We bring you all the summer flights to Greece from the US, visit Portugal & Mexico, maximize your Hertz Gold Rewards points & much more!
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The juicy stuff is in the MILESBUZZ section below. Before that I try to keep it respectable and behave π
Well, I like to take some time off in the weekends so I can recharge my TBB batteries. Meaning, the TBB Buzz post on Mondays is more miles & points oriented as we have some material coming from Friday, Saturday and Sunday, phew!
As so many of you are looking to visit Greece this summer, here are all the non-stop options for flying to Athens! Please go and spend some money, they really need it. Just when you thought it could not get worse…it did with almost 40,000 refugees stranded as Greece’s neighbors closed the borders.
We get Part Dos on the new JetBlue credit cards. I would be more thrilled about them if JetBlue had more flights from Detroit and I had less miles in the bank. I guess when I run out they will likely still be there and maybe they improve the offers…
What Delta is saying about the future of SkyMiles. Be afraid, be very afraid…
Magical Portugal, an AFAR Travel Guide. Looks so nice…
Have you seen an ostrich run chasing after cyclists? Well, you can watch one if you click on the link. Wow, just wow, pretty amazing stuff!
Christian “prophet” loses his buttocks to an angry lion while trying to prove God would save him. Lol…I mean, you just can’t make this stuff up…
A Retirement Cost Reality. Your personal finance fix of the day.
Amazing photos from Mexico. It is from the same guy who managed amazing photos from North Korea!

The epic collapse of American soda in one chart. Stop drinking this junk!
We have an award price finder tool search comparison, interesting stuff. Part Dos is here. This is the killer app but so hard to pull it off because there is so much change going on with these award charts. And Delta even hides them now!
The new FU card is available! You will hear so much about it when bloggers get paid to sell it, I guarantee it. Until then, not so much. We never let that stop us from informing our readers!
And just when you think you knew everything about this miles & points stuff, a post comes out of the blue showing us something new. Like transferring Hertz Gold Rewards points to Southwest!
As you know, I really appreciate stuff that makes me laugh. I think this space is lacking some humor! I think lots of what I blog and whine about is about…stuff…that makes me laugh! And some misunderstand me that I am this mean guy. You should see some emails I get, I shake my head to oblivion! Anyways, DEM Flyers has a post up titled: The DEM Flyers “Swimsuit” Calendar and is full of their pics holding…credit cards. Hilarious indeed! Well done, well done. Clap, clap, clap.

The favorite charity of Frugal Travel Guy: Wounded Warriors. Mother frackers, 46% of their haul went to overhead, including high-end events and travel. Nice guys. Hey, maybe ask for a refund if you fell for the “donate part of the haul to Wounder Warriors” crap. Get angry, it’s OKAY sometimes!
I unload on Twitter, trying to keep it entertaining and show everyone how the affiliate credit card money is driving your favorite bloggers. I could do this all day long but who has the time? So whenever I get on Twitter and see something I…react:
Like this or expressing my disappointment at Forbes, or these guys who make me smh repeatedly. Giving just 5 reasons to get the SPG cards is so inadequate! My eyes are rolling now. If you do the Friday MMS interview you lose a lot of respect from me, nothing personal. Never stop selling! Please someone attack me, like that Carson dude lol.
I’ll give him a dollar…
And I leave you with this…

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Gold two days straight. Thanks night shifts!
Can you make it threee? If yes, you will be placed in the TBB Commenters Hall of Fame!
No shame in silver.
No shame at all, respect!
Starwood receives another higher bid, wow! It is not over until it is over, go away Marriott!
Feeding bloggers content every day. Thanks for the HTs…yeah right.
Consider clicking TBB links so I can eat π
Next on your to do list: Redo the credit card page to increase conversions! #bonuspotential GO!
Marriott is the worst possible answer for HOT. Please other bidder come on strong.
We will know in less than 3 days. Tick tack…
After all the publicity on blogs and the media over the Jetsmarter deal, prices for empty seats in the app have increased significantly. I used to be able to find seats for under $200 on short flights, but now everything’s $500+ even for a 1-hour flight. Another deal dies.
Godsavethepoints killed that one. He enjoyed super PR, mega hits on the blog and everyone else loses….this is how blogs operate nowadays…
Always go to Charitynavigator.org before you donate. They will give you all the info you need to be sure the most dollars are going to the charity and not the overhead.
Portugal is wonderful and the Douro Valley and Porto are two of my favorite places in all of Europe.
Great advice about charitnavigator.com!
I have a unique experience with Porto. Backpacking with a college travel study group in Europe in 1987 (or maybe 1988, I forgot!). Found ourselves in Vieanna. The location of the European Cup Winers Final between Bayern Munich and Porto. So….I left the group and made it there almost broke and no ticket. Trying to find a way to get in, I managed to give whatever I had left to a German fan who had an extra ticket. Had two hours left before the game start. Well, I managed to scalp that ticket three times and made over $250. And then….I found myself with the game starting and no ticket for ME! Bought one at face value (another German fan) and finally got in to the sold out stadium. In the middle of Portuguese fans. Singing and dancing with them and everyone wondering who is this crazy foreign dude. Great game. Bayern ahead in the first half and Porto came back storming to win it 2-1 in overtime I think. Then mad dash to catch the last subway train ride back to our group lodging facilities. Some cheap “bungalows” in the city. One of my greatest hacking accomplishments. I knew I had potential π
Not sure if it’s the case with Wounded Warriors, but it’s not as simple as saying ZOMG so much money went to overhead, events, etc. Sometimes those things bring in million more $$ to the charity so that as an absolute value, the money donate is much more. It’s like investing in a business. It causes the net profit % to go down, but hopefully increases the absolute amount of money made. See this TED talk.
Nope, WW is a bunch of &^%$#’s (angry expletive deleted by management)
Sometimes big spending brings in benefits. Sometimes it’s just like a frat party:
That’s why you have to do some studying-some due dilligence-to find worthwhile organizations. It applies to charities. And to blogs.
Buzz-WFTW and others finally picked up the SPG story after you got the scoop. No Hat Tip (or even an eyeroll).
If I had a dollar…
I found an amazing video, much better than all the crap these bloggers put up….but I am going to post it tomorrow….not going to do a separate post about it. Or post it here in the comments as it does not impact readers at all.
Anyways, them Chinese got dinero to spend, wow! It will be interesting to see how Starwood responds to this, we are talking more dinero and ALL in cash!
TPG must be the only one who let his readers know about the FU card and….pumped 10 different other affiliate cc links with it. I predict when the FU affliate link goes up, he will pump it one dozen times along with three dozens of the different cards. Unbelievable sales machine, WOW!
Update: MMS pulled the same trick with the FU card and he placed 11 other affiliate cc links. Amazing, just amazing….
Didn’t one of your friends do an MMS interview and also writes for FTG? You seem not to have lost respect for her. Or is it Ok when you are friends with someone?
There have been many that do this. I am more lenient to ones who make a living at this online. But let me assure you she knows my feelings towards this operation as I keep reminding her of such feelings. And I think she is getting a bit angry π
“I unload on Twitter, trying to keep it entertaining and show everyone how the affiliate credit card money is driving your favorite bloggers. I could do this all day long but who has the time?”
LOL. Just a few times in each daily post and 4 or 5 more everyday on twitter.
Yeah, I think it’s enough to satisfy therapist’s orders, she is right it makes me feel better π
I should delete that list on my Tweetdeck but it is so much fun seeing yet another way how FTG will sell the CSP card π