focused on it. But $1.48 for a week straight…it is a little too much to stomach. Show me any sane people who would keep going…EVERY FREAKING DAY FOR THIS TYPE OF CONTENT POPPING UP AT 6.30 PRONTO?
Okay, whatever…I am going for a Greek Salad for lunch and I am going to enjoy it 🙂
Thanks for the comment. And you are welcome for reading my blog. For Free 🙂
6.30 AM that is
As you say-
@JOHN AKA MR. POSITIVE, you sound like a party pooper
Not going to bait me under any user name, Trumpy.
I’ll give you my first months earnings August 2010 when I brought cc links to the hobby (not including Dan who is in a special category) if you give your 2016 earnings?
That sentence made no sense. Nobody cares about your earnings. We already know you’re one of the biggest sellouts in the history of mile and point blogs. Go back to reading the zero comments on ftg.
George offered to give info on his blog income if somebody that actually was successful financially would disclose some of their numbers.
Sorry to see you comprehension of the English language is so limited
What a fool. Nice attempt to insult grammatical intelligence. Unfortunately you’re not very smart. Next time don’t say “Sorry to see you comprehension of the English language is so limited.” You’re such a clown.
As long as we are talking about my blog earnings, SURE!
Yes, Dan is in a special category indeed.
Went to a mile & points reader meetup, someone asked if you are okay, I said “yeah, he reads my blog every day and comments”. After half hour, I told him you commented 🙂
One thing for sure…the hobby is boring me to pieces lately. I am just not that excited anymore about all this running around with gift cards, money orders, getting shut down, mileage runs(!!!!), getting upgrades to Something Comfort Minus or Plus or whatever, LHR First Class Terminals, less than five minute limo rides, Vendoming…
Wait for it….yawn 🙂
Need to find the next big thing…
So share a little. What do you do to make a living? What are your hobbies? Are you in the game?
Right, complaining to the DoT is going to tighten Emirates’ screws.
Like how you moaned and groaned when I posted to complain to the DoT about Southwest, until that got them to do a 180 on the CP situation.
Or the many other times the DoT has come through. Just terrible to hold the airlines accountable…
I think TBB meant that articles like this would cause the airlines to tighten the screws on us. But I don’t see the logic in that.
In any case, I hear people bitch and moan all the time about government regulations and then, when they want or demand something that they shouldn’t get (let’s be honest here, this is an Emirates pricing phuck up), they are the first to run to the government. Not implying Dan or his audience are this way: bitch and moan, yes they do, but not about government regulations.
Great points on the govt regulations and Emirates/govt link bluecat.
I stand by what I wrote. The more noise we make, the more noticeable we are and the airlines will respond in force. Because they can.
This was an obvious mistake. While so many others are as well. It’s a tough line to juggle, sure. Maybe Southwest did a short lived 180 on the situation. What would we say if they eventually kill it after seeing the numbers in the last month they extended that option? 🙂
Great branding move though for being a blogger full time. You can’t lose 🙂
Hey, maybe Dan can buy me out. Corner the angries, the really educated ones, the Greek immigrants, Christians only in name non practicing, soccer lovers, sex robot enthusiasts, North Korea obsessed….Hey, I can get you in the WSJ again 😉 I was so excited my first time making it, now I am just bored hehe.
Going to a Ann Arbor miles and points hobbyists meetup.
I will drink for you guys.
Thanks to the reader who got a Wells Fargo card, you were just approved. Expect a little less whining tomorrow then.
Unlike some travel bloggers I stay far away from politics…
But to be fair, the reason why the DoT makes these regulations is because Congress effectively shielded the airlines from being sued in court. The airlines routinely abuse that power and are worthy of every regulation that comes their way IMHO. The only shame is that the Big 6 were allowed to become the big 3, we’re all paying the price for that now.
Any deals on diapers this week?
How about Pampers?
Sam, for only $50 a raffle ticket, you can win a chance at a FULL YEAR’S supply diapers. All proceeds to support Bibi’s Bakery and Ganja Cafe.
For a limited time only, you can get 2 raffle tickets for the price of 1. Hurry!! Won’t last!!
—This post is stickied just below Sam’s entry—