Catching up with the comments for your entertainment. Besides, I am in the Ann Arbor Art Fair DO having a great time with true experts while charging a big fat $0 to enter the festivities. I thought about blogging about the earth shattering news that the Chase Sapphire card may be doing away with the 7% dividend while conveniently inserting some Chase credit card links hoping some bozo will click on them because they may have missed them the past one million three hundred thousand four hundred sixty ninth time they have been published!
To all the readers I met here in Ann Arbor, thank you for all your kind words as they do mean a lot to me. I do what I do and I am never angry. Don’t be angry. And for crying out loud don’t be a tool, think! Use my three blog lists to get a better handle on which blogs are worthy to read if you are new in this hobby.
PedroNY ordered two flat screen TVs yesterday using the amazing TBB Amazon link. Easily the highest revenue record setting day here at TBB. Thank you very much and…you can all be like PedronNY!
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Gems from the TBB Comments – June 8 -14, 2014
Brendan: Please schedule a dramatic reading of your electronic exchanges with ingy [One day when I have time I can post the gems from those exchanges. One day…which means not anytime soon!]
Richard: Just goes to show that it always pays to compare across sites (and these differences can often lead to great Expedia BRG opportunities). And Priceline… it amazes me that it has more or less dropped off the travel hacking radar. With the exception perhaps of someone with top-tier status at a hotel chain, if you’re flexible on location, the average traveler is often going to come out quite well relying on a Priceline approach. [That’s a good observation regarding Priceline]
The common man: “That pic of Gleff was seriously WTF. I feel like it should have a caption that reads “I don’t always wear PJs, but when I do I prefer taking pictures of myself wearing it in the lavatory and broadcast it on the internet. Stay Chase-y, my friends. And click my links.” [ “Stay Chasey”…that always gets me to lol ]
United Struggles, Ultimate Starbucks, Family Travel Seminar, Citibank CEO interview, Langkawi, Scotland, Dildo, Criticism, Alex Honnold, TBB Frontline Report
MilesAbound: “That is called churning and you are not supposed to do that you naughty person!!! Good blogs that want you to travel well for less money will not tell you about this, they are looking after your welfare” [Yeah…..riiiiiight….as in readers always come first. ]
TBB: “I am waiting for ingy to tell me my blog’s traffic metrics ” [Drew to me: “So is your readership going up?” Me: ” I don’t know”….Drew: “How does your Google Analytics stats look?” “I accessed that site last time in 2013, looks complicated”]
Top 25 Travel Rewards Credit Cards, Easter Island, Colossal Monuments/Statues, South America, Alex Honnold
P: “Mighty Travels deserves to be in a special list “Bloggers Who Are Douche Bags”. CNN. WTF!” [Still can’t believe that article!]
Steve: “For perspective, how many of those bloggers linked to the 2 Carlson cards that DON’T pay them affiliate commission in their Daily Getaways post?” [ Umm….none?]
Orchid Plus massacre, IHG Rewards account closing update, Hawaiian Airlines credit cards, Amtrak awards, Saverocity growing, Wal Mart, Amex enforcing rules, travel to Castles, Diamonds towns and Montenegro, Retirement & prepaid cards, Frontline Report full of fresh crap!
VC: Via the BA twitter feed, when I saw the OMAT and VFTW posting in almost absolute synchronization about that passenger that got something stuck somewhere, I just pictured them in my head whispering sweet nothings (aka blog posts) into each other’s ear, declaring “this time I’ll give you the H/T”
Sam: ““Remember, your credit is our most important asset!” A corporate motto to remember.” [It is brilliant!]
Steve: “The Point Gary’s post on “The Very Best Credit Cards with No Annual Fee” has 9 links to the CIB/CIP/CSP. You were saying something about formerly great blogs Buzz?” [Leave me alone…I can not wrap my head around this 7% CSP devaluation man!]
TBB: “Credibility is the most important asset. Your credit is second ”
Andrew: ““I started my blog this past month…” I guess next guest will say: “I’m thinking about starting my blog as I see you pimp the credit cards so much – must be great!”
TBB: “Why stop there? “I am thinking about starting my blog next year and want you all to hold off on getting the Ink Bold cards until I start it”…on a second thought, that may not go far lol”
harvson3: ” Sometimes we forget the safety basics. I think the following lessons hold for any large Latin American city:
1. Be extra-vigilant when crowds aren’t around. Know your surroundings and stay alert.
2. Know where you’re going before you head out.
3. Avoid ostentatious displays of wealth (e.g., flashing an iPhone, which, anecdotally, is expensive to purchase domestically in Brazil, or indicates that you’ve traveled abroad or know someone abroad who got you one).
TBB is going to the Brazil World Cup!
The Flight Deal: “Azul runs free transfer buses (among the three Sao Paulo airports): -> should look into it. [Awesome tip right here, came so so handy…assuming you are connecting to Azul flight!]
Trip Report: West Caribbean Cruise paid by Capital One Bank!
RAMSEY: “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL…..Congratulations Buzz, What a game! You gotta stay until they are done! You are the reason they won!” [Definitely, no doubt!]
Steve: “Looking forward to Rene posting a picture congratulating the 16 teams who advanced to the next round, and trying to photoshop Greece out of the list”
TBB: Me and my brother in Fortaleza, Brazil before the Greece vs Ivory Coast game in the World Cup, one of the happiest memories of my life after the historic win!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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Diamond 1st
Not bad!
I decided not to post here in the Comments tonight. Like George, I am taking the night off.
And the “No more 7% CSP dividend” posts start after some bloggers ridiculously squeezed many “is the 7% CSP dividend changing?” posts and links out of it…
Yikes…it never ends.
Time for breakfast with the other miles/points maniacs and then listen to Tahsir Bengali Miles Guru at the Ann Arbor Art Fair DO!
Read somewhere – author unknown. 5 things American movies teach us:
1. Chinese have nothing better to do than teaching or practice Kung fu.
2. More than 50% of US population are FBI/CIA agents, working undercover.
3. The purpose of school system of US is to promote basketball/baseball.
4. Aliens have special interest in attacking US.
5. US is a place where you can meet all mythical creatures like werewolves and vampires.
How about 5 things American credit card companies teach us? George – from the mouth of humour please..
Depends on which bank’s credit card pays the highest commission at this time… 😉