As you all know, the TBB family is enjoying the Westin resort at Blue Mountain in Ontario Canada. Our loft suite is fantastic and view is amazing. No snow but we knew that coming in, we just wanted to get away for a weekend! As expected, not much is happening in the blogoshpere. We expected the […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 23, 2012
from the Atlantic, see link below We here at TBB had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we sincerely hope you did too! We have a confession to make to our readers. We are Detroit Lions fans. Please don’t laugh at us. It is painful enough to watch this team ruin our Thanksgiving and frustrate us to […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 22, 2012
Santorini, Greece from Point Me to the Plane blog (see link below) Happy Thanksiving to all of you! Thank you for making TBB a part of your busy life. We sure appreciate it if you click on our credit card links and apply…just kidding. I believe it was very recently that bloggers proudly annonunced […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 21, 2012
Some things are not sustainable. Like all deals that get out to the masses eventually always come to a crashing halt, the frequency of daily updates of this blog is in danger. Why? It is Thanksgiving and our time will be spent with family and friends eating turkey, trying to avoid eating more than one […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 20, 2012
We here at TBB follow the travel blogs and write whatever comes in our heads. Sometimes we get people to laugh and we are so proud of that. Sometimes we get bloggers pissed off at us. We are sorry for that and we do get over it pretty quickly. We believe in enjoying life and […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 19, 2012
The TBB editorial board (shown above) is reviewing the policy of adding links to the other blogs featured daily as, after reviewing the FlyerTalk thread mentioned at the end of this blog post, the Board just realized that doing this only leads to these blogs rating higher on google searches, which leads to more credit […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 18, 2012
My fortune cookie from yesterday, so grateful! It sure has been a very interesting ride, this blogging thing. It is taking a lot of my time for sure and I can manage…so far. Thank you for all the comments, encouragement, feedback, and rants directed at me (so honored!). I welcome and appreciate them […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 17, 2012
It was a very exciting day at the comments in yesterday’sblog post. Traffic skyrocketed again as Rick of the Frugal Travel Guy took the time to rant about me, giving me some of the medicine I serve here. I felt honored that my 1 week old blog has attracted so much attention. Honored AND VERY […]
Travel Blogger Buzz – November 16, 2012
A kind reader sent me two articles yesterday that I read and I still feel…disturbed. Now that by itself is not unusual at all! But I was so disturbed AND my blood pressure rose so high that I felt this burning desire to sit down and write the mother of all rants. But, I realized I […]
Travel Blogger Buzz November 15, 2012
It has been an interesting experience so far, this blogging thing! I don’t know much about blogging obviously but I do know that is foremost about content. If the content is there the readers will come. And they are coming. It’s a bit surreal to be told “thanks for mentioning me in your blog, you […]