Please reset your RSS Feeds now that TBB is on the new site.
The Comments section is located on the top right corner of the post. Sorry it is not at its usual location at the bottom. Eventually…
You remember some time ago I posted this fantastic picture of that building in Bulgaria? Well, guess what. Nate at Yomadic visited and shot these super awesome pictures. “Communist Party Headquarters Buzludzha“. This is a MUST click in my opinion, you have NEVER seen any building quite like it!
Photo Tour of Iceland. At Twisted Sifter. Incredible black and white pictures!

This is what happens when severe “clear-air” turbulence hits a Singapore Airlines A380. This pic has been all over!
Disney, in a shocking move, raises the prices again! One day pass at Disneyworld in Florida is now $95; Disneyland in California is $92. That is so totally ridiculous. We did the obligatory pilgrimage when our kids were a little older. We came, we saw, we were not impressed. So much hype obviously! No gracias!
Loyalty Lobby has the timeline on the American Airlines – US Air merger. Holy cow, it they can pull this off in this time frame, Doug Parker will be THE CEO to rule the universe. My Delta pilot friend said he bets no one will be happy there. May be a great opportunity for United to get its act together! Delta you said? What? I can’t hear you. What is the matter with you???
The State of the Miles & Points “Industry”. By One Mile at a Time. Good stuff. I think the Deltafication has begun… And, as usual, View from the Wing expands on the Delta changes and correctly summarizes the Delta position towards its Skyteam “partners” as weasely (love it).
Reason # 789 to hate Delta: Even more enhancements. Now on a mad mad spree. How can you defend this airline you Delta believers, for how long? The Gate has the gory details.
Reason #790: Memphis to no longer be a Delta hub. Like this was a shocking move. What took them so long?
What is going on? Was Barclay’s having a special promo on pushing its cards yesterday? I lost count how many times I saw the Lufthansa and US Air card pushed! I was planning to post the names but it is already getting way too late! I think I picked the wrong niche, so much material:-)
Million Mile Secrets had part 5 of the Lufthansa award series. Just 3 comments, wow!
What is it with the enter once daily contests? How about enter once? We got better things to do! Unless it was for a car or mega trip or something useful. Good luck to anyone entering the contest at Mommy Points, Pizza in Motion and Points, Miles and Martinis. Well at least, it was not unlimited entries. There were some ridiculous contests like that over the years and some threads in FlyerTalk and Milepoint were soooo lame. I was making entries about my pet giraffes in them and just making stuff up about them…so ridiculous.
First2Board looks like it’s going the affiliate credit card route…There is a 30k US Air Card offer on its home page but it somehow does not violate the policy as it is not part of a blogger’s post. Instead it is part of a subsite “Deals”. There is a civil exchange in the comments about this, thanks to the founders for commenting! TBB spoke his mind…in the comments. I need to get some sleep…
I need to find me a groove so I do not lose all my eyebrows…#developing
Less than two weeks of school for the kiddos, yeah! Ok, this was just pure filler stuff in this section:-)
Mother nature’s fury: 30 of the most impressive lightning photos I’ve ever seen. From Francesco Mugnai
I totally LOVED this comment by Anonymous on June 4, 2013 at 6.10 pm at this blog post :
Nothing wrong with benefiting from the advice you give as long as you’re giving the very best advice you can and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.
Right on, thanks!

Let the fireworks begin!
See what I mean about needing a good spam-blocker? And this is just the beginning. I get about 20-30 a day and I only have a small blog!
OMG, this spam crap is so much worse than Blogger!Yiiiikes. The sofware you mentioned in the other blog post of mine…are they all “plugins?”?
Some solidarity going on in the land of blogheads. DeltaPoints is butting his head almost everywhere these days(MMS today, surprise surprise) in order to increase readership from 2 to maybe 3 (and their dogs of course).
Can’t wait for affiliate links to be cleansed from the system. These are probably normal people turned into scumbags because of easy money ….
I think you are angry perhaps? 🙂
Welcome back.
And here TBB goes being accused of welcoming that small 1% angry crowd…Been there, done that.
The day affiliate links are cleansed will be the day that TBB decides to join the circus
Top post right now on Delta Points:
“I like Delta MQM partner earning change!”
Of course he does
And why does he like it?
“Sure this over all does stink for us as it makes more work (nothing new for Skymiles right) and I only “like” this because with every change it could be much worse for us”
He basically likes it because they only destroyed the partner earning chart, instead of removing landing gear from their fleet
Words can not begin to describe…
My head was shaking it almost fell off…
Need to find a Slim Jim to flog myself.
And TBB has been described as Tabloid??
Entertainment at its finest…
You need the Akismet plug in. Will stop 99 per cent of spam. Free.
Wrote it down. I need to figure out how to install these plugins. Added it to the long list, thanks!
Akismet is free? I looked into that one when I first got WordPress, I thought you had to pay for an API key or something? TBB, the ones I mentioned in my other post are free. Installing plug-ins couldn’t be easier. You just go to the Plug-in page on your dashboard, type the name if your know it or do a search on keywords such as “spam blocker”, find the one you want. Click on install and the program does all the work!
Asylum at is free for personal blogs. Install the plugin and follow instructions. There is a no pay option. I use it on my blog and have no problems with Spam.
Asylum. That’s what I get for using my iPhone. I meant Askimat.
Thanks to you both Tara and Scott. I will get to it when I..get to it. You know I move very slow. Need to suit up for a soccer game tonight, priorities!
Why do I like Delta? Where else can you travel for 7% of the actual cost of flying? $5000 fight for $350. You tell me where else I can travel for that cheap and I’ll move to that airline.
Not following, please elaborate.
I will never pay $5,000 for a flight:-)
You can get Delta miles for 7% of their actual cost. No other airline has this capability. $400 ticket for $28 etc etc. This is why Delta is so good. I dont pay 5k for a ticket either but I will invest the time to pay $350 to get one of those biz class sleepers.
Glad you are happy with them. I am out. Just got tired pulling the knives out of my back:-)
Im not happy or unhappy. I dont care which airline I fly as long as its free or inexpensive. So far no one can point me to a cheaper way to earn miles than with Delta. Knives and backs seems so dramatic 🙂
I think you need to do a detailed post about how you earn them so cheap AND (here is the issue) how you spend them and how long it takes…You must take into account, I am an old Northwest Elite…yeah knives and backs does seem so dramatic but there has been a very long and steady slide to the abyss (more drama!) so I finally said NO MAS! No dinero to Delta.
“Please, Delta is not screwing its elites – rather, Delta is making sweet sweet love to its beloved precious elite flyers and there is nothing wrong with using a strap-on in the process” – DP trying to spin Delta’s latest move.
Delta is DPing its elite members (and I am not referring to the DP blog here!) – both on the redemption as well as on the earning side. Weasely is probably the appropriate word here!
DP is definitely NOT Pg-13, u better watch it or I ‘ll censor you okay? 🙂
If you never figured out why Randy runs those contests as “enter as often as you wish” then I’m a bit disappointed. Much like everything else, it is all about the money. Page views and posts can mean a lot of cash, depending on how contracts are structured.
And if you need help getting the plugins configured just holler; the previous offers I’ve made still stand.
I may be slow but not that slow to figure out the reason behind the way these contests are “structured”.
Thanks for the offers again. I have not forgotten. I am just overwhelmed trying to keep up with everything. So….I just keep going until….all my eyebrow hair is gone:-)
“Nothing wrong with benefiting from the advice you give as long as you’re giving the very best advice you can and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.”
Just keep in mind that “you” now are a salesperson (at the very least assist in the sales process) and should be judge accordingly. Once you get paid/commission you will ALWAYS have a bias. It wouldn’t surprise me if Chase looks as Bloggers are “wolfs in sheep clothing”, a common sales technique.
Yes, you are probably right. And this is why I never got along in that crowd. I couldn’t sell cat food to a starving cat!I feel much better in the completely transparent fiduciary fee ONLY paid DIRECTLY by client world.
Otherwise, so many non transparent shenaningans can go on and,of course, they do.
In a slight follow-up to Seth’s point (or perhaps not), I found Randy’s reply in the “Does anyone use Milepoint?” thread on Flyertalk to be faulty. (That being said, I probably owe Randy something for creating the hobby’s infrastructure.) He puts up comparable numbers at similar years of development on MP and FT, but that’s like comparing my harvest when I planted in January to my harvest of the seeds I planted in May. There’s simply a better environment right now for MP to use/adapt to, with more publicity and all. On the second point, the majority of Milepoint posts seem to be in the social forums, which fluffs the numbers while adding only small value in my view.
I wish Milepoint the best. I drop in there when I think I can help someone. But I still go to FT for information.
I think it’s been clearly established that the still-working non-affiliate US Airways card is a better deal than the affiliate link; the affiliate link only gives 30,000 bonus points for spending, and up to 10,000 points for a (not fee-free) balance transfer. As no one should pay for a balance transfer, or someone needing to transfer a balance shouldn’t have a rewards card, that’s pretty clearly a 30,000 bonus (v. 35,000 non-affiliate).
Honest blogs – blogs and aggregators that try to do the best by their readers – should provide links to the better non-affiliate offer.
Bloggers should also do best by their readers by directing Rocketmiles posts to Gary for the extra 1K miles, as noted yesterday. Good catch to whoever that was. As for Rocketmiles itself, meh.
We now know all we need to know about FTG that Gary’s link was deleted from the comments there, right?
Is this confirmed? Who did it? FTG staff? Ariana after she was reprimanded perhaps? I don’t know. Why do I care? I don’t give a crap actually. But TBB readers would like to know I think, you know, advancing the mission of the blog…to educate.
It is sad to see F2B starting to adopt similar practices…
Watching this whole thing unfold after watching this space for so many years is quite…remarkable and entertaining. You learn so much…
Again, I absolutely agree with you, again.
Your comments are so right on, never angry, always doing capitalism the right way.
You have accomplished so much to encourage transparency and disclosure in the short time you have been blogging. You are having a tremendous impact. Keep it up!
I appreciate the kind comment. Sure beats the hate mail I get. Actually I was expecting lots more of the hate mail! It just goes to show you that my readers are definitely not the angry type!
George, it’s the 5th, not the 3rd 😉
Please elaborate…what do you mean? I only had 4 hours of sleep last night. I so need a nap!
Ok, got it. Told you I am slow. I fixed it to the…4th. I cover the action from the previous page!
Thanks a lot.
DP in the comments section of his latest Delta-apology tour:
“@GWU – really really not the place to talk about this. It was just a description most would understand. Email if you want to chat more. This is no a Delta topic. Txs – Rene”:
This of course is one post after he wrote a piece about the Arrival Mastercard
I would ask him how THAT is a Delta topic, but it would probably get censored, since he’s a PG-13 blog
GU Wonder did manage to squeeze in 3-4 offtopic posts about the difference between condos and swedish apartment ownership structures 😉
Delta’s moves are so plainly anti everyone who flies them that defending the airline is just preposterous!
Then again my blog does not have Delta in its name, thank you Lord!
You are definitely angry:-)