It is time to rant! First, let’s all rise and have a moment of silence for one of the most exciting deals to ever happen in this community. Getting a free round trip Detroit to New York for $2k of Vanilla reloads in the local Office Depot was just too good to be true, we […]
Travel Blog Reviews – November 10, 2012
This blog adventure is an experiment as of now. Call it a blog in beta. I know I need to move away from blogspot but have no time learning new tricks and sure don’t want to spend any money on it! If you want me to review your blog/site shoot me an email at @travelbloggerbuzz@gmail com or […]
Travel Blog Reviews – November 9, 2012
Garyat View from the Wing is just an amazingly prolific blogger. He just keeps cranking mostly relevant & sometimes very original posts. I am still in awe of how many things he does. Always worth a daily visit. Today’s blogs were kind of weak with limited appeal, unless you are a UA 1K whose upgrades now […]
Introductory Post
Hi, I am George, known on twitter as @FlyertalkerinA2 and on Flyertalk and Milepoint as gpapadop. I have a severe addiction to all things related to miles/points/traveling. I have tried to cure myself but have determined that there is no cure. It is like the crack epidemic that somehow keeps going and going. There is […]