Fog over Detroit River My travel back from FTU was quite an adventure! I redeemed 12,500 United miles for the red eye LAX to IAD and then was going to catch a short flight to DTW. After waiting on the plane for almost an hour, we returned to the gate. Cause=Fog in Detroit. The […]
December 3, 2012 – Catching up…
Frequent Flyer University is over in Los Angeles! A crazy weekend surrounded by a bunch of miles/points obsessed lunatics! We feel so at home being surrounded by lunatics, woohoo! As a veteran I realized going in that there would not be too many new things to learn. The best part about these conferences is the […]
December 2, 2012 – Announcing FRU in 2013
FTU LAX: Million Miles Secrets at In n Out The breakfast using my cert at the Radisson LAX was excellent. I must admit if all the Radissons were like this property, this chain could be mentioned in the same breath as, say, the Sheratons or the Doubletrees. Hey bloggers, can you do a blog about […]
December 1, 2012 – FTU & Miles/Points: Is it a cult?
Room 1209, suite upgrade at Radisson LAX It was a fantastic yesterday here in Los Angeles! The dinner on Thursday night, the Friday breakfast and lunches at the FairmontMiramar have all been wonderful! I absolutely adore my FairmontLifetimePlatinum status, I call it the status that keeps on giving! Thanks to Angelina, who writes Just Another […]
November 30, 2012 – Travel to FTU Day, Delta bomb coming & other stuff
Fairmont Miramar Platinum Welcome Gift, that Goat Milk Cheese was AMAZING! I had a very long day flying Southwest from Detroit to St. Louis to LAX. And going on only three hours of sleep. I am staying at the Fairmont Miramar on Thursday night which is beautiful. I am going to take it easy and […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 29, 2012
This was a very long and extremely busy day. All of a sudden, things started flying at me from all directions. When I get into these types of situations, I focus like a laser beam, get my James Bond Craig face on and charge ahead attacking each and every task with gusto! Just to […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 28, 2012
No idea where this is, I found it online & fell in love with it! I am bored. Nothing exciting is happening in the blogosphere. No mistake fares, no short term credit card haunting “EXPIRES AT NOON” headlines, definitely no new exciting mega signing bonuses in the horizon. There will be new Club Carslon cards out […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 27, 2012
Blue Mosque, Istanbul, June 2012 one of the few pics we took that came out good! Monday was a very busy day in the travel/miles/points/prepaids/Bluebird/morecreditcards/Bluebird area we so enthustiastically cover here at TBB. Our tagline should be: “We waste our own time reviewing travel blogs so you don’t have to”. Catchy enough? We tried […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 26, 2012
Welcome card at the Trillium House Resort in Blue Mountain, Ontario Canada 11/23/2012 The blogoshpere has been quiet, which is understandable of course as overdosing on carbs will do that to everyone! Bloggers continued to show off their cleverness and innovation skills in taking it to AMEX with the Small Business $25 […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 25, 2012
Other than a bunch of blog posts about how how everyone took AMEX to the cleaners in its generous Small Business Satrurday promotion ($25 per card, including authorized user cards), the blog activity yesterday was very light. It must be the Thanksgiving weekend or I am just bored out of my mind by following all […]