I pick some of the best comments that appeared in the TBB Comments in the past week. In true TBB fashion, I enter my own commentary in [brackets].
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From May 11th post: ” Charlotte CLT Mile Madness Meeting and Personal Reflections“
srin: Great post n felt good meeting you personally , the great thing about Charlotte do is most of them were true from their heart as your post [Amazingly, I heard this loud and clear many times when I was expecting a bunch of angry’s lol]
KennyB: Drop everything. Read this http://www.tickld.com/x/this-guy-just-made-the-staff-at-walmart-lose-their-mindsthis-is-genius [What KennyB said, do it now! One of the all time funniest reads since inception…of this blog!]
smittytabb: “What a great event it was! #milemadness is by far my favorite event of this kind. The people, the presenters, the venue, the food and drinks. It rocked. Thanks to Matt at Saverocity and so glad I got to meet so many fellow TBB fans. Just a very refreshing weekend all around.” [I think this captured it all. The end…until Numbero Dos I mean…#no pressure!]
Pixie Points: “George – It was great to meet you. I have to admit I was terrified of you beforehand! Seriously, loved our enthusiastic conversation…and so glad you aren’t scary in real life. [Hmmm, why people still think I am a scarily angry dude I have no idea. Maybe I need to soften up my image perhaps? ]
jpgisbd: Angry that I couldn’t make the event. [LOL]
From May 13th post: “Kickstarter projects, Wal Mart signatures, Mile Madness, Edin Chavez, Daily Crapways, More Boarding Area moves, Chase Ink credit card pump festival, World War I photos, Defecting to North Korea and more!“
Steve: Is there any doubt that Chase will eventually announce an end date which will lead to post titles such as:
1) Last day to sign up for CIB and CIP with 60K bonus is ______ (posted on day of announcement)
2) Reminder: 1 week left to sign up for CIB and CIP 60K offer (posted with 1 week left)
3) HURRY!!!! Last chance to sign up for CIB and CIP (posted with 1 day left
4) CHASE EXTENDS 60K CIB and CIP OFFER!!!! HURRY!!!! (posted right after Chase “decides” to extend their original date another 2 weeks. Cue blogger acting surprised)
5) CIB and CIP 50K offer drops to 50K. It’s still the greatest thing in the history of mankind
Well, as predicted, here we go folks:
Gary today – Act Soon: 60,000 Point Chase Ink Offers Now Expected to Disappear May 31
So now we have the official timeline down
May 13th – HURRY!!!! OFFER ENDS 5/31
May 24th – ONE WEEK LEFT!!!!! ACT FAST!!!!
May 30th – ONE DAY LEFT!!!! DON’T WAIT!!!!
June 1st (after the offer gets extended): BREAKING!!!! OFFER EXTENDED!!!! I TOTALLY DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!!!!
June 8th: 60K is gone, but still, 50K [insert link] is a nice bonus
From May 14th post: “Rhino Liftoff, Hotel Loyalty Programs, IC Royal Ambassador, more on Charlotte #Milemadness DO, Marathon Man Way, Chase Ink Card Links in Yoface, Prague, Croatia Beaches“
Erik: Did anyone who has a Barclaycard Arrival card log into Barclay’s site this morning? The card picture/description says “Arrival+” but no indication on what the “+” actually means. Where is the breaking news on this development? I’m shocked that nobody has used this as an excuse to pimp their Arrival links…[All important news break in…TBB comments actually! And of course many went on to pimp the crap out of the Arrival card. Delta Points found found the news of reimbursement period from 90 to 120 days…”stunning”. All I can say stunningly again is…WTF!]
KennyB: I believe all data points say you can get the second year fee waived easily. I didn’t even have to ask. I just called to cancel and they immediately offered a waive it. [ Re: Arrival Card. Make sure you call!]
The Grim Blogger: TPG says ’50k bonuses for the Southwest card are back’ Umm, no, they never left. What he’s actually saying “I get paid on the 50k Southwest card again, so please click my link now. I wasn’t talking about how you could get this card for the past few months when they didn’t pay me.” I’ve only seen a couple of bloggers mention the 50k offer in the intervening period. Hmmmmmm. [Who is this grim blogger???]
From May 16th post: Credit Cards, PayPal, Charlotte #milemadness reviews, ebates, Free United Miles, Airline Fee Schedules, Evolve “Secret”, Caves, Skylines and Drones
Kumar: …I guess i am also reading too many blogs off late. May be i should stop this stupid habit and do something more productive… [ Oh how I feel the same sometimes 🙂 ]
Adam M: Who defines good blogging?
Several people write about “not killing the deal”. That’s an entitled self-centered position: I know about something so only I get to take advantage. We’re all self-centered to some extent, unless you’re trying to book tickets only for adoptions, medical missions, and people fighting bride trafficking.
I argue against illegal statements and posts with errors. For instance, I oppose Delta Points because of the author’s ballot manipulation; I oppose FTG because of frequent posting errors; I oppose OMAAT when the author describes putting his foot under the scale at check-in; I oppose VFTW when the author posts lounge wi-fi passwords.
But what about hidden city ticketing? What about trading miles for a hotel stay? What about selling miles? What about posting an inferior credit card offer? What about taking advantage of a miscoded airport region? Or a mistake fare? What about a Kickstarter to fund a Residence review? What about manufactured spend?
I’ve done about half of those things, but I won’t do others. I know someone who would say “You shouldn’t do that” about every one of the above, yet would do at least one of the other things. Yes, including MS. It’s not like it produces societal benefit.
[excellent things to ponder…my not so elegant attempt to respond to Adam M. and Kumar]
TBB: This has become a business. Businesses are run for profit. Conduct varies widely. Some are out to make the quick buck any way they can. Others have higher ethical boundaries and prefer not to do shameful/ridiculous things for the extra buck. You see that in the blogosphere every day.
I despise the first group. I prefer the second one. Many of us are true gamers/addicts who primarily do this as a hobby as the day job still pays the bills.
I personally like the hunt/game for the deal. Sometimes I have found myself wondering WTF people do to get the same high. Frankly, sometimes I am embarrassed by some of the antics employed. And what really makes me angry is bloggers writing about some practices to, cough, increase the profits of their businesses.
They are bitches
At the end of the day…we should step back once in a while and realize this whole game is kind of weird, entertains us and some have figured out how to make a lot of money with it. We don’t have to drink their coolaid…and we are contributing to society to get newbies to learn from true experts who are doing it for the love of it and not for the love of the quick buck taking orders from the banks!
Hua: Just lamenting that VFTW and OMAT are turning into WalletSlot… Most of the “bloggers” are nothing more than affiliate marketers, while Saverocity has consistently provided entertaining and thought provoking content.

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First? or Avis?
Who’s drew?
I’m confused by the last picture? What do teen pregnancy and beet fruit (vegetables?) have in common? 😉
“Just beet it” in certain contexts may refer to, how can I put this delicately, not being “Master of your domain.” In this juxtaposition, it implies that the best way to avoid teen pregnancy is to not be “Master of your domain.”
I think Grant was being sarcastic.
Just a thought….Why not have TBB join the Saverocity Family? Seems like a good fit to me……..
thank you Scott for reading your TBB Fan Club newsletter
(before Brian does it…lol)
Steve – your time line is wrong… they added another reminder today that offer ends June 1. With about a dozen affiliate links. 😉
And I’ve only been reading here about a month or so.. great blog. But am I the only one who thinks the whole “first” thing is lame?
Yeah, that June 1 ending date was extra!
I tried to stop reader from doing the First thingie….but they won’t. At one time we were making fun of FTG blog that the “First” comments outnumbered the comments over there by 100 to 1. The founder promptly responded to make fun of us showing off how much money he made and how much its affiliate links were bringing in.
It’s all about the entertainment around here lol.
Of course it’s lame. And stupid. Last, for now.