We learn more on Structuring transactions, get up to date on the American Airlines upgrade rules, travel to Bulgaria and its weird Kukeri festival & more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Apologies for the missed email with yesterday’s blog post. Hopefully it works fine today. We sure did a lot of work praying for it, hope God listened! If you clicked more on….okay, see, hanging around online with so much pumping around me what do you expect? π
Since we are still trying to come down from the mega mayhem due to some posts regarding “structuring” and things of that nature, here is a post that puts it all together and educates readers about what we are dealing with. So please be very careful about this stuff! And certainly don’t blog about it with your full name and picture for the world to see! Which happens all the time with deals but this time we are dealing with the law that can have very harmful consequences!
Here is another brilliant post by Points Are King: The Tragedy of the Miles (or: Why Chaseβs 5/24 Rule is Good forΒ You) I tend to agree but it sure sucks being denied getting the amazing CSP card again π
Followed up with the wrap on structuring by Personal Finance Digest: How do you get to hang out with the cool kids.Β Pretty good advice with just one missing: Read my blog so you don’t miss the really important stuff and, on top of all that, you ‘ll laugh π
All right one more on this stuff we in this crazy hobby we love reading. On communities and responsibilities by The Free-Quent Flyer.
The Ultimate Guide to American Airlines Upgrades Rules. If you have not figured it out yet, I am very fond of reference type educational posts!
A good SPG promo if you stay at the SLS in Las Vegas before April 30, 2016.
The Mystical Origins of the Kukeri: Bulgariaβs Strangest Folk Festival. They do have some really weird festivals in Europe! I am talking…really weird!
Porsche to Open SolΓs Hotel as Part of Porsche Experience Center. Never heard of this brand, certainly looks cool!
I always wondered about this: Who Owns WordPress and How Does WordPress Make Money?Β So now you know. You are welcome.
I have written some stuff about Greece back in January 2014 and in July 2015. But this video titled: “The collapse of the last Soviet republic in Europe” puts it all together what I was trying to help you understand. Problems are so deep that is impossible to grasp among most Greeks, let alone everyone else! Sigh again!
Landscapes caught in a timestorm. Short video, just 2.17 minutes of pure awesomeness!
20+ Tweets that only married people will understand. Lol fest! Which one you hate the most? <—–no lame blogger questions from TBB woohoo!
Ok, no more dirt, I just don’t feel like it. The truth is I am tired from yesterday’s mayhem and all the time wasting on Twitter so here is an awesome pic expertly cropped to make me not look fat!

And I leave you with this…

My blog lists are ALWAYS evolving. Decisions to take blogs off a list are not done due to one post, it is a result of the latest body of work.Β They are PERSONAL. It’s how I feel at the moment after reading them for a while. I am always open to feedback, suggestions, comments, insults (but make them original, no more yawns!).
Whatever you do, enjoy the journey!
Please help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links, thank you!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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First on last Friday of the month is really something
Fourth on the fourth Friday is much more impressive…
Damnit… fourth on a fifth friday!
Get it together you guys, come on!
Ok, enjoy the wikend π
Ever think about restricting first place prizes to posts that show the commentor read that day’s TBB? There could still be a place for the others-sort of like the kiddie debate for Presidential candidates no one knows.
TBB Board will take this into consideration…It has been brought up before. Valid point. Intern is working on a device to administer electrical shock for anyone who does exactly that
HT Kumar: Be afraid
I would love to know how many people started that maze and couldn’t finish it! LOL
Shh.. Top secret, don’t tell anyone. My boss got caught by the police when he tried coming out of that maze that way and we are still digging his way out. And he refuses to pay my bonus.
Kumar: You are on your own this weekend, my back is still too tight. Taking it easy. YOU can do it and you can have the whole bonus!
projectx: I bet…many!
Thanks for the link (both today’s and yesterday)! Happy you enjoyed the strange thoughts on familiar topics.
Sure, they were excellent. Intern is working on the invoice π
With Ramsey, it’s always the Oregon Kush that;s doing the talking!?
Dear God, please forgive them!
Why have Oregon Kush when you can have…brownies!
My boss always says that credibility is one’s most important asset. I agree.
Citi Premier 50k offer may still be available here:
I am back to work after a binge with weed!
Is weed legal in Michigan now?
It is…for medicinal purposes.
There is a dispensary near my gym. Amazing how the patients get sick on Fridays after 5 pm lol.
IHG Rewards Club Introduces New 55,000 & 60,000 Points Award Categories
Sure you lazy blogger…I am sure you saw this at LL first, yep, sure…
Gosh, I just went to that “money order structuring” blog. Read today’s post.
It struck me as very defensive. One guy, “SF” , posted what I thought were some pretty good comments (see http://www.pointchaser.com/a-follow-up-on-that-money-order-post/#comment-83409 ) but the author basically missed or deflected all the points.
Why is so hard for the author to write “I phucked up. I’m sorry.” and drop it. Instead, we get a lot of unpleasant behavior.
Oh well, didn’t read that blog before and certainly won’t read it now.
We all can learn from all of our experiences. Hopefully, she learned too. It is never too late.
Fighting online with complete morons is lame. Has nothing to do with fighting back and standing up for women or whatever blah blah blah. It is obvious they are lame. I ignore them or just have fun with them for…entertainment.
I think it is the FTG effect? π
#GetOffMyLawn and #YouOldWhiteGuysLeavePrettyYoungGirlsAlone
Oh hell, even GOD was in before me. Must really be slipping…
Since I have nothing constructive to add to anything, I’ll just plunge on, because, well, that has NOT stopped me yet!
1. Constantly amazed at the lengths those of you in “The Hobby” will do to make a few thousand points/miles. As to the kerfuffle of the MO structuring: what an idiot, followed and defended by a similar bunch of idiots. Civil Asset Forfeiture is NO game/Hobby/fun.
2. However, having stated the above, the lack of civil discourse on Twitter and/or blog posts was sad to see. Despite the idiocy of the post, there is NO reason for the hateful, spiteful, ignorant commentary.
3. And my last comment on all of that: she’s a cute Afghani who went to USC. Can’t be ALL bad!! π
In an effort to provide some entertainment value here:
Nicaragua has a “religious” festival (read: drunken party far far far removed from anything saintly/holy/spiritual) whereby (Lucky’s favorite word?) the participants beat themselves with … bull penises.
Yes it’s true.
May your weekend be Buzzzzzzzzzing…
Nicaraguan parties are fun. Even baby showers are fun, what with the rum.
I agree with almost all comments…
Thinking of holding first TBB DO in Nicaragua…Not too thrilled about them bull penises lol.
I feel sad no post tomorrow….hmmm.
If you ever get serious about that, let me know — I’d be happy to do the ground work!
Just another gross sunny Saturday in Paradise — about 72F, parrots are attacking the mangoes, and the oropendolas (google is your friend) are making so much racket I may have to start throwing rocks at ’em…
Sounds nice indeed!
Baskin Robbins $1.31 scoops on 1/31/16. Now, which blogger is most likely to make a post of it and coming up with suggestions on the best card to use at BR? DD, Doc…
Well, Lucky OCAAT (M–>Credit) just had a post about the AMAZING way to use a travel conscierge with the Prestige card….so I think if he did that…I am sure he can find a way to make a post to sell whatever card is on sale π
And add a note that the best way to meet min spend on the Citi TYP card is to buy 2291 scoops at BR on 1/31 π
Just noticed the glaring exclusion of loyalty lobby from your list. I think he is one of the most committed in this space. Saverocity is missing as well. Just want to understand your reasoning behind the exclusions.
OMG….Loyalty Lobby was accidentally erased! I just fired that intern…youth these days, no attention to detail, can’t follow instructions, wow!
It is fixed now, they are back on there. Thank you!
Saverocity: Well, this is about blogs. I do not have a category about blog aggregators. If I did, it would be on there….But I did add the “Personal Finance” category. And Travel and Other. I think I better stop there.
I always found it confusing that Matt is so closely associated with the “Saverocity” brand. He should let the brand alone to flourish as the collection of the bloggers participating in it. And he should give PFD a bonus for busting my ass posting right after I schedule my posts requiring me to get up before 5 am to edit the darn thing…again!
Heh heh heh,
I was here early early this morning but didn’t have anything to say.
Still don’t really.
Have to work this weekend, most likely. π
Don’t work too much…enjoy the journey π
I decided to do the IHG Priceless Surprise promo. Mailed the stuff off on Jan. 22nd and got 94 emails from IHG today. I got over 40,000+ points, which will be put into my account in 2-3 weeks. We shall see how long it really takes to get credited, but that’s not a bad finish. At first I wasn’t going to bother, but I figured, “Why not?”
As for “The Hobby” and the aftermath of bluebird… it’s very interesting to see stuff hit the fan, when you’re watching from the sidelines. I quite enjoy observing the “slaughter” while everyone freaks out. It’s pretty apparent how desperate some of the titan bloggers are based on their recent posts. This is like the Darwin Awards and watching natural selection or population control within “The Hobby.” This is a good thing to me. I hope we say bye bye to a lot of them. π
+1. That was my immediate reaction when the BB news came out. This hobby definitely needs the herd thinned. I’m enjoying the freak out too.
Yep. From local friend true expert MSer on Twitter:
WM CSM says she has people daily w/ 2+ BB/Serves bitching they can’t load their card & giving CSR’s a hard time. Talk about clueless MSer’s
Saw that too, saved it to mention in a blog post.
Looks like Ariana has adopted the Frugal Travel Guy motto:
Often wrong but never in doubt.
George vs Ingy?
π π π π
Meow π
Technically, PFD is first today and I am second. Not bad on a saturday, huh?
My bad, Gringo is second and i am third π
I think I am going to start Saturday posts asking “What’s on your mind?” like the awesome Buzz Thought Leader I am hehe
If only Colin Firth were fourth.
Thanks PFD, LOLing, which one is George again ?
Yeah got to go into work later this morning, unless I can weasel out of it that is.
Well the bullying chicken is my amigo…but in Part 2 I am coming back and I am going to make it Kentucky Fried Chicken!
Thank you for taking my question. Do you think the ICONSUMER portal will pay out everybody’s GIFTCARD.COM purchases before they go bankrupt? Would you be interested in buying my ICONSUMER shares. Thank you in advance for your response.
Signed, Unsigned.
I think it’s probably the same guy who owned the crumbs website, another renowned ponzi in this land of ours. Guess who has been bragging about how much money he made off that site…
Trying to get the troll out of da hole π
Getting ready to watch my daughter perform with her dance group in the big stage…in the Michigan Theater…hope she does not trip lol.
Why not just call Saturdays “Ask the Buzz Day”.
Hey, I need a day off….otherwise I would be here answering them π
Dear Buzz,
What are the chances of me getting a 2nd Ink card, let’s say I start a 2nd business ? My cred score is good.
Ever heard of such a thing ?
Thank you.
Not good. Must be LEGIT business and the questions on it by the nosy Chase reps will be..well, very nosy indeed. Prepare to be asked many questions about the business!
In the old days, yep.
Anyone else?
Just read the whole PC Twitter thing. I’m surprised anyone even tangentially involved in MS isn’t aware of structuring and was very surprised a supposed “travel hacker” was not aware and had to research it. It just goes to show this hobby isn’t a science and just because someone can go to the store and buy gift cards and then go to another store and unload said gift cards doesn’t make them an “expert”.
That being said, I didn’t see the need for the criticism of her, both respectful and otherwise. Nothing like stories of a couple of newbies following her advice and having their bank accounts seized to cull the herd in this hobby.
There appears to be a lot of culling going on lately…
All this hobby is a steep recession….
I am not advocating this thing in general…just saying….what may push back a little the downwards trend…
On the looking up side, I burned some Skymiles today. 25k RT DTW-SAN….Wow!!!!!
OK Boss if I am here when you come out then dinner is on me.